
We are the bloodless echoes of the past,

    Blown between vast and vast:

Miserable automata, we check

    Each impulse at the beck

Of dead, forbidding hands. Dancing, we tread

    The footsteps of the dead,

And by their laws make love; and when we sing,

    Dead fingers pluck the string

And twist our music to a stale old song;

    And when we walk along

Green valleys and wide fields of reddening wheat,

    Grey phantoms dog our feet

And their sere joys, voiced in a tongue outworn,

    Turn all our joy to scorn.

An unsubstantial shadow dulls our light,

    And when we sit to write

A ghost stands by the chair to guide the pen

    Lest we should write for men

Some vivid truth, some song with potency

    To set the whole world free.

And when we think, ghosts in our spirits cast

    Dust of a ruined past,

Lest we should see and feel and, knowing our strength,

    Rise in revolt at length

Against the iniquitous tyranny of the dead.

    But still we bow the head,

And still the blind obstruction of the past

    Builds over us a vast

Cold sepulchre, an incubus of stone.