The Hub of Life
I know that I’m always One with the Universe,
100 percent of the time.
—Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me
Fragrant Ones Whose Auras Are Charged with Solar Light,
The advancement of the race requires a closer and more intimate identification and communion with God. As you have witnessed with your inner sight the creation of the cosmos and the creation of Man, I would discourse on the importance of the aura of the Great Central Sun.
It is easier for Man to identify with God when he first looks to the sun of his own system as an example of a most selfless life-giving being whose radiance sustains all life on his world. What Man may also understand is how each of the nearly infinite numbers of suns within the billions of galaxies within the universe receives its life-sustaining frequencies from a being of greater light, the Great Central Sun. This being is the closest symbol of what you can ideate or equate with as God, the Creator, the Source.
The aura of the Great Central Sun actually permeates the entire cosmic egg, although your science of today has not developed instruments that are refined enough to register or to measure the subtle energies emitted by it. Every created sun within all galaxies and solar systems is an offspring of the Great Central Sun and is nourished by its light, its love, its divine glory. And you, as a Solar being in your essence, also receive a stepped-down level of the creative fires of God’s being, which sustains your life as a spirit.
When Man identifies with God’s great energy field, his cosmic aura, and begins to accept the greater impulses of its original frequencies of solar love, he may more easily evolve through the natural processes of life to become a solar being himself. For although all have a Higher Self, it is through a continual closer identification and acceptance of the beingness of God’s light within his own domain that Man merges into that solar essence more completely.
The aura of the Great Central Sun contains all of the life-giving frequencies that sustain all created life at all levels of awareness from the tiniest microorganism to the most massive of suns and galaxies. Through divine intelligence, the Great Central Sun is able to feed the specific frequencies required by each created being that are essential to its life, regulating what is able to be received and assimilated by that one. The great suns at the center of the various solar systems receive a much more powerful conveyance of divine light-food in comparison with what the tiny creatures that exist deep within your Earth are able to feed on.
Man in his true nature can live directly on the solar emanations from the Sun of Helios and Vesta without any other external food source. For the Sun as a great Father-Mother is constantly feeding the beings of their children with their life-giving essences. As some of you have discovered, when you refine your lives and learn the science of solar gazing 1 you will be amazed to realize that the cells of your being can actually be nourished more by the pure, divine food of the sun’s rays than by the diets that the dieticians of today teach. The lost science of solar living is coming to the fore, and all will understand this dynamic and experience it in the golden-crystal age of Aquarius.
What some have seen around the saints of East and West as a halo of light is the effect of their devotions and meditations wherein they were able to sustain a greater auric radiance around themselves by their oneness with God. In some cases, documentation exists that proves that certain saints lived for extended periods of time, even years, on either no or very little physical food. 2 Their beings were literally charged with the auric light of their spiritual mentors and gurus who in turn were sustained by the energies of higher worlds through solar or light breathing.
In addition to being a cosmic emitter of light, the aura of the Great Central Sun also receives the impressions of all life evolving throughout the cosmic egg. The interplay of the emanations of Man’s awareness upon this aura is actually the recording of all that occurs upon the akashic field, which is a very subtle layer of God’s great aura. Thus, you may understand how an action in your environment affects life throughout the cosmic web. Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye did it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it to me.” 3 He understood his connection with his Source and he was able to feel the akashic effects of all people’s deeds because of his oneness with God’s aura.
Great Central Sun Meditation
To conceptualize your oneness with God, begin to meditate upon the great pulsating aura of his Presence throughout the cosmic egg and feel the subtle gradations of the light of love that is ever available to you as a son or daughter of God. Visualize a blazing sun before you and then allow it to engulf your aura with its light, warmth and nourishing energies. Accept that this is your true spiritual food that is rejuvenating your spirit, your mind, your emotional body and your physical cells with its radiance. Breathe in deeply the rays of light and allow them to penetrate you as you have felt the rays of the sun on a summer day warm your epidermis and then travel through all of the inner layers of your skin.
Now see this sun fully manifesting itself within your heart chakra until it expands to fill your chest cavity. Next see the same solar radiance at the center of each of your chakras, gently radiating their life-giving energies throughout your entire aura. Feel your aura at an energetic level as one with your Solar Source, and feel your God Presence, in turn, one with the Sun of Helios and Vesta. See the merging of all of these “Selves” into the One Presence of the Great Central Sun while you continue breathing gently yet deeply, in and out, in and out.
Then say out loud with great joy as you continue to visualize this solar radiance:
I AM One, I AM One, I AM One with the Sun.
I AM One, I AM One with the Great Central Sun.
God is here in my heart. I AM One with God’s heart.
Light, expand through my heart. Love, expand through my heart.
Let my aura be thine. Let my aura now shine.
O, my God, I AM thine! I AM truly divine!
We are One, we are One, we are One, we are One.
We are One, we are One in the Great Central Sun.
As your aura merges with the light of the Great Central Sun, you can create a more permanent connection with God’s being that will allow you to live a life of joy, levity and creativity. From within this auric field every alchemical experiment, every conscious project, every dream and vision of a new reality for your world may more easily manifest and come to fruition. I recommend that you engage daily in this short ritual as you pursue these advanced studies of the human aura, for doing so will also afford you a greater receptivity to the divine concepts that I will be sharing in my forthcoming releases.
I am yours in the fulfillment of your highest potential as a solar being,