Also from Green Bush Publishing
By Elliot Silvestri
Already Pregged
An Adorable Slave
Ami’s Ambrosia
And Giselle’s Mother
Andrews St. Crossing
Aren’t You Curious
Astrophil & Stella
The Breast of Dawn
The Breast of Day
The Breast of Night
Breeding on the Farm
Bringing in Casey’s Cream
Caged and Milked
Centaur’s Harem
Centaur’s Slave
Centaur’s Wife
The Cheating Secret
The Collegiate Milkmaid
Come Out and Play
Costume Drama #1 – Kinky Nerds
Costume Drama #2 – Kinky Nerds
A Cow’s Tale
Cream In My Coffee
A Cuck In Hand
Cuckold Cheat
Cuckold Vacation
Cul-De-Sac: A Suburban Erotica in Around
Demon Harem
The Demoness in My Bed
The Devil of Dunwich
The Devil’s Kiss
The Devil’s Mark
The Devil’s Wife
Dollar Milk Maid
Emergent Milk
An Erotic Arranged Marriage
Even If I Did Hate Her
Faithless Milk
For A Slave
Geoffrey the Bard and the Golden Phallacy
Geoffrey the Bard and the Good Knight’s Rest
Gretchen’s Twins
Good Boy Sub
Happy Hucows, Inc.
Heather’s Story
Her and Me and Him
His and Hers Affairs
His Wife’s Rich Milk
I Love Your Wife
Ida’s Milk
In The Knight’s Bedroom
The Invisible College of Magic
Jackie Milk
Jillian’s Contract
Kassie’s Service
The Key Holder
The King’s Right
Lactation Control
Lactation for Two
Lessons with Mrs. Waterski
The Let Down Reflex
Like Candy on the Tongue
Love Sweet Sex Magic
Lover’s Milk
Luke’s Milkmaids
Margaret Over Billy
Margeaux Known As
Manage á Milk
Milk & Chastity
Milk Addict
Milk and Honey
Milk Bar
Milk Fever
Milk for Free
Milk Girls
The Milk Lovers
Milk for Sale
Milk for the Prince
The Milk Producers Collective
Milk Slave
The Milk Thief
The Milkmaid of Human Kindness
Mike & Cookie
Milking the O’Malleys
Milking on the Farm
Milking Polly
A Milky Education
Misanthrope – First Summer
Ms. Menolly Mlkvy’s Milk
My Submissive Pair
Never Too Many Pregos
Odette Odalisque
Overly Familiar
The Palace
Pain and Lactation
Pain Makes You Beautiful
Penny’s Secret Life
Perfectly Average
Petranella’s Lactation Control
Preg Party
The Prince’s Whores
The Princess and the Ogre
Princess Not-So-Innocent
Raffe the Rake
Ranulf’s Conquest
The Red Collar
Rhette is Red
Selling Myself
The Sex Wizard
Sexy Preg
Sharing Her with Him
A Slave Auction
Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
Spilling the Milk
Spilt Milk
Steel Restraint
Submissive Milking
Sugarman’s Milk
Summer Collar
Sweet Susan
Sweet Treats
Swinging Ring
Taking Gwendolyn
The Tamed Bull
Tania’s Transformation
Thrall of the Succubus
Too Intimate Sibs
Total Lockdown
The Troll’s Trollop
True Cow Girl
Turn Off My Feelings
Unicorn Hunters
Upon the Nipples of Julia’s Breasts
The Urge
Using Naomi
Victor’s Chastity
A Virgin Sacrifice
The White Queen and Her Enchanted Milk
Why She Cheats
Willing to Milk
Winifred Polk—Adult Experience
Winifred Polk—Learning Curves
Without Your Wife
You Cow Hucow
You’re Doing It Wrong
Your Name Written On Me
Adventures on the Farm series
Breeding on the Farm
Milking on the Farm
The Red Collar
Victor’s Chastity