Safeguarding the Aura from
Intrusive Forces
One must exert one’s aura; it cannot grow otherwise.
—El Morya, Leaves of Morya’s Garden
Fragrant Hearts Alive with Love’s Eternal Longing,
The human travail experienced while living upon Earth often excites the soul to reach upward to embrace spiritual dimensions and opportunities to move beyond the limitations of mortal existence. When effort is expended and hearts seek a way out of the web of unreality, the ascended hosts of light extend their hands to encourage and embrace the wayfarer who would be free.
God has provided his sons and daughters with a point of contact and interaction between his immortal Spirit and their evolving souls. The Christ consciousness, which is composed wholly of light and which emanates from a realm of Pure Mind, is a collective energy field of the divine Logos that mediates all communication between Man and God. As a cosmic filter, the Christ mind acts impersonally on behalf of the Lord God to screen the imperfect emanations of man’s auric patterns from rising to his eternal domain. Likewise, it acts personally on behalf of Man to screen the fiery elements of God’s supreme auric emanations from consuming him within his earthly domain.
The Christ mind is therefore a true seat of mercy, a focus of forgiveness and grace, as an intermediary between the highest solar frequencies of pure beingness and the lowest terrestrial emanations of unconsciousness and inanity. The Christic mind beholds both the perfection of God’s holy will, wisdom and love while righteously and objectively observing the imperfections of Man’s unholy use of free will through his actions, thoughts and feelings.
The Christ Spirit—not as the man Jesus but as the universal Logoic light that is representative of all sons and daughters of God who have reunited with God—sits upon the throne, the three-in-one , of balanced love, wisdom and power, within the Holy City. He is a noble judge whose perfect determination, discrimination and discernment focus the light of the ideal of Man held inviolate in the All-Seeing Eye of God through the prism of his beautiful mind, so that Man may fulfill his highest calling in life.
Man’s Self-actualization and ultimate God-realization may be accelerated through attunement with the mind of Christ, which Paul encouraged his disciples to be allowed to live within them. 1 Paul knew that the pure Christ Spirit would help forge a new identity of beingness within the lives of those who sought to understand the purpose of Jesus’ ministry. As each one would embrace the higher mind of the Christ consciousness, their own inner path would be opened to the deeper mysteries that the masters of truth would eventually reveal to them in time.
The greater works of which Jesus spoke 2 may only be accomplished when you have merged your mind with the universal mind of Christ and blended your heart fires with the blazing light of the heart of Christ. He commanded his disciples to love one another as he had loved them, 3 for he knew this was the key to their overcoming and of their embracing of the Holy Spirit who is the instrument for all miracles and blessings.
The Christic mind is all-seeing because it views all immaculately. It is all-knowing because it cognizes all intuitively. It is all-feeling because it senses all compassionately, and it is all-encompassing because it emanates to all with pure, indifferent Buddhic love. It utilizes the highest form of divine reason, which is Logoic logic, born of God because it is the living Word. No human reasoning born of partiality, superficiality or banality can compare with its incisive and insightful conceptualization!
When the mind of Christ dwells fully within, your aura will shine with the same saintly brilliance that the glorified Jesus experienced during his transfiguration on the mount, witnessed by Peter, James and John. 4 The initiation of the transfiguration is a precursor to the divine glorification that comes with the resurrection and the ascension when the aura of Man is fully subsumed into the aura of his God Self, his Solar Presence.
Whether you have lived and prayed as Bahái, Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Jain, Jew, Muslim, Pagan, Sikh, Shintoist, Taoist or Zoroastrian, the higher mind of the universal Christ consciousness, which is beyond all human religion and dogma, abides within you to know, to experience and to become.
I am firing that Mind within you now for your ascent to the true-blue realms of solar light,