The Mysticism of Divine Aromas
The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.
—Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Gallant Ones Whose Auras Are Becoming Godlike,
Juxtaposed against the most luminous and fragrant aura of the Divine One is the aura of the common man and woman of the Kali Yuga, whose definition and radiance has much to be desired. The pollution of the aura through habits of carnal desire and practices of human deceit has been well documented by my holy brother, Djwal Kul. Likewise he, Kuthumi and I have shown a higher way of utilizing your aura’s magnetic qualities to enhance its vibrancy and luminosity through virtuous spiritual practices.
With the accelerated advancement of all manner of electronic and digital technologies now used by humanity, there has concurrently been a most stark and marked decrease in the glow as well as the fragrant aroma of the human aura. The bombardment of and interference with the naturally elastic and energetically impervious flowfield of light around you with numerous unseen microwaves and other harmful extremely low or high frequencies has resulted in the hardening of its protective membranes and allowed new and more dangerous physical, astral and mental influences, toxins and illnesses of body, mind and soul to manifest upon and within your world. This has reached alarming levels such that the Master Lanello has called it a dangerous plague that has been purposefully obfuscated by various industries and the powers that be.
Man’s disenfranchisement from nature has almost made him into an automaton, willing and ready to respond to every stimulating ad form generated by the evil wizards of Madison Avenue, every whim of the Hollywood jet set, every preprogrammed matrix of illusion by the proponents of delirium and darkness in the rock, rap and jazz music industries. To break free from the mass consciousness and its continual harboring and promulgation of the recurring records of violence, destruction and war requires a new thrust of spiritual purpose, a conscious return to divine principles of light.
What is not often experienced by devotees whose inner vision is beginning to open is the aromatic nature of the auric field. Those who are sensitive to the devic realms and the work of the gentle sylphs and flower fairies know that the aura also exudes a frequency of odor—or what I would call arbor ardor—that is within another spectrum of consciousness. When your chakras’ petals are spinning freely because of a deep and abiding sense of joy that is won through your devotional practices, these naturally express a holy fragrance born of your specific rendering of the love-virtues of your Higher Self.
Each chakra may emit a particular floral aroma based on your self-mastery of the flow of energy from your Solar Presence through it as a portal of light and creativity. Your heart is meant to waft the scent of roses, magnolias and lotuses throughout your aura, while your soul chakra is destined to release a distillation of violets, lilacs, asters and lavender into the ethers. Your base chakra may bless all with the fragrance of Easter lilies, freesia, honeysuckle and gardenias while your throat chakra may blaze forth the divine aroma of periwinkle, forget-me-nots and torenia. Chakra by chakra, oils of gladness may be bestowed to all as heavenly virtues of your Real Self by your conscious application of the spiritual sciences of energy flow, the true flowering of your divinity.
Have you noticed the beautiful aroma of a newborn babe who has so recently arrived from heaven’s domain? You would be amazed to see how the soul of that one has received before its physical incarnation certain impartations of light from the angels of mercy and harmony whose mission it is to prepare her for her earthly sojourn with the protective grace of these special blessings of light! The work of these divine ministrants of the Spirit is truly sublime, dearest hearts.
Ponder for a moment that Three Wise Men brought their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ Child, Jesus, shortly after his birth. These were truly treasures that were used by the Holy Family to seal the outer vehicle of the living God Child for his mighty mission to serve the sons and daughters of God. Through the majesty of his example all could overcome their doubts and fears and gain their Self-mastery during the 2000-year age of opportunity known as the Piscean dispensation.
Those who feel an affinity to the Christic and Buddhic teachings of Jesus and his perfectionment through surrender to the holy will, wisdom and love of God will gain much through both the study and use of sacred flower essences and remedies. When prepared carefully and ingested or aerated appropriately, these create an atmosphere or auric field around you that is more conducive to higher spiritual work and service. This is why it is important to have fresh, living flowers on or near your altars whenever you are preparing to receive the visitation and discourses of celestial and cosmic beings.
Just as it was said of old to let your light so shine before men that they would give glory to the Father, 1 so I ask you to let the fragrance of your Divine Self flow and bless all who come to you for spiritual support, upliftment, healing and love.
Harbinger of a new age of holiness unto the Lord, 2 I am