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Abu Zaida, Sufian, 497–98
Achmon, Arik. See also the Foundation for the Families of the Fallen of the 55th Brigade
childhood and early life on Kibbutz Givat Brenner, 36–39, 67
education, 52, 171
friendships, 127, 105–107, 108, 129, 165–66, 191, 266, 316–17, 368, 469, 503, 504, 522
and Kibbutz Netzer Sereni, 43–46, 51
military service xvii, 35–36, 40–42, 42–43, 46–50, 52–53, 58–59, 63–65, 67–69, 71, 72, 78–93, 101–102, 166–68, 227–28, 230–31, 236–36, 238, 239–245, 249, 253, 259–60, 383–87
and Motta Gur, 46–47, 52–53, 58–59, 64, 68, 71–72, 76–78, 87–88, 96, 103, 104, 109, 139–40
marriages and family life, 44, 49, 50, 54, 110, 127–28, 140–41, 171–72, 225–26, 262, 455–56 (see also Achmon, Yehudit)
political life, 38–40, 172, 269, 271, 272, 276–78, 319, 325, 359–60, 431–32, 477–78, 528–29, 530, 532–33
professional life, 173–75, 196–97, 346–51, 362–63, 392–395, 399–400, 411–13, 453–54, 457–58, 467–68, 470, 527
visits to the West Bank, 152–53, 359–60
Achmon, Yehudit
relationship with Arik Achmon, xiv, 53–54, 110, 128, 140–41, 455, 527
family, 171–73, 225–26, 262, 350–51, 412–13
and Gulf War, 456
move to Tel Aviv, 197
Adiv, Asaf, 217, 295, 414–15, 451–52
Adiv, Udi
arrest and trial, 213–14, 216–18
family, 137, 215, 216, 451–53, 520
and Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, 129–31, 197–98, 215–16, 427
and Leah Leshem, 210, 286, 342–43, 414–16, 427, 429–30, 452–53, 520
military service, 60–61, 73–74, 75, 79, 97, 104, 160–61
political life, 129, 159, 163, 197–98, 208–14
in prison, 285–87, 295, 414–16
release from prison, 427–30
and Sylvia Klingberg, 286, 295, 341–42
Agnon, Shai, 121, 186
Agranat Commission, 277
Airports Authority, Arik Achmon’s involvement in, 467–68
Al-Fatah. See Fatah
Al-Hamishmar (newspaper), 5
Alon Shvut, xiv, 170, 305, 318, 405, 519, 551n275
Altalena, 301, 303
Alpher, Yossi, 493–94, 496, 498, 541
Alterman, Natan, 187–90, 192, 328, 338, 526, 549n187
Amichai, Avinoam, xv, 148, 228–29, 247, 312
Amital, Rabbi Yehudah
eulogy for terrorism victim, 303
relationship with Hanan Porat, 396–97
opposition to invasion of Beirut, 392, 395–97
speech following Rabin assassination, 512
and Yom Kippur War, 228, 274–75
Ammunition Hill, 66, 71–72, 86, 94, 136, 140, 377–78, 533
anti-Zionism, 27, 80, 163, 290, 451, 507, 521. See also Matzpen
Arab League, the, 142
Arafat, Yasser. See also Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
denial of Israel’s right to exist, 287–88
and Fatah, 29, 485
and Hamas, 515
and Lebanon War, 388–90
and peace process, 449, 476–79, 483, 491–92, 508, 528–29, 531–32 (see also Oslo Accords)
Argov, Shlomo, 383
Aridor, Yoram, 362
Ariel, Meir
becoming religious, 292, 306, 344–45, 432–33, 436, 443–44, 473–75
death, 526
in Detroit, 157, 163–65
family life and Tirza Ariel, 155–56, 255, 278–79, 291–92, 305–6, 474, 525
insult to gay community, 524–25
“Jerusalem of Iron” (song), 85, 103, 105, 107–8, 131, 132–33, 135, 155, 230, 434, 522
and Kibbutz Mishmarot, 198–99, 200, 201, 291–92, 408, 410, 432, 436–37
military service, 84–85, 98–99, 100, 254–55, 259, 263, 397–98, 521–22
songwriting and musical career, 199–200, 201–3, 263, 305, 307, 327–29, 433–36, 443–44, 499–501
Ariel, Tirza
marriage and family, 155–57, 164, 198–99, 201, 278–79, 291–92, 399, 433, 474
professional life, 410–11
and labor, 394, 399
partnership with Kanaf, 196–97, 271, 346–350
planes requisitioned during wartime, 231
and politics, 362–63, 392–93
running of, 350, 360, 412, 468–69
Artzi (kibbutz federation), 545n38. See also Ein Shemer, kibbutz
Ashkelon, 492, 552n335
Ashkenazi, Motti, xvi, 268–69, 272, 276, 550n268, 550n272
Atlit, 207
Atzmona, 375, 376
Barak, Ehud, 250
Bar-Ilan, Avraham, 379
Bar-Lev Line, 228, 236, 254, 262, 268, 276
Bar, Yehudah, 244
Baytin, 440
Becker, Chaim, 394
Begin, Menachem
appeal to Sephardim, 361–63
and arrest of Udi Adiv, 214
and Egypt peace treaty, 323–27, 335
and Hanan Porat, 322–24, 326, 353–54, 552n322
reaction to Sabra and Shatilla massacre, 390–91
resignation as prime minister, 417, 554n391
and West Bank settlements, 322–23, 326, 335, 353–54
and Fatah, 497
IDF withdrawal from, 397
and Lebanon War, 387–90, 392, 395, 554n388
Udi Adiv trip to, 211–12
Beirut-Damascus Highway, 384–85
Beit Lid bombing, 495
Ben-Aharon, Yitzhak, 320
Ben-Dov, Shabbtai, 339–40, 552n339
Ben-Gurion, David, 41, 101–2, 115, 289, 301
Ben-Gurion Airport, 323, 347, 453, 457, 468
Ben-Noon, Uri, 469
Ben-Shlomo, Yosef, 497–98
Ben-Zvi, Rachel Yanaít, 489–90
Bet El, 499
Bethlehem, 112, 114, 144, 266, 318, 405, 506, 510. See also Rachel’s Tomb
Bikur Cholim Hospital, 73, 75, 95, 102
Bin-Nun, Esther, xiv, 30–31, 34, 123, 153, 229, 261–62, 266, 281, 294, 372, 519
Bin-Nun, Yoel, xiii
and Bnei Akiva, 19, 179
childhood and family, 19–22, 27–28
and Esther Bin–Nun, 30–31, 34, 123, 153, 261–62, 266, 281, 294, 372, 519 (see also Bin-Nun, Esther)
friendships, 257–59, 314, 368, 389
and Gush Emunim, 280–83, 288–91, 297, 299–302, 322, 376, 450 (see also Gush Emunim)
in Jerusalem during the Six–Day War, 93–94, 97–98, 101, 105, 108
and Jewish access to the Temple Mount, 337–38, 340–41, 414, 537–38
and Mercaz Harav yeshiva, xviii, 23–28, 31–33, 56, 145–46
military service, xviii–xix, 29–30, 61, 63, 70, 74, 76, 78, 89, 93–94, 97–98, 101, 119–20, 126, 159, 228–32, 245, 248–49, 261–62, 265–66, 536
and Mount Etzion Yeshiva, 123, 154, 170, 203–5, 228, 275–66, 304–5, 369–70
in Nekudah, 397, 403–404, 449, 480, 491–93, 554n395, 555n449, 556n492
and Ofra, 313, 338–39, 365–66, 423–24, 519
and Ofra Ulpana, 444–45, 448
and religious Zionism, 22, 24, 63, 109, 205, 257–58, 265, 280, 397, 403–404, 425–26
response to attacks on Arabs, 356
and settlement politics, 320, 322, 324, 370–71, 418–20, 438–39, 446–51, 458–59, 463–64, 477, 479–80, 482–85, 490–93, 495–96, 505, 507, 515–16
and Yamit, 365–66, 369–70, 372, 374, 376, 379, 390
and Yitzhak Rabin, 280–81, 289–90, 449–51, 459, 463–64, 477, 479–80, 483–85, 491, 495–96, 505, 507–14, 556n463
Black Panthers, 219
Black September, 210
Bnei Akiva (youth movement), xiv, 19–21, 27, 29, 148, 178–81, 294, 298
Borowitz, Dadi, 347, 384
Bracha (settlement), 404
B’Tselem, 483
bypass roads, 484, 505
Café Casit, 189–90, 192, 198, 549n189
Carter, Jimmy, 334, 353
Cherkas, 131, 138–39, 162, 218, 429
ChimAvir, 173–74
Chinese Farm, 237, 240, 241, 244, 550n240
Clinton, Bill, 477, 511, 528–29, 531
Cohen, Yehoshua, 289
Commando Unit 101, 42, 46, 47, 82, 238, 536
communism, 5–6, 13, 16, 137, 156, 161–62, 209, 216, 321, 531. See also Hashomer Hatzair (youth movement)
Communist Party (Israel), 161, 162, 208
Damascus, 163, 211–14, 217, 428, 520
Damascus Gate, iv, 66, 97, 291
Davar (newspaper), 187, 301, 549n217, 549n219
Davidovich, Menachem, 246, 248
Dayan, Moshe
during Six-Day War, 82, 92–93, 103
and eulogy of Uri Ilan, 163
and the Temple Mount, 337
during Yom Kippur War, 227, 233, 257, 268, 271–72, 277, 325
Dead Sea Works, 469
Debby, Motti, 468
Democratic Movement for Change (DMC), 319
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), 451
Derekh Hanitzotz, 451
Detroit, 157, 164, 200, 202, 255
Dome of the Rock, the
plot to bomb, xv, 340, 414, 420, 421, 447, 519
Six-Day War and, 93, 105, 108–9, 176
and the Temple Mount, 92, 205, 337
Dylan, Bob, 165, 327, 329, 408, 433, 552n329
Eban, Abba, 57, 482
Eder, Yehudah, 433
Education Ministry, 445, 463
Efrat, General Yona, 282, 299, 300, 405, 551n282
Eilat, Uzi, 239
Ein Gev, kibbutz, 453
Ein Shemer, kibbutz, 2
and Avital Geva, 3–11, 14–17, 128, 309, 315, 321–22, 343–44, 391
and Haggai Erlichman, 73, 161
ideological shifts at, 130, 136–37, 193–94, 407–8, 430–41, 473, 518
jubilee project at, 315–16, 329–30
rift with Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, 60–61
Ein Yabroud, 290, 292, 310, 367, 437
El Al, 196, 346, 363
El Arish, 35, 53, 58, 63, 67–69
El Bireh, 445
El Har Hashem (organization), 337
Elazar, David, 277, 325
Erez, Chaim, 378–79
Erez, Hanan, 237–38, 550n240
Erlichman, Haggai, 17, 73, 161
Eshkol, Levi, 57, 82, 142–43, 152, 280
Ethiopian immigrants, 426
Etzion, Yehudah
attacks on Palestinians, 355–56
ideology of, 204–5, 310, 338, 365
opposition to attack at Islamic College, 413
participation in settlement building, 290–91
plan to bomb the Dome of the Rock, 340, 414, 420, 423, 447, 519
Fatah, 29, 480, 485, 497
55th Paratroopers Reserve Brigade, 17, 31, 35, 67, 100, 105, 166, 252. See also Foundation for the Families of the Fallen of the 55th Brigade and individual unit members
absorption of 28th, 52
author interviews with, xxii, xxiv
dispatched to Jerusalem, 69, 70
families of, 312
kibbutznik origins of, xxiii, 252
in Lebanon, 388, 397
legacy of, 521, 530
members of, xiii, xv, xxii, 56, 107, 108, 176, 229, 349, 384, 476
operations in Golan, 103, 104, 252
operations in Jerusalem, xvii, xviii, 80, 373
operations in Sinai, 35, 68, 270
training, 165
in Yom Kippur War, 253, 260
Israeli, 39, 71, 91–93, 121, 128, 144, 162, 176, 270, 280, 363, 442
Jordanian, 79, 84
Palestinian, 440
Soviet, 17, 39, 128, 162, 193–94, 363
white, 100, 115
Foundation for the Families of the Fallen of the 55th Brigade, 176–77, 191, 206–7, 312
Fradkin, Yossi, 89, 92, 245
Fried, Yochanan, 124, 145, 273
Gan Shmuel, kibbutz
debates about Zionism at, 129–31
rift with kibbutz Ein Shemer, 60–61
and Udi Adiv, 129–30, 138, 161–63, 197–98, 215–16, 427–29
Gemayel, Bashir, 390
Gershuni, Moshe, 195
Geva, Ada, xiv, 102, 136, 308, 465
Geva, Avital, xiii
and Ada Geva, 10–15, 102 (see also Geva, Ada)
art projects, 193–96, 202, 283–84, 308–10, 315–16, 329–31, 343–44, 391, 464–67, 471–73
childhood and family, 8–9, 430 (see also Geva, Kuba)
friendships, 127–28, 257–58, 261, 265, 406–7, 410, 514–15
greenhouse, xii, 284, 315–16, 329–32, 343–44, 431, 464–67, 470–73, 517–18, 532, 556n464
injury during Six-Day War, 75, 95, 102, 109, 127–28, 146
and Kibbutz Ein Shemer, 3–4, 7–10, 14–17, 60–61, 146–47, 193–96, 283–84, 308–10, 315–16, 326–27, 329–33, 343–44, 407–8, 430–31, 518 (see also Ein Shemer, kibbutz)
military service, xvii–xviii, 12–14, 17–18, 60–62, 73, 75, 234–35, 243–44, 248–51, 256–57, 388–89
politics of, 136–37, 319–20, 322–23, 326–27, 364, 391, 406–7, 532–33
and socialism, 5–6, 13, 16–17
and Udi Adiv, 160–61, 216
Geva, Kuba, xiv, 8–9, 15, 102, 147, 430
Gilo, 405, 507
Givat Brenner, kibbutz, 2
and Arik Achmon, 36, 37–40, 51, 67, 394, 412
and Enzo Sereni, 36–37
and kibbutz federations, 545n38
and Netzer Sereni, 43, 45
Givat Haviva, 309
Golan Heights, 2, 112
capture during Six-Day War, xix, 103–4
and land-for-peace deals, 142
outings to, 206
settlement on, 220–21, 267, 279, 297
terrorist attacks on, 297–98, 303
and water control, 51
and Yom Kippur War, 227, 230
Goldfarb, Alex, 507
Goldstein, Dr. Baruch, 377, 486–87, 489–90
Goren, Rabbi Shlomo, 80–81
as chief rabbi of Israel, 254
during Six-Day War, 89, 92–93, 96–98, 547n93
and the Temple Mount, 337
and Yamit evacuation, 377
Gorodish, Shmuel, 233, 234, 258
Gouri, Haim, 301, 541, 545n13
Great Bitter Lake, the, 168, 236, 237, 245
Greenberg, Uri Zvi, 186, 187
Gross, Aharon, 413
Grossman, Avishai, 315
Grossman, David, 437–39, 447, 555n437
Gruensweig, Emil, xv, 401, 402, 403
Gulf War, 455–58
Gur-Ari, Yaakov, 306
Gush Emunim
founding of, 267–68
and Hanan Porat, 267–68, 272–73, 289–90, 322–23, 548n143
Gush Emunim (cont.)
ideology, 288–90
government negotiations with, 302, 322–23, 326
Sebastia, expansion into, 296–302, 308, 318, 481, 506 (see also Sebastia)
and settlements, 279–82, 290–91, 296–97, 376
Gush Etzion, 547n114, 547n122, 548n143. See also Kfar Etzion
Gush Katif, 335–336
Ha’aretz (newspaper), 132, 186, 478–79, 517, 530
Haber, Eitan, 483, 505, 549n209
Habonim (youth movement), 157, 164
Hadassah House, 332, 333, 355
Haifa, 2, 112, 405
municipality, 27
and secularism, 19–20, 27–28, 178–80
and Udi Adiv, 198, 208, 520
and Yisrael Harel, 178–80, 181
and Yoel Bin-Nun, 19–21, 27
Hakibbutz Hadati (kibbutz movement), 545n38
Ha-Lamed Hey, kibbutz, 147
Hamas, 480, 483–85, 491, 515
HaMa’alot MiMa’amakim (book), 275
Hamashbir Hamerkazi, 411
Hanoch, Shalom, xvi, 200, 306, 425, 500–501, 524, 526, 555n425
Hanukkah, symbolism for settlement movement, 254, 297–99
Haran family, 383
Harel, Eldad, 333, 366–68, 372, 424, 442, 476
Harel, Sarah, xiv, 183–86, 311, 333–34, 336, 353, 368, 372, 378, 442, 494
Harel, Yisrael, xiv, 176
and Bnei Akiva, 178–81, 183, 206, 266, 314, 333
childhood and family, 178–80
and Eldad Harel, 366–69, 442
and Foundation for the Families of the Fallen of the 55th Brigade, the, 177, 191, 206–7, 312–13
friendships, 266, 313, 316–17, 325, 407, 476–77
and hunger strike, the, 353–54
journalism, 186, 189, 314, 334, 404, 517, 530
military service, 180, 185, 231–32, 238, 259
and Movement for the Complete Land of Israel, the, 187–91
name change, 182
and Nekudah, 335–37, 356, 423, 449, 480, 483, 489, 493
and Ofra, 311, 314, 316–17, 333, 351–52, 519
politics of, 269, 278, 300, 320, 355, 389, 392, 417–18, 421–22, 424, 450–51, 478–79, 483, 493–94, 496–99, 512–13
reaction to attack on Arab buses, 417–22
report on Yom Kippur War, 259–60
and Sarah Harel, 183–84, 186, 311, 442
and Yamit, 372, 375–78
and Yesha Council, 357–59, 426, 496, 516
and Yitzhak Rabin, 450–51, 478, 485
Harodi, Amnon, 17, 128, 136
Hashomer Hatzair (youth movement)
and Ada Geva, 13, 107, 195
and Avital Geva, 8, 11, 13
ideology of, 11, 127, 514
and Kibbutz Ein Shemer, 5, 17, 60, 545n38
and Udi Adiv, 130, 138–39, 216, 428
and Yaakov Hazan, 6, 171, 215–16, 549n215
Hatikvah (Israeli national anthem), 92, 178, 379, 402
Hawara, 280, 298–99, 301, 303, 371
Hawatmeh, Naif, 208, 209, 211
Hazan, Yaakov, 5, 6, 141, 171–74, 197, 215–16, 226, 277, 288, 549n215
Hazan, Yehudit. See Achmon, Yehudit
Hazaz, Haim, 186
Hazman Havarod (newspaper), 524, 557n524
Hebron, 112, 318, 405. See also Goldstein, Dr. Baruch
Arab attacks against Jews in 1929, 151–52, 332, 354, 487
first Jews in, following Six-Day War, 151–53, 189, 332
religious significance (see Tomb of the Patriarchs)
terrorist attacks in, 354–56, 413, 441
Herzog, Chaim, 296–97, 421, 546n68
Hezbollah, 450
Hezekiah’s Tunnel, 448
Histadrut labor union, 27, 179, 286, 347–48, 349, 393, 395, 399, 468
Horowitz, Yigal, 346–47, 362
hunger strike, 268–69, 352–55, 357, 552n351, 553n353
Hussein, king of Jordan, 63, 68, 185, 219, 523
Hussein, Saddam, 362, 455
Ichud (kibbutz federation), 106, 545n38
Ilan, Shimon, 163, 215
Ilan, Uri, xvi, 163, 213, 215
Independence Day
1948, 115
1967, 34, 60, 114
1973, 225, 278
religious Zionists and, 20, 32–34, 56, 117, 121, 404–6, 418
immigrants and immigration
absorption centers, 426
American, 186, 192, 377
in the IDF, 40, 52
Sephardi, 220, 361–62
Soviet, 457–58, 481, 482
inflation, 343, 363, 407, 408, 425, 430, 481
effect on public opinion, 481
violence during, 440–42, 456, 458–59
and Yitzhak Rabin, 449–50, 458–59, 481
and Yoel Bin-Nun, 446–50
Iron Curtain, 457
Ismailia, 247, 249, 325
Islamic College attack, 413, 417–18, 422
Jabalya, 497
Jabotinsky, Zeev, 321
Jericho Road, 84, 88, 158, 160, 405, 476, 484, 505, 536
Jerusalem, iv, xix, xxii, 2, 20, 42, 60, 66, 81, 109, 112, 115, 119, 120, 124, 152, 153, 154, 204, 253, 266, 280, 294, 310, 318, 361, 366, 405, 422, 472, 482, 484, 495, 507
Anwar Sadat visits, 325
battle for, xiii, xv, xvii, xxi, 63–65, 66, 68–73, 80, 86, 88–90, 110, 118, 128, 129, 139, 140, 145, 155, 159, 162, 166, 191, 252, 259, 434, 504, 533–34, 536
as capital of Israel, 88, 151, 528, 535
destruction commemorated, 153, 295, 504
55th Paratroopers Reserve Brigade and, xviii, 63, 67, 69, 103, 104, 107, 108, 118, 128, 145, 158, 191, 217, 235, 252, 270, 373, 476–77, 504, 521–22, 530, 535
final status of, 142, 480, 508, 528, 530, 531
under Israeli rule, 81, 82, 142, 414, 477
under Jordanian rule, xvii, 23, 185
Old City of, xxiii, 23, 60, 68, 82, 88–89, 114, 140, 291, 448, 497, 536
and Oslo Accords, 476–77, 480, 506–7
prime minister’s office in, 268, 272, 388, 401, 402
reunited, xix, 32–33, 95, 100, 101, 113, 118, 152, 521, 536
as site of Temple, 20, 24, 28, 32, 63, 88–89, 203, 205, 448, 504, 536
terrorism in, xxii, 42, 417, 531
Jerusalem Day, 533–34
Jewish Agency, the, 457
Journal of Palestine Studies, 497
Kach, 377, 486. See Kahane, Meir
Kafr Sil, 388, 389
Kahan, Yitzhak, 401
Kahan Commission, 402
Kahane, Meir, 377, 378, 486, 488–89, 524
Kaisar, Yisrael, 393–94, 468–69
Kanaf, 174–75, 196–97, 271, 347
katyushas (rockets), 244, 248–49, 383, 387, 425, 492
Kedumim, 336, 357, 360, 405
Kfar Etzion, 318, 405. See also Mount Etzion yeshiva
and Hanan Porat, 122, 169, 267–68, 547n114
pre-1948, 115–17
settlement, 122–23, 143–44, 147–50, 267–68, 357, 547n114–116
and Yehudah Etzion, 204
Kfar Malal, 402
Khalidi, Walid, 497–99
kibbutz federations, 106, 173, 357, 453, 545n38. See also entries for individual federations
Kiryat Arba, 318, 405
and Baruch Goldstein, 486, 488–89
and Hebron, 332–33
and Moshe Levinger, xvi
Kiryat Shaul cemetery, 504
Kiryat Shmona, 434
Kishon, Ephraim, 288
Kissinger, Henry, 269
Klingberg, Dr. Marcus, 295, 452, 551n295
Klingberg, Sylvia, xiv, 162, 217, 286, 295, 452
Kfar Szold, kibbutz, xiv, 292
and Hanan Porat, 373, 490
and Kahanist movement, 486
members at kibbutz Ein Shemer, 6
and Oslo Accords, 507
reactions to terrorism, 356, 489
and religious Zionist community, 463–64
and Sadat, 324, 552n324
and settlements, 335, 480
Kollek, Teddy, 220
Kook, Rabbi Abraham Isaac, xv, 21–26, 144
theology, 30, 32, 63, 108, 149, 302, 339, 395, 446, 488
Kook, Rabbi Zvi Yehudah, xv, 25–26, 281, 370, 443
kosher requirements
and Meir Ariel, 292, 345
of religious soldiers, 49–50, 81, 469
at retreat for the families of the fallen, 206
Koteret Rashit (magazine), 408, 438, 554n408, 555n418
kova tembel, 6, 407
Kristallnacht, 297
Kutner, Yoav, 327–28, 434–36, 501
Labor Party. See also Rabin, Yitzhak; Peres, Shimon
Begin’s criticism of, 363
during Six-Day War, 82
disillusionment with, 252, 319–20
and the hunger strike, 268
politicians, 293, 308
after Rabin assassination, 516
Rabin government, 279–280, 458–59, 478
and Sephardim, 361–62, 393, 553n363
and settlements, 267, 281, 324–25, 359, 371, 419, 532
Landau, Moshe, 398
Lanzmann, Claude, 431–32
Lapid, Arnon, 264
Lapid, Yair, 499–500
Lau, Rabbi Israel Meir, 496
Lavi, Yitzhak, 303–4, 313
Lenin, 194, 286
Leshem, Leah, xiv, 210, 342, 554n415–416
Lev, Brigadier General Giora, 387
Levinger, Rabbi Moshe, xvi, 152–53, 299, 300–303, 374, 419, 422, 555n422. See also Gush Emunim and Sebastia
Likud Party. See also Begin, Menachem; Sharon, Ariel
and Arab reconciliation, 323
and Ariel Sharon, 276
commitment to free market, 346, 362
return to power (1996), 516
rise to power (1977), 319–20
and settlements, 320, 322, 332, 334, 351–52
Livneh, Eliezer, 186
Lod Airport, 56–57, 68, 219, 220, 429
Ma’ariv (newspaper), 190–91, 311, 314, 421, 474
Ma’agan Michael, kibbutz, 283–84
Ma’ayan Baruch, kibbutz, 385
marijuana, 200, 256, 474
Mapai, 39, 43, 178–79, 180, 184–85, 269, 289, 320
Marj Ayun, 385
Marxism, 5, 16, 208, 286–87, 342, 430
Masarwa, Mahmoud, 218, 429
Matt, Danny, 226, 230, 234, 242, 252, 259, 270
Matzpen, 161–63, 197–98, 208, 209, 521
May Day
at Ein Shemer, 16–17, 128, 193–94, 407
and Udi Adiv, 162, 197
Meir, Golda, 220, 257–58, 268, 277, 324–25
Meiser, 194
Meitzar, kibbutz, 194
Memorial Day, 115–16, 225, 445
Meretz, 463
Meron, Hannah, 391
Meuhad (kibbutz federation), 545n38. See also Givat Brenner, kibbutz
mezuzahs, 170, 189
Mintz, Adi, 303–4
Misgav Am, kibbutz, 384
Mishmar Ha’Emek, kibbutz, 141, 171–72, 175, 225–26, 278. See also Achmon, Yehudit
Mishmarot, kibbutz, 2
and Arik Achmon, 106–7
and Meir Ariel, 131–35, 155–56, 199–201, 291, 328, 409–10, 436–37, 526, 557n526
Mitla Pass, 47, 238
Mizrahi, Chaim, 485
Mizrahi, Naomi, 129
Mount Etzion yeshiva
accidental death of student, 303–4
curriculum at, 203, 369–70
expansion of, 170
founding of, 123, 153–54
students’ and teachers’ reaction to Yom Kippur War, 228, 274
and Yehudah Amital, 228, 274, 303, 392, 395–96, 512
Mount Hermon, 206, 277
Mount Herzl, 116, 119, 143
Mount Gerizim, 406
Mount Scopus, 63–64, 66, 69, 71–72, 86, 92, 105, 131–32, 140
Movement for the Complete Land of Israel, the, 187
expansion of, 187
and Haim Gouri, 301
members of, 187
and Yisrael Harel, 187–91, 314, 359, 493
Mughrabi Gate, 340
Mughrabi Quarter, 104
Munich, 1972 massacre of Israeli Olympic sportsmen, 210
Nablus Road, 77, 98, 120, 535
Nahal Brigade, 29, 30–31, 40, 49, 159, 180–81, 182, 213
Nahariya, 383
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, xvii, xix, 4, 17, 34, 56, 59–61, 63, 114
National Religious Party (NRP), 82, 184, 463
Nekudah (magazine), 335–36, 356, 368, 389, 397, 403–4, 422–23, 482–83, 489, 492–93, 449
Netanya, 495
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 507, 516
Netzer Sereni, 2, 43, 48, 101, 106, 128, 141, 173, 346, 431, 453
Nur, Zviki, 250, 261
Ofer, Avraham, 319
Ofra, 318, 405
attacks on residents of, 440, 441–45
Bin-Nun family move to, 314, 518–19
bypass road for residents of, 484, 505
David Grossman visit to, 437–39
declaration as legal, 322
Ethiopian immigrants in, 426
founding of, 292–94, 296
growth of, 336, 351–52
Harel family move to, 311, 314, 334–35
reaction to Oslo Accords, 476
running of, 310
Ofra Ulpana, 444–45, 448
Ofrat, Gideon, 464–67, 471, 556n464
oil boycott, Arab, 246, 253, 296, 458
Operation Big Pines, 383
Operation Brave-Hearted Men, 236, 237, 237, 550n237
Operation Self-Sacrifice, 351–54
Orr, General Ori, 407
Oslo Accords
Arik Achmon reaction to, 478
general public reaction to, 481, 516
settler reaction to, 476, 482, 493, 506, 514
terrorism following, 483, 491, 530
Yoel Bin-Nun reaction to, 480, 507
Oz, Amos, 124, 187, 188
Pa’il, Meir, 335
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). See also Arafat, Yasser
attacks by, 158, 287, 383–84
infrastructure in Lebanon, 383, 384, 387, 388, 390
Marxist faction of, 208, 451
politics of and negotiations with, 209, 352, 449, 476–77, 493–94, 516
terrorists, 250, 287
and Udi Adiv, 210–211
Pardes Hannah, 106, 524
Park Hotel, 151–52, 189
partition plan, 33, 289, 321
at Ein Shemer, 194
and Meir Ariel, 292
at Mishmar Ha’Emek, 175
at Park Hotel, 151–52
and Yamit evacuation, 375
Peace Now, 391, 401, 406–7, 424, 446, 449, 481, 516, 533
Peres, Shimon
as defense minister, 282, 293, 300–302, 302
as foreign minister, 507
and Ofra, 310–11, 336
as prime minister, 425, 515
and Sebastia, 300–302
as transportation minister, 174–75
Phalangists, 387, 390, 401, 554n390
Porat, Hanan , xiv
childhood and family, 114–117
and Gush Emunim, 265, 267–68, 272–75, 282, 288–90, 322–24, 326, 392
and Hebron massacre, 489–90
injury during Yom Kippur War, 248, 254, 263–64
Kfar Etzion, 123, 143–45, 148–50, 153, 228–29, 265, 267, 272
and Kfar Etzion massacre, 114–17
as Knesset member, 373–74, 463, 487–88, 506
and Levi Eshkol, 142–43
and Menachem Begin, 322–24, 326
and Mercaz Harav, 120–22
and Ofra, 294, 311
military service, 94–96, 246–48, 254
and Rachel Porat, 169–70
and religious Zionism, 264, 396–97
and Shimon Peres, 293, 301–3
and Yamit, 379
Porush, Rabbi Menachem, 506–7
and Asaf Adiv, 452
and Marcus Klingberg, 452
and Meir Ariel, 305
and settlers responsible for Islamic College bombing, 423
and Udi Adiv, 219, 285–86, 295, 342–43, 415–16, 427, 451, 551n295
Yehudah Etzion release from, 447
Purim, 31, 370, 442, 457, 486–490
Qibye, 46
Raab, Esther, 30, 123, 153
Rabin, Yitzchak
assassination of, 510–13, 531
dismantling of settlements, 352, 441, 449, 458–59, 505–8
first term as prime minister, 279–80, 296
and Motta Gur, 300, 504
negotiations with settlers, 281, 289–90, 300, 302, 450–51, 463–64, 491, 508–9
Oslo Accords, 476–85, 506
resignation, 319
responses to attacks, 495–96, 489
second term as prime minister, 458–59, 463–64
during Six-Day War, 59
Rachel’s Tomb, 118, 124, 144, 506–7, 510, 534, 556n506
Ramallah, 112, 291, 318, 405, 484, 531
Ramat Magshimim, 297
Ramle prison, 285–86, 295, 343, 551n295
Reagan, Ronald, 392
Regev, Menachem, 501, 541
Revisionists, 321
Refidim, 231–32, 238, 248
Revivim, kibbutz, 401
Rosh Hashanah, 143, 322, 364, 365–66, 369, 391, 392
Rotblit, Yankeleh, 531
Russia. See Soviet Union
Sabra and Shatila, massacres at, 390–91, 397, 401
Sadat, Anwar
assassination of, 366, 369
peace process, 257, 323–325, 334–35, 552n323–24
visit to Israel
Sadot, 335
Sapir, Pinchas, 197, 237
Sayigh, Yezid, 493–94, 497
Sde Boker, kibbutz, 289, 435
Sde Dov airfield, 348
Sea of Galilee, 2, 51, 103, 112, 405, 453–54
Sebastia, 296–97, 298–302, 308, 318, 481, 506. See also Gush Emunim
security fence, 533
Sephardim, 219–20, 362, 393
71st Battalion
members of, xviii, 78, 237–39, 545–56n52, 549n229
role in capturing Jerusalem, 72–76, 78, 86
Sereni, Enzo, xvi, 36–37, 116, 150, 195
Shamir, Moshe, 152, 186, 188, 417, 425, 548n152
Sharm el-Sheikh, 367, 535
Sharon, Ariel
criticism of the left, 492
as defense minister, 365, 385
dismissal, 402–3
during Lebanon War, 387, 390–91
as Likud leader, 276
and Sabra and Shatilla massacres, 401
and Sadat, 323
and settlement movement, 281, 335–36, 354, 365, 392
during Sinai War, 48
during Six-Day War, 47
Sharon, Ariel (cont.)
during Yom Kippur War, 233–35, 245
walk on Temple Mount, 530
Shavuot, 29, 109, 113, 170, 471
Shdemot (magazine), 124, 144–45
Sheikh Jarrah, 66, 535
Shemer, Naomi
“Jerusalem of Gold,” 59–60, 85, 132–33, 298
and Meir Ariel, 98, 103, 132–33
and Yamit evacuation, 374
Shilo, 327, 405
Shin Bet, 163, 213–14, 285, 356, 417–18, 452, 485, 521, 555n418
shmitta, 30, 444
Shoah (film), 431–32
Shtiglitz, Yisrael (Ariel), xv, 95–96, 373
Silwan, 448
Simchat Torah, 246–48, 254, 550n246
Sinai, 2, 112. See also Yamit
biblical references to, xx, 20, 109, 390
IDF operations during Six-Day War, 35, 53, 67–68, 80, 145
IDF operations during Yom Kippur War, 227, 231–34, 239, 244, 252
1956 campaign, 57, 59
withdrawal from, 142, 220–21, 324, 334–35, 255, 357, 364–67, 371–79, 446
66th Battalion, 72, 86–87, 118, 549n229
Soviet Union
alignment with Arab nations during wars, 128, 130, 219, 227, 244, 296, 458
emigration from, 220, 457, 482
role played for kibbutzniks, 5–6, 17, 38–39, 127, 130, 136–38, 147, 545n38
Stalinism, 5–6, 38–39, 137–38, 527
Stempel-Peles, Moshe, xv, 58, 67, 91, 109, 129, 165, 176
Stern Group, the, 289, 339
Suez Canal, 112, 237
and Kanaf, 173–74, 197
simulation of crossing, 139, 165–66
after the Six-Day War, 158
during Yom Kippur War, 227, 230, 236, 241, 248, 253, 270, 325, 550n237
suicide bombings, xxii, 425, 491, 495, 515, 516, 531, 532
Sukkoth, 26, 194–95, 231–32, 246, 434–35, 519–20, 522–23
Sultan Yakub, 386
Sussman, Sandy, xv, 148–50, 228
Talmei Yosef, 375
Tamouz, 306–8, 433
Tehiya (political party), 373
Tekoa, 505
Tel Aviv University, 35, 52, 325, 430, 453
Tel Mond Prison, 447
Temple Mount, iv, 66
ban on Jewish prayer at, 337
capture of, during Six-Day War, 86–90, 92, 95–96, 108
following Six-Day War, 113, 118, 120
plot to bomb, 340, 356, 421
symbolism of, 204–5, 449, 504, 537
This Is the Land (newspaper), 189
tikkun olam, 31, 396
Tomb of the Patriarchs, 151–52, 486–87. See also Hebron
Topaz, Dudu, 363
Tu b’Shvat, 310
Turki, Daoud, xvi, 208, 210–11, 213–14, 215, 216, 219, 549n208, 555n427, 560
28th Battalion
absorption into 55th, 52, 545n52, 549n229
actions, 72–75, 80, 89, 92, 158, 250
leadership, xvii, 46–48, 92, 250, 261
training, 49, 284
Ullman, Micha, 195
Umm al-Fahm, 391
United Nations, 458, 481
Arafat address at General Assembly, 287–88
partition plan, 33, 289, 321
peacekeeping troops, 4
resolution of Zionism as racism, 296–97, 302, 458, 481
role during Six-Day War, 64
role during Yom Kippur War, 251, 253
United Nations peacekeeping forces, 5, 251
University of Haifa, 198, 208, 497
Venice Biennale, xiii, 465–67, 470–72, 556n472
Vered, Dan, 210, 214, 216, 218, 219
Volcani Institute for Agricultural Research, 330
Wadi Kelt, 288
Wadi Nisnass, 208
Weisfish family, 183–85
Weiss, Daniella, 260
Western Wall, iv, xix, 66, 69–71, 94–96, 98–101, 104–5, 118, 187, 320, 443, 537, 547n113
women’s education. See Ofra Ulpana
Yamit, 335, 364, 370–79, 422, 490
Yavin, Haim, 319–20
Yediot Aharonot, 35, 333–34, 481, 524
Yesha Council
dialogue with the PLO, 493–94, 496, 516–17
formation of, 358–59
defense fund, 420
in Nekudah, 404
opposition to peace plan, 446
recognition in government, 480, 505
and Yisrael Harel, 372, 376, 426, 494, 496, 516–17
and Yoel Bin-Nun, 423–24, 484–85, 513
Yoske Balagan, xv, 48–50, 70–71, 98, 100–101, 159, 349, 545n30
Zilber, Ariel, 307
Ziv, Dan, 237–38
Zamosh, Yoram, 71
Zohar, Rabbi Uri, 435–36