The Effects of Cosmic Forces
and Intuition
The attainment of a rainbow aura is so practical,
because it carries within itself the means
of assimilation of all that exists.
— El Morya, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II
Victorious Hearts,
Tending the fires of the heart to the extent that one feels a constant pulsation of divine light through one’s auric flowfield is a key to mastering one’s life and the singular space of love that is both personal and universal. Once your human aura is fully integrated with the reality of your Higher Self, a new world consciousness dawns within.
Every sentient being may incorporate the Divine’s morphic field of beingness into her present reality of awareness. An electrified energy grid of pure light is then suffused through her personal Tree of Life, which is the composite of all of her interdimensional bodies—from the lower-vibrating corporal body to the scintillating Solar Presence.
Just as Kabbalists study the Sephirotic Tree of Life which geometrically and symbolically describes the structure and nature of the universe and the God-realities that are infused through it, so “as Above, so below,” each individual monad or Oversoul has an individualized Tree of Life that exhibits the full nature of her true being. The Tree of Life is a sacred grid of light that houses the morphic field, which in turn contains the human aura.
The morphic field allows for the universal connectivity between all lifestreams to manifest because it is Spirit’s essence that is infused through all created life. It incorporates the intelligence of the Divine One within the pulsations that flow through it at regular, alternating intervals based on an internal clock that is synchronized with the emanations from the Great Central Sun. These frequencies nurture the soul and the body temple, providing the life-giving essence that is the very breath of God vouchsafed to all.
The electromagnetic fields of planetary homes within a solar system are all connected through the greater morphic field of their parent sun. Likewise, your own morphic field is tuned to the divine DNA and auric presence of the manus of the root race into which you were born, who hold the divine blueprint for all evolving within their archetypical domain. Each root race has an overarching spiritual imprint within its gene pool that contains the highest ideal of perfection for the multitude of souls evolving within the cycles of that race’s appearance upon Earth or other planetary homes.
One goal for spiritual aspirants is to align their beings with their own Solar Source by utilizing the current emanations of light from the Chohans of the Rays through meditation upon their light bodies. The Chohans in turn are constantly in a state of resonance with the manus of the root races and step down their solar frequencies unto their disciples. A greater morphic field is thus established between all that allows for the transmission of frequencies of light “up” and “down” and throughout the entire hierarchical chain of being of all created beings.
The blind man whose eyesight had been restored by Jesus exclaimed, “I see men as trees, walking.”
Although few have rightly interpreted this scripture, you may discover its full meaning only with this knowledge of the morphic field and the Tree of Life. Jesus himself could see the auras of all living beings and witnessed the totality of each one’s true Buddha nature. He transferred his own divine vision in that moment to the blind man who then also recognized men’s real nature and that they appeared as trees with roots and trunk and branches—emblematic of their complete awareness in all energetic realms of being.
The life-giving essences that your Tree of Life produces for your inspiration and nourishment are borne of and through the Spirit that continues to offer the fruits from its branches to all mankind to experience through the gift of free will. Each evolving soul is constantly presented with opportunities to experience the Edenic state of life by partaking of fruit from the Tree of Life.
Its leaves are for the healing of the nations because they allow all to be queued back into the integrity and wholeness of that tree from which all life flows. Each leaf is a solar energy conductor which fixes the light of the sun for the growth and nourishment of the entire morphic field of the sons and daughters of the One.
May your own Edenic garden of divine virtues be fruitful as you consciously adapt to the eternally changing seasons and care for your own Tree of Life in its midst.
I am, humbly, your