The two symbols I created for this book are both derived from a Bronze Age sun wheel pendant originally found in Zürich, and dated to the 2nd Millennium B.C. I was drawn to this particular design because it represents an ancient and authentic connection to the continuity of solar symbols that extends through Indo-European cultures all the way back to their theoretical source in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe. The sun wheel, sun cross, or Sonnenkreuz symbolizes not only the sun, but motion and momentum, turning and action — referencing the invention of the spoked wheel and the terrible glory of the battle chariot.
On the cover art, a sharp-toothed skull screams out across time, with his third eye open, symbolizing the beast of man engaged in visionary creativity, godlike, imposing a dream of order from above.
The Solar Vision symbol is a more compact and reproducible rendition of the same concept. The original solar wheel is more apparent, and the solar cross is completed in center of the visionary eye.