Note: This list is alphabetical, so as not to reveal any personal history of the authors, both of whom are parents.

Blackhawk moms

Helicopter parents in attack mode, who will do anything to ensure their child’s success, regardless of the consequences for anyone else. (First cousin to “cheerleader moms.”)

Crispy kids or toasties

Children burned out by the time they get to college.

Curling parents (used in Scandinavia and some other parts of Europe)

Parents who sweep obstacles out of the way for their children.

Helicopter parents

Moms and dads who just can’t stop hovering over their kids—at any age.

Hyper parents

Parents who are prone to overscheduling their kids.

Lawnmower parents (a.k.a. “snowplow parents”)

Parents who attempt to remake terrain so that it works better for their child.

Parent bouncers

University-hired students trained to redirect adults who try to attend their children’s classes and activities.

Satellite parents

Helicopter parents only from a distance, such as on cell phones and with video monitors.

Smothering mothering

Does this really need to be explained?

Soccer mom

An overly involved parent who tends to forget her own life.

Stealth parents

Parents who are there, still intervening, even though you can’t see them.

Submarine parents

Moms and dads who undermine their children.

Teacup kids

Children who don’t function well without their parents’ assistance.