‘Searching for Hannah’

Dear Hannah,

It’s happening. I’m going to be a contestant on What Happens in… Lewis wasn’t keen to take up his own offer to be on the show and needed a good reason for doing so. I really wanted him to come too, so I tried hard to convince him. Then, he wanted to know my reasons for doing the show and I explained about my childhood illness. He hadn’t heard of Sydenham’s chorea or St Vitus’ dance but was surprisingly compassionate when I told him about it. He assumed I wanted to be on the show purely to win the money for charity because he hadn’t heard me tell everyone at the audition about you. He was most upset he’d not been sympathetic towards me once he found out the true reason for me being on the show and was then adamant we should email the producers immediately and arrange a Skype call to convince them to put us in the same team. I firmly believe he really would be the best person for me to team up with. I can’t imagine being paired up with somebody else, like the Helen Mirren wannabe who sat next to me, or mad Tonya or any of the others at the audition. You know how I can suddenly lack self-belief and I need somebody like Lewis to keep me positive. I’d probably have been okay if it had been a game for individuals but working with a stranger is not something I’d find easy. I’d be much more relaxed with Lewis by my side. I hope the producer agrees or I’ll truly be thrown in the deep end and I don’t want to be partnered with somebody who loses me the chance to get through to the next round each day. I need to stay in the game as long as possible. I must be given the opportunity tell the nation about you. There’s little more to tell you at the moment, other than we’re filming in two weeks’ time and it’ll be aired fairly soon after that. With Anneka Rice hosting the show, I’m confident you’ll tune in. You have to watch the show, Hannah. You have to see me on it and you have to come back home. Dad is still confused and so unhappy. Every time I visit he thinks I am you. You have no idea how much we all want you home.

Your loving sister,
