Reading through previous Acknowledgements contained in books in this series I see that the form is to thank all the wonderful people that have written about and researched Cognitive Therapy. Quite right too, I hope that is taken as read. More immediately, however, I would like to thank Amy and Helen for the work they put in to typing this book at very short notice, under great pressure, and with very little irritation! (One or two assertive comments perhaps, but probably well justified!) Also to Paul Gilbert for pushing forward what he terms my ‘approachable writing style’ and, just as much, to the publishers for creating a series that is so relevant and important that it makes one enthusiastic to write for it. Finally, although I can’t imagine they will ever read this, an acknowledgement to ‘Danny and Vicky’ who feature in one of the many case studies and who may well be recognised for the well-known characters they are. A special word of thanks to them for the endless entertainment they provide, and of reassurance that their inclusion is not yet another dig at them, but is simply intended to create an entirely non-malicious smile in the reader.