Meeting with Richard—Dick—was easier than she thought it would be. He was amenable to seeing her for lunch. She knew that he wanted to get back together with her. Through a couple of mutual acquaintances she had learned Dick’s relationship that he jumped into right after dumping her had run its course and he was either eager to get laid or to learn the errors of his ways.
The chain restaurant had a terrible vibe that wasn’t vile, just disappointing. That was the perfect atmosphere. It was exactly what she wanted.
She even allowed him to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
They made small talk for a minute and then she jumped right into the heart of the matter. She had no intention of dragging this out.
“Do you want to get married and have kids?” she asked him outright.
The waitress had just approached the table. She quickly put water glasses and menus on the table and walked away without saying a word.
“What? I mean…that’s pretty quick, isn't it, Carly?”
“It’s what I want,” she said levelly.
Dick looked around the dining room as if desperate for an emergency exit or the sweet welcome of a dinosaur-killing meteor.
“I mean…maybe, yeah. Someday. Not right away. Do you want to get married tomorrow or something?”
She liked how uncomfortable she was making him.
“No. Not tomorrow. But soon. I’m looking at a year, max.”
“A year?” A line of sweat burst on his too-large forehead.
“But I’ve got a sweetener.”
Now Dick was confused. “A sweetener?”
“I have a girlfriend,” she confessed conspiratorially, dropping the volume of her voice.
“A what?” Dick was starting to grow a confused boner. “Are you a lesbian now? Why did you invite me here if—”
“I’m bi,” she said even though that wasn’t the whole truth. “You’re going to have to get to know Sidney and you’re going to have to like her. I’m not giving her up. I’ll have a relationship and a marriage with you, but I’ll still love her.”
“I don’t—”
“And if she likes you we can be a threesome. A little triad modern marriage.”
“You’re kidding.”
“She and I have fucked three guys together already. Want to be number four? Want to be our permanent mister?”
Dick’s head was spinning. He was sure she was kidding, but the look in her eye told him she was not. If Dick knew only one thing in the world it was when a woman was being serious. That and when he made a woman cum.
“You’ll have two women to choose from to fuck anytime you want. And you can watch us fuck too.”
He was sincerely interested.
“Okay, but—”
“One more thing,” she interrupted him. “What do you think of lactation?”
“Breast milk,” she clarified.
“Uh…the stuff you feed babies.”
“Right. And the stuff I share with my lovers.”
Not knowing what else to do, Dick laughed nervously. “I don’t think that’s—. Wait. Share with your lovers?”
Carly had dressed in a top that was held up with just two small spaghetti straps. This was intentional. The top supported her small breasts just enough and it was obvious, even to a casual observer, that she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Or even a camisole.
It was a risk on her part, but she was certain that Dick would do nothing to turn her on.
“Yes. Share with my lovers.” In a smooth movement, Carly pulled down the straps to her top and exposed her small, pert breasts.
Dick’s eyes went wide. “Carly!”
“See?” she asked as she squeezed both breasts and set streams of milk spraying across the table.
Dick jumped back as if the liquid issuing forth was acid and not sweet breast milk.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he said, shoving the table, causing the plates and silverware the clatter. Both glasses of water swayed back and forth dangerously and for a second it seemed like they would be safe. Carly pulled her top back up and Dick grabbed for one glass, saving it, but in the process he knocked the other one all the way over, dumping water on his plate and side of the table.
“Nothing. Why? You don’t like milk?” she asked innocently.
Most of the restaurant was staring at them now but no one said a word. Living in upstate New York everyone knew to mind their own business.
“There’s something seriously fucking wrong with you, Carly. I…I just can’t today. I can’t. Never.” He pulled out his wallet, threw down some money and ran for the door.
Through the large windows in the front of the restaurant Carly saw him speed away in his car.
“Did you just pull down your top and get that creepy guy to run away?” asked the waitress as she came over to see what the commotion was. She had a towel with her and proceeded to wipe up the spilled water.
Having nothing to lose and frankly, she would have been happy to get kicked out of the dreary restaurant, Carly said, “Yes.”
“Righteous. I’m bringing you a free drink.”
“Make it a double?” asked Carly.
The waitress winked at her. “You got it. Nice tits, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure.”