The Dynamics of Attraction and Repulsion
Manifesting and meditating cannot be separated.
—Wayne Dyer, Manifest Your Destiny
Radiant Spirits,
Few individuals consider the effects of the emanations of their auras upon the greater macrocosmic worlds. Just as there are ongoing studies of the movement and influence of the heavenly bodies upon the psyche of Man in astrological discourses, so I suggest commencing a detailed study of the effects of the movement and influences of the auras of mankind upon the planetary home upon which they abide as well as upon other spheres and solar orbs.
Much is touted in this day and age about the deleterious effects of mankind’s ignoble activities upon his physical environment. I can assure you that although his unconscious and erroneous ways have been truly disastrous in many circles, there is an even greater threat to his world manifest through his consciousness and the energetic emissions that flow from his auric field.
As I have explained, spiritual devotees may create powerful electromagnetic faithfields through their collective prayerful efforts. By drawing forth a spiritual wave of light-energy from your Source and consecrating it for God-good in your domain, you put a positive and magnetic spin on your auric field and all life with whom you interact. By maintaining a humble mien toward the Creator and realizing that the Divine One is the active principle in all sacred healing work, amazing and beneficent results may ensue.
Franz Anton Mesmer engaged in healing experiments using what he termed
animal magnetism
. Although his efforts were not fully understood by his peers and some of his conclusions were based on his own limited human perceptions, he rightly intuited that a universal energy source that he termed “magnetic virtue” may be “accumulated, concentrated and transported” for healing and for other purposes. Likewise, his statement that “it (this virtue) is communicated, propagated and increased by sound” is accurate. Many of his other “27 Propositions” are based on true, esoteric science, though expressed through the lens and vocabulary of eighteenth century science.
The greatest “attractor” that may be employed for all spiritual and scientific work is the cosmic dynamo of your Solar Presence. When focused through the prism of your Christic Self, all divine virtues may be yours to draw forth and re-qualify with your own individualized energy field of beingness. When you engage in this alchemical science by activating and actualizing the holy quintessences of solar light through your heart, victory in all endeavors shall truly be yours.
As you know, certain metals and other substances may become magnetized by direct and constant friction or contact with a magnet or magnetic field. Likewise, as you align your heart and mind with the polestar of God’s supernal heart-mind field, you may receive the cosmic pulsations from his divine lodestone. Plugging into God allows the figure-eight light circuit of your relationship to be completed. This is when your Maker’s holy current, with a brilliant wattage and life-giving amperage, may shine forth through your entire being.
A strong flowfield and a glowing aura naturally repel the untoward advances of the dark ones to snuff out your emerging Christhood, your budding Buddhahood, your nurturing Motherhood. Though some lifestreams may be attracted to you in order to feed off your light, your heightened sensitivity to their auric patterns and inner motives will give you the discernment as to when to safeguard your auric light or retreat to regenerate its effulgence through a time of silent meditation upon and devotion to your God Self.
Mesmer’s first proposition states, “A responsive influence exists between the heavenly bodies, the Earth, and animated bodies.” Man, through free will, may accentuate and expand the life-giving and light-emanating qualities of his Higher Self through conscious and directed discourse with the sun and the stars! The astrology of my holy brethren, the ascended magi, is now concerned with our role in propagating cosmic emanations and influences that bless life upon all planetary spheres and solar worlds!
Master the quasi-magnetic influences of your lower nature while embracing the superconductor of your True Self! In this endeavor I will be the One
in your midst!
Imaginatively, I am your elder brother,