Genesis Revisited
T he vital force of the universe is exactly what you are.
—Wayne Dyer, Manifest Your Destiny
Beloved Students of Higher Truth,
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”
So begins the book of Genesis of the Holy Bible. At this point of the cosmo-creation neither the “heaven” nor the “earth” shone with light or the radiance of what would manifest as the aura of the All. Into the darkness of the Mother void, the womb of cosmos, the Father impregnated the seed ideation of all that would manifest unto the eternal cycles of beingness in all universes. Yet until this seed took root and began to manifest as the spiritual and material dimensions of “the heaven” and “the earth,” no auric light energies proceeded from them. Once the creation emerged from the cosmic void as life, this living energy field, as a specific divine radiance, expressed itself as the emanation of the vast cosmic aura.
This original creation was the mindful thought of the Creator, and all subsequent thoughts or ideations of created beings are reflections of this First Cause, or causal thought process of God. Thought is a ray of divine intelligence focused upon a specific purpose. Once it is released from the mind of its creator, it is fulfilled and manifest according to the intensity (power and love geometrized) of its conception. Thus, all creativity issuing from the Divine One and his co-creative offspring has the impulses of divine wisdom, power and love embedded within it.
When the disciple accepts the responsibility to be a co-creator with God in its totality, he or she enters into divine levels of being-ness that are reflective of what the Elohim, the creators of the worlds upon which we evolve, know and experience. This understanding is cognized by all celestial beings, ascended masters and spiritual Sons and Daughters of God who have entered into oneness with the Creator through acceptance of their full divinity through the Law of Correspondence. This law allows for completeness and unity to occur because one’s aura is entrained with the aura of the whole through surrender to the One Will, the First Cause.
In the process of entering into this higher relationship of being-ness in the Presence of God, the human aura becomes the divine aura. It is literally replaced with a new, solar radiance that is accommodated through the keying into a higher flowfield of light that is God’s great cosmic aura. The entire warp and woof of creation is God’s endowment of himself to his offspring. And the energy field of perfect beingness as the light of akashic resonance may be entered into, felt and accepted by every created and conscious being through the free will experience of identification with and acceptance of this divine radiance of God’s eternal beingness.
For every adept who understands the cyclings of the Eternal’s inbreath (unmanifest beingness within the cosmic void) and out-breath (manifest beingness within the cosmic ovoid, or egg) co-creation is easy, natural and joyful. The co-creative life is the only true life for those who are one with God, for God is continuously re-creating the cosmos each moment within the eternal Now. This is Elohimic living, even if the co-creative thoughts or ideations are seemingly manifest on less than a galactic or cosmic scale. In reality, all true co-creative work consecrated to the Divine One affects the entire cosmic web of life at microcosmic and macrocosmic levels of life.
This new sense of divine responsibility and authority to create may seem both daunting and awesome to the initiate who is just beginning to enter into advanced levels of alchemical experimentation with the holy currents of love, wisdom and power. Yet each one is gently guided by the higher gurus and teachers of the divine sciences, those silent watchers and guardian spirits who hold the field of beingness and picture-perfect Presence on a vast scale beyond the imagination of most of humanity.
For you who have purified, strengthened and expanded your auras through the daily devotions of meditation, prayer and various yogic exercises and practices, I have prepared a series of inner alchemical experiments to assist in raising the levels of your auric brilliance, reflective of your higher beingness. This will allow your creative work to be endowed with a greater divine harmony and luster, a greater spiritual radiance and grace. Some of these I will reveal to you in your finer body as you sleep at night. Others I will share through the teachings that I will present outwardly. One and all, they will bring you the joy of buoyancy in God’s Presence as you consider your human aura as now melding and morphing into something more sublime and divine each day.
I am abiding at your side as you receive and assimilate the new cosmic impulses of auric light and solar heat from your Source.
Lovingly yours,