Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our power,
only beyond our present self-knowledge.
—Theodore Roszak
Blessed Students of the Divine Sciences of Life,
Ideation is creation in its initial thrust. The Godhead’s cosmic mind-thought initiates an auric field through which the ideation is manifest first as concept. This energy, sustained within the beautiful mind of the Creator, is then clothed with the miraculous light of imagination which allows its divine blueprint to be expressed and to exist in form within the formless dimensions of Presence.
All God-ideations contain the divine ideal of beingness that sustains their integrity and their innate ability to be realized—to enter any realm of reality in which the Creator decides to send or locate them. Until actualized within a specific continuum of life, these ideations remain as cosmic thoughtforms within the Creator’s mind. Once they are energized and sent forth with a specificity of purpose and place of manifestation, their effulgence and auric fields are no longer held inviolate within the cosmic womb. Thrust forth as seeds of light upon the great cosmic sea, they are lovingly given birth within the greater domain of the creation.
Ideation is therefore the first creation. Birth outside of the cosmic void is the second or pro-creation. Full flowering or fruition to the point of being able to reproduce seed is re-creation. Within each of these aspects of the creative processes, the Creator’s will, wisdom and love are at play and are fulfilled. Yet the original ideation contains the seed-impulses of all of the growth and evolutionary processes locked within it.
When men and women understand the dynamics of the creative impulses embedded within their beings for co-creation as a sacred process, which is reflective of what the Creator experiences, they will understand that life actually begins at the point of ideation, which exists before physical conception. This realization will generate a greater ability of men and women to procreate with a harmonic and loving intent that will bring souls of great light and of great inner attainment into their lives and domains.
Immaculate are your ideations, O God! Great and glorious is your handiwork throughout the creation! Pure and holy are your conceptions of life in all of its variegated manifestations throughout the cosmic ocean! Just and true is your Eye-magic, your divine imagination of all that lives and moves throughout the cosmic web! 1
The sons and daughters of God ascended cannot imagine a vain thing, 2 for they have evolved beyond the vain thoughtforms and human desires of those caught in the samsaric rounds of rebirth who have not yet fully realized their oneness with the Divine. By becoming as a little child, 3 while employing a holy imagination of all as pristine and beautiful, the sons and daughters of Man may obtain their immortality in the light as fully realized God-beings.
Every image conceptualized within the mind is composed of the energy of thought. These images are live beings, though as yet unmanifest or actualized within time and space. A key to precipitate these images into manifest form is to clothe them intently and magnanimously with the energy of feeling and then victoriously and joyfully with the physical energetic sensations of touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell. These lower senses allow the immaculate and imaginative creations held within an auric field of love-wisdom to be birthed in form by anchoring them through the power of conscious awareness.
Ideations flow from the Superconscious Mind to the conscious mind of men and women through a transfer or procession of electronic light when the aura is clear of memory, mental, emotional and physical aberrations that constrict or block their free transmission. Silent meditation with a focus upon the solar rays of divine thought allows these ideations to be received with great fluidity and clarity. Devotional practices that expand the love-fires of the heart naturally oil the holy emanations from the Divine One so that their resting place for deep reflection and assimilation will be within the secret chamber of the heart rather than within the lower mind.
I show you now within your third eye a meditating yogi in the Far East who is engaging the Lord Himalaya in the sacred science of mindfulness by accessing with permission the stream of his cosmic meditation upon the perfectionment of all lifestreams of the fourth root race. Witness the transfer of these higher light-waves of cosmic peace that feed the auric field of the yogi and are then sent forth as radiating streams of compassion to raise sentient life upon Earth!
You may also commune with the heavenly saints and tap into a vast storehouse of cosmic love-wisdom-power that will continually reenergize your aura and bring you to a loving state of divine bliss and perfect peace in beingness.
Ideating you as fully realized God-men and God-women with luminescent auras of living, solar light! I am