Tyler did not spend the night. Sidney wasn’t sure if she was disappointed by that or not. Even so, it was nice waking up in Carly’s arms. Normally the women didn’t hold each other during the night, or at least Sidney didn’t remember waking up that way. When she did wake up she realized that her head was resting on Carly’s shoulder, with her nose right next to the smaller woman’s breast.
Sidney was sure she was hallucinating it, but there was a certain scent in the air.
It wasn’t flowers.
It wasn’t sex.
It wasn’t morning body sweat.
It was a mix of Carly’s normal perfume…and milk.
It was her milk.
Sidney knew that was just crazy, but she was certain she smelled Carly’s enticing milk in her breasts. Carly wasn’t leaking, so that wasn’t it.
For half a moment she reflected and realized that maybe, just maybe, she was all but addicted to Carly’s milk now.
Not wanting to think about that, Sidney pushed the thought aside and did what came naturally to her now: she wiggled her body lower down and found Carly’s ripe nipple.
She only had to suck gently before her mouth was flooded with sweet milk.
Carly moaned a little as she started to come awake.
“Sleeping…” she mumbled and vaguely pushed at Sidney, but the big blonde was insistent. Once she got a taste of Carly’s milk, she wanted it all.
Sharing with Tyler the night before had been torture.
Sweet, wonderful torture mixed in with a lot of orgasms, but torture nonetheless.
Once Carly’s milk got flowing, it was impossible to stop it. Sidney latched on and nursed happily. She opened her eyes and looked at the milk slowly leaking out of Carly’s free breast. She rested her hand lightly on the other woman’s tummy and wondered if she should just reach for her pussy and make love to her girlfriend.
“Oooh…feels good,” said Carly as she started to wake.
Letting go of Carly’s nipple, Sidney gave her a quick kiss and then latched on to the leaking breast.
“Touch me,” Carly begged. “Make me cum.”
That was all the enticement Sidney needed. While continuing to suckle, Sidney moved her hand to Carly’s pussy. The brunette willingly opened up her legs, giving the blonde full access to the gates of heaven.
Between sucking her tits and rubbing her clit, it was incredibly easy to make Carly cum.
When Sidney broke the latch, Carly begged, “No! You can’t stop now!”
“It’s my turn,” Sidney insisted. She had nursed from both of her girlfriend’s tits and the majority of milk had already been drunk. Carly pouted, but got into position willingly enough.
The moment Carly brought Sid’s nipple to her mouth, the big blonde gasped and pulled away.
Miffed, Carly said, “What gives?”
Sid carefully cupped both her breasts. “They’re sore!”
Reflecting for a moment, Sidney realized that her breasts had been sore since she woke up, but the lure of Carly’s milk was more than enough for her to ignore that issue. The moment her tits were touched with any real intent made her realize how sensitive she was.
“Was Tyler too rough on them last night? Was I?”
Carly gave it some thought. “No. Not at all.”
“Okay, let me look,” Carly insisted as she carefully peeled Sidney’s hands away even as the blonde resisted. “They look okay…maybe a bit swollen.”
“Don’t touch them!”
Carly grinned. “I think you’re just lactating more than you realize and there’s only one way to relieve the pressure.”
Carly ignored her girlfriend and carefully applied her lips to one fat, swollen nipple. Sidney sharply inhaled but didn’t object.
The brunette nursed a little, using as much suction as she dared. It didn’t take much. Sidney’s milk almost immediately let down and filled Carly’s mouth. She swallowed and said, “See. Simple solution.”
“Don’t stop,” Sid told her and cupped her free breast and Carly resumed nursing. Sid moaned and laid back on the bed.
It hurt and felt good at the same time, the irony of good sexual contact.
Sidney couldn’t help herself. She kept massaging her free breast. Between that and Carly’s mouth and the whole situation, when she squeezed hard enough, her milk sprayed up into the air. Several small fountains of the white liquid erupted from her nipple, shooting in all directions. Some got into Carly’s hair. Some fell back onto Sidney’s chest and skin, some landed on the sheets, making them wet.
Much to Sid’s surprise, the sensation of making herself spray milk was enjoyable. It was akin to masturbation. Maybe not as good as that particular activity, but certainly in the same arena.
She kept massaging and squeezing, not caring if she soaked Carly and the bed. She just wanted to cum, but it wasn’t going to happen because she didn’t have nipple orgasms, not like her girlfriend.
Abruptly Carly stopped nursing. “No! Keep going!” Sidney insisted.
“You’ve dried up. No more milk.” Carly gave her a light kiss on the lips. Sid could taste her sweetness.
“Don’t stop anyway. I need to cum.”
“I’m going to help with that,” said Carly as she moved down the big blonde’s body.
Sid knew exactly what that meant and happily opened up her legs for Carly. The brunette noted that her girlfriend and allowed a short plush of pubic curls to regrow. How had she not seen that before now? She then eagerly licked Sidney’s puffy labia and used her fingers to spread Sid’s lips, exposing her clit.
As keyed up as she was, it took little effort on Carly’s part to get her girlfriend off. She liked it when her face was coated with Sidney’s amrita. It was dirty and sexy in the right combination.
Sharing kisses afterwards was the best part.
“We need to talk,” said Carly.
“No, no!” replied Sidney, hopping out of bed. “Talking about a relationship is the best way to doom it!” Naked, she dashed for the bathroom with every intent to shower and remove the excess milk that had gotten all over her.
Carly was right behind her. “Yes. We need to talk. About us. About Tyler. About Robin and Jerry and even fucking Dick my ex.”
Sidney had already turned on the water and set the showerhead to pulse, not because she wanted a massage, but because she wanted to drown out Carly’s words.
“Sorry! Can’t hear you over the shower. We’ll have to talk later, much later.” She started scrubbing herself with body wash, hoping that Carly would take the hint.
Instead of leaving, Carly slipped into the shower with her. Carly’s apartment was modest and the shower was standard sized. Even with the smaller than average Carly, Sidney’s height and big boobs made the space seem incredibly close. When Carly reached up to adjust the showerhead into a spray rather than a pulsing drumbeat, Sidney smirked and giggled when her fingers fell just an inch short.
“I guess we’ll talk later,” Sidney said to reinforce her point. “Maybe you should step out so I can finish washing.”
Angry, Carly grabbed Sidney’s breasts. Her nimble fingers found Sid’s large nipples and pinched them causing the other woman to gasp and freeze in place.
The pain in her tits was exquisite and paired with the steady pulse of the water beating on her back, she was in sky blue heaven.
“We need to talk. Here and now,” Carly insisted.
“Sh-sh-sure,” Sidney stammered. “Can…can…can you let go of my tits?”
“No. I need you to pay attention.”
“Okay,” Sidney agreed. She could have pushed Carly’s hands aside but that would have taken away the beautiful pain and pleasure.
“Are we going to continue to fuck guys together?” Carly asked bluntly.
“I sure hope so,” Sidney said dreamily. Thinking about what she and Tyler—and Carly—had done last night made her pussy faintly pulse in anticipation.
“I’m not sure I want to be in a disjointed threesome for the rest of my life,” Carly snapped at her.
“Oh? Why not?” She slowly shimmied her shoulders back and forth, increasing the tension from Carly’s pinching fingers.
In response Carly twisted Sid’s nipples causing her to gasp and want to fall to her knees. That wasn’t something she wanted to risk. Slip and falls in the bathroom were always dangerous. She put a hand against the shower wall and remained on her feet.
“Because I’m not a fucking lesbian!” Carly all but shouted at her girlfriend.
“Neither am I!” Sidney shot back. “I’m bi!”
“Well, I can’t marry a bi girl!”
The two of them looked directly into each other’s eyes.
“I’m not ready to get married,” said Sidney, gently pushing aside Carly’s hands.
The brunette released Sidney’s nipples. She was wet now—and not in the good way. The water was spraying all over. She couldn’t believe what she had said.
“I mean, I could marry you,” said Carly realizing she had just fucked up her relationship. “I’m just not ready to get married.”
“Then why’d you bring it up!” Sid thought about her mother’s recent texts and ignored that problem.
“I don’t know!” Carly burst into tears. “Because I love you. But I can’t imagine marrying a woman! I mean, I love fucking men, don’t you?”
“Didn’t you see me in your bed last night?”
Carly threw her arms around Sidney, hugging her tight. “Everything is so messed up right now.”
“I don’t think an impulsive decision and a shower argument will solve anything,” Sidney said gently.
“I know. But I don’t know what else to do.”
“We’ve only been dating two months.”
“I want to get married.”
Sidney pulled back. “I didn’t know that.”
“Well, I do. Maybe not tomorrow, but I want to get married and have kids and have a partner for the rest of my life…”
“And I’m fucking that up?”
“Not exactly. I mean, I guess I always pictured myself getting married to a man. Marrying a woman…I mean, sure. Why not? But that calls into question how I’m going to get pregnant.”
“You mean besides all the threesomes we’ve been having lately.”
Carly blinked. “Oh. Yeah. Right.”
“We’re getting way ahead of ourselves.”
“You’re right.”
“Want to talk about this more out of the shower?”
“That…would be a good idea.”
They were strangely silent after that. Both were lost deep in their thoughts. They didn’t mention the shower conversation again, but they kissed each other goodbye and went their separate ways for the morning.
They both couldn’t stop thinking about each other…and their milk.
Sidney’s first act upon arriving at her office was to pull out her phone and actually call Jerry. She didn’t need to be at the office. It was Saturday morning but she needed time away from Carly.
“Please tell me you’re not dead,” he said when he answered the phone.
“Obviously not.”
“Then why the hell are you calling me? Is someone else dead?”
“No. Can’t we have a normal conversation?”
“Yes, but…I’m busy.”
“Do you have another woman in bed with you right now?”
“What would you do if I said yes?”
“Ask you if I could join?” She hadn’t gone into the office yet. She was just sitting in her car.
“Shit. I’m in Rochester. No way could you get here in time…and I’m alone to boot.”
“I’ve got something serious to tell you, Jer.”
“Fire away. I’m just taking care of bullshit anyway.”
“I got a marriage proposal this morning,” she reported.
There was silence for a long moment before Jerry finally said, “Was it a serious proposal because last I knew…”
“It was accidental.”
“How does one make an accidental proposal?”
“Never mind about that. But it was from Carly.”
“Oh. Going full-on lez then?”
“Don’t be crude. And no, we’re not.”
“Do you want to marry her?”
“That must have crushed her.”
“Not really, because she wants to get married, but not necessarily to a woman. I think she’d prefer a man because she wants to have kids.”
“There’s lots of guys who will gladly fuck two women at the same time. Case in point: me.”
“Ha. I can see why your comedy career has taken off.”
“There’s also sperm banks.”
“Great. Thanks for the advice. But I think she’s in love with me, but she doesn’t want to marry me.”
“Okay. Interesting. Do you love her?”
Sidney appreciated how Jerry was so accepting and understanding of the situation.
“Yes. But love alone doesn’t make for a good marriage.”
“True enough. So what are you two going to do about this little conundrum?”
“Ever hear of group marriage?” asked Jerry.
Since it was Saturday, Carly knew that her office would be deserted. Instead, she went shopping and was upset to realize that the mall didn’t open for another couple of hours. But that was fine. She had people to call.
But she didn’t know who to call.
There was Britney, her cousin. But she wasn’t going to make that call. As much as she liked Britney, there was no way Carly could tell her cousin that she was in a romantic relationship with a woman.
Her friend Margie from college was an option. But Margie was on the west coast now and it was too early to call, wasn’t it? Margie wouldn’t judge and she’d give good advice, but they hadn’t spoken in…how many months? Was it over a year now?
Scrolling through her list of contacts she hesitated on Dick’s name.
“Fucking Richard,” she said under her breath. “That’s a terrible idea.”
She knew that if she called him, they’d hook up. It was literally that easy. She was horny and confused and she wanted to be in a relationship, she just didn’t know if she wanted to be in this relationship.
As difficult as it was, she moved on from Dick.
She paused on Dominic’s name. She knew it was a bad idea. Dominic was a nice guy but they had broken up after college because they wanted different things in life. He wanted to travel and adventure. She wanted to get married and have kids.
It was easy to convince herself that she could present this as an adventure.
It was early, but not that early. The last address she had for him was his parents’ house, just an hour away. It was a stupid longshot, but she called anyway.
“Hey! Dom! It’s Carly! It’s been a long time, right?”