Charging Your Aura
We can deliberately work with the waves
of probability to transform our lives.
—David Spangler, Everyday Miracles
Gracious Advocates of Faith, Hope and Charity,
Many of you have observed in your lives the positive effects of establishing a field of belief or what I choose to call an electromagnetic faithfield around your being. This blue-fire energy matrix can be a powerful resource in the conduction of holy frequencies of light into your aura and the auras and lives of others in manifesting all manner of divine works of the Spirit. Often, unless there is a specific level of harmonic resonance firmly planted around oneself through the conscious invocation of light, certain higher spiritual works simply cannot come to pass.
The great masters have understood the hows and wherefores of the creation of these energetic faithfields and of their import in all their endeavors, both private and public. Ancient scriptures cite what has been called the building of an altar, and this is a metaphoric representation of the creation of a specific grid of light. Through powerful prayer, chant and song the spiritual adepts were able to establish a platform upon which alchemical works were accomplished that would seem miraculous to most humans.
Take for example the story of Elijah and his challenging of the false priests of Baal. 1 The symbology of earth (rock), water and air (wood) is mentioned within the story as the Master proves that the one true God had heard his prayer and would answer by fire. Elijah created an electromagnetic faithfield by his connection with his Source and by his righteous use of the laws of metaphysics and divine science. He was able to co-create the alchemical fire that consumed the unreality of the carnal ones.
The Lord Jesus often healed with the words, “Your faith has made you whole.” 2 He knew that only when individuals had first accepted the possibility and then the reality that God—through him, Jesus—could bring perfect wholeness unto them, would their healing occur. He reestablished the sacred connection between the soul and the spirit of each devotee by providing the resource of light of his own being as the Christos in embodiment.
Those who believe in their own wholeness and imminent healing accelerate the process. Those who accept that Spirit can move through the matter planes, charging and recharging them with its light essences, are more apt to experience the miraculous. Likewise, those who deny God’s existence or the workings of Spirit cannot create or sustain the required auric field through which the heaven world can pour forth its blessings and graces.
Although electromagnetic faithfields cannot be perceived with the naked eye through dual-eyed vision, they exist nonetheless. The greatest healers have been able to feel the power of the Holy Spirit’s movement through any medium when the reality of faith in a higher power has provided the access point for its energy to emerge. Through a sacred process of sublimation that occurs through surrender to the divine will, wisdom and love, a holy vacuum is created that is a super concentration of Spirit within matter. As the “I, the nothing, thou, the All” mantra is spoken, the omnipresent omnipotence of the Omniscient One is activated within the virgin space of beingness surrounding the devotee, and all things become possible for God in that moment within his or her life.
Every seemingly miraculous event or manifestation has occurred because a portal between the divine and the human, betwixt heaven and earth was created by someone’s strong faith and belief in the Spirit. Where faith has been demonstrated yet instantaneous healing has not manifested, the wisdom of cosmic law mandated that additional lessons were required to be learned or karmic recompense to be more fully paid. Even the Lord Jesus could not heal in certain regions because of the unbelief of people abiding there.
Spirit is electromagnetic when contacting the auric fields of sentient life. It is the divine pulsation of God that exists everywhere and that draws all that is divine within the creation to itself by the law of attraction. When the men and women of today understand that their primary essence is Spirit and when they manifest mastery through utilizing its harmonious waves of peace to restore all to its natural state of balance and integrity, they will be able to perform all alchemical feats with great ease and joy because they will be living fully within the Eternal’s supreme faithfield of love-wisdom.
Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the Earth, will draw men unto me.” 3 He understood the electromagnetism of the Spirit as it was manifest through his being as God’s divine Son and lodestone. He had used the Philosopher’s Stone of divine alchemy and truth by conveying the wisdom of his Father to those who would hear him.
Electromagnetic faithfields may be increased by a kinetic factor that is the square of the sum of the number of those who are outpouring their devotions together in any joyful and intentional service to the light. Although creating a more powerful grid for the conveyance of spiritual energies to bless humanity may increase by geometric proportions by increased numbers, it is also dependent upon the specific frequencies of each member. A few adepts or arhats can generate as much spiritual light-energy as hundreds, thousands or even millions of aspirants who have yet to attain their Christhood or Buddhahood. Thus, cosmic faithfields may be established that can sustain the spiritual protection of entire planets by beings like Sanat Kumara or Gautama Buddha who have developed their auric fields over millennia to feed vast evolutions of lifewaves.
May your auras be cleared by your faith to sustain your swift path home to the heart of the One.
Lovingly yours, I am