A Note from El Morya
In the eternal light of divine joy I am here to share with you a series of teachings on advanced studies of the human aura. This series completes the triune teaching on this subject, complementing the studies released previously by my holy brothers, the ascended masters Kuthumi and Djwal Kul.
Each of them has eloquently discoursed with students of higher truth about the aura from many angles of awareness. Each has given specific keys and techniques for purifying, strengthening and expanding the aura. My purpose is to release to you an additional perspective that will benefit your spiritual path when received with an open heart and mind and put into play in your life through direct and focused practice and action.
Beloved heartfriends of old, in preparation for this series I have communed with my gurus, masters of such holy radiance and divine eloquence as can barely be fathomed by the minds of mortal mankind. And yet I will attempt to convey their higher wisdom in words that I trust will edify and uplift, codifying their Buddhic mindfulness in thoughtforms, imagery and HeartStreams that will surely bring you more than a twinkle of mirth as together we engage in a new sacred adventure of Self-discovery.
My purpose is also to help you refine your auras within the great crystal stream of light that is ever available to you from your Source through a direct and personal experience that I would classify as a cosmic darshan. For I will hold a flowfield of divine love, wisdom and power around each one who reads and studies this instruction so that you may more easily rise into the crystalline patterns of perfection that will whirl and swirl through your auras as your Higher Self opens the portal of your heart-mind connection to our realm. Here you will feel the scintillating frequencies of those celestial beings whose auras are vast and clear and who offer their attainment and gnosis (inner knowledge) to each aspiring adept.
As I begin this instruction, I urge you to take a few minutes before you read these words to meditate in deep silence upon the beautiful aura of the Great Central Sun.* Within the multidimensional spheres of this cosmic atmosphere of light in all of its wondrous gradations and holy essences you will find a portion of your own Selfhood and divine design. From this sacred space of love-wisdom, the teaching I present will already be known within you, for even as I access its verity and virya
, so you, too, will know its glory and innate value for your soul.
*Please see the glossary on
page 249
for terms you may be unfamiliar with.