To Hate

Come, holy Spirit, pentecostal flame.

Out of the deep we cry to thee. The shame

Of feeble virtues, mild complacencies

Consumes our bodies like a foul disease.

Eat us as acid eats, burn us with fire,

Till every timid hope and pale desire,

All fond ideals, misty hopes that fly

Beyond the frontiers of reality,

Crumble to ash and leave us clean as light,

Essential strength, pure shapes of granite bright

Set up for no man’s worship, no man’s pleasure,

But fashioned by the slow, aeonian leisure

Of storms and blowing sands. Of thee is born

All power, all bravery, and the sharp-eyed scorn

That sees beneath bright gawds to the bare bone

Of naked Truth’s relentless skeleton.

Save, lest we perish unrepentent, sped

To our last count without thy lance and shield,

Unhouseled, disappointed, unaneled,

With all our small perfections on our head.