Cathedral at Night

Huge as a precipice in the summer night

The black porch yawned above him like a wave

And swallowed him. Shrunk to a grain of sand

He paused inside, bewildered at the sense

Of so much height and darkness, till his eyes

Gained strength, and in the emptiness dark shapes,

Pinnacled rocks and towering trunks of stone,

Loomed round him and, high hung like long pale banners,

Tall windows showed. And it seemed the whole void cavern

Vibrated sensitive as a strung harp,

For his shy footfall woke a spreading trouble

That echoed from furthest galleries and vaults

Awareness of his presence. He crossed the transept,

Climbed to the loft hung like a falcon’s nest

On the sheer face of the triforium,

From which the towering shafts of organ-pipes

Shot up like tropic growths. There, round about him,

The music books, the rows of stops, the close

Familiar walls of oak glowed as a core

Of radiance in the darkness; and he sought

Books of old music, chose his stops, began.

Vague tremors shook the stillness, voices woke,

And the emptiness was peopled with the life

Of crowding notes. Down the wide nave, along

Cold aisles, through secret chapels, hanging vaults,

Flowed the warm circulation of sweet sounds

Like health into a body long diseased,

While the august and ancient music-makers

Woke from long sleep and their immortal voices

Flooded the dark shrine with a golden beauty.

And he, the player, with cunning fingers piling

Sound upon sound, harmony on harmony,

Launched out his spirit upon those tides of music

Until it grew and filled the shadowy place,

Swung with the arches, soared to the topmost vault,

Put on the whole great structure as a garment,

Sang with those ancient voices as with his own,

And on the summit of the last pure chord

Found unity and peace. He raised his hands:

The music stopped, and his full-statured spirit

Shrivelled. The horror of sheer height hung above him,

The cavern of sheer depth was scooped below,

And silence fell like doom. Out in the dark,

Blind windows hung, dumb columns rose, vast trunks

Upheaved the heavy foliage of the night,

And darkness, emptiness, like birds of prey

Swooped back and perched about him, grimly still,

While he, as in the bright cup of a flower,

Rigid, with sharpened senses, hung besieged.