Energy fields are influential in controlling
our physiology and our health
—Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief
Spiritual practice helps us to increase the clarity, illumination and purity of our auras. By helping us to eliminate certain habit patterns and other things that do not accommodate our highest selfhood, spiritual practices facilitate deeper communion with our God Presence.
Unhelpful habits and other anomalies can be problematic on our spiritual journey and they can be seen in the aura. I’ll highlight some of these issues so that we can take stock, take heart and determine which areas we desire to work on to increase our ability to invoke, retain and emanate light.
One of the most important spiritual practices is to center yourself and focus upon the Divine One, your great Solar Presence. When your attention is firmly fixed on your Source, a radiant stream of light enters your auric field that naturally purifies everything within you because you are aligned with God.
The commandment to love the Lord with all of your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit 1 is foremost. Following that, the conscious choice that you can make every day is the seminal act of allowing yourself to live in light and to be light. Through heartcenteredness, which is entering into divine love, you will naturally engender a beautiful roseate field of energy around your chest cavity, within your heart chakra, blessing yourself and expanding outward through compassion to bless all with whom you interact.
Maintaining a state of listening grace through focus upon and within your heart and retaining your connection with that individualized Presence of God within you, is another most important spiritual practice.
Stilling the mind is essential. In one sense, a certain irrationality of the carnal mind 2 enters in when one is not focused upon and living within the higher mind of God. Those who have not developed the capacity to fully still their minds through meditation and silence have a fuzziness in their auric fields, especially around the head. If they have a tendency to revolve things and rehearse memories of former times, this fuzziness becomes like the static that we used to see on TV or hear through the radio. This static affects the entire aura and creates an agitation that extends into the emotional body and speech patterns.
If you have trouble enunciating, pronouncing words, or speaking in clear, structured sentences, it’s important for you to focus on stilling your mind and emotions. Doing this will increase your ability to conceptualize clearly, in advance of speaking, so that your words are graceful and your meaning is easily understood.
To still the mind requires a daily practice of meditation, of simply being still. Cultivating inner stillness on a long-term basis leads to greater clarity in the aura—both around the head and throughout the entire auric field. Understanding and engaging in this practice can help you convey what is essential within your words and messages with heart-centeredness, presence and peace.
The practice of forgiveness clears the aura of past propensities and burdens. Forgiveness cleans and washes us free of past karmic entanglements. Those who have not fully forgiven themselves or others retain within their auras knots and anomalies that can interfere with their eternal victory. Harboring hatred, lack of compassion or even mild dislike toward yourself or anyone else creates red blotches within your emotional body that remain there until you release and dissolve them through forgiveness and understanding.
When people are not self-forgiving, they have a certain band of darkness in their auras that is a perversion of the quality of love. It shows up as a brown-mauve energy, retained in the emotional body and around and below the heart.
The heart that is unforgiving becomes encrusted—both physically and emotionally—by the patterns that constrict it and stop the flow of light, and in some cases the actual flow of blood. It is spiritually harmful to retain issues with others because of nonforgiveness.
The heart that is free through forgiveness and compassion, kindness and mercy is radiant, effulgent and alive. When joy and forgiveness manifest through your being, the auric field around the heart is clear, radiant and beautiful. And what then issues forth from the aura is equivalent in essence to the aromas that many flowers naturally exude when they open to the sun.
Jesus’ command to forgive seventy times seven 3 and to love our enemies, 4 and Buddha’s practice of completely entering into the state of nonduality and of seeing every lifestream as already perfect, are essential, indeed, the greatest spiritual practices for clearing the heart and the aura of problematic vibrations. Other practices that cultivate forgiveness include prayer, the invocation of the violet light of forgiveness, the practice of Ho’oponopono 5 and the beautiful offerings of mercy in Kuan Yin’s Rosary of Mercy . 6
Diet and exercise directly affect the aura. Through eating a pure diet (which I will discuss later on), emotional attachments and problems that at times crop up in people’s lives can be cleared to some degree. Gradually, as you implement dietary changes, you will see an increased ability to retain higher thoughts and concepts.
Why is eating a pure diet so important? What you eat is reflected in the aura. The auric field of individuals whose diet regularly includes an excess intake of heavy meats, refined sugar and other processed foods, such as refined flours, oils, et cetera, often shows a buildup of a mucus-like energy within the lower portion of the body. Their auric fields are often unable to support a greater light-energy or keep it resonating within them. For example, processed and refined sugar directly impacts the aura and the brain’s ability to cognize higher ideas. It makes the aura weaker, less stable and less able to retain and emanate light.
The habitual overconsumption of chocolate, coffee and other harmful foods and drinks also weakens the aura. Every substance has an energy pattern. To simplify and generalize, coffee and chocolate dull the mind and create a brown, tar-like substance around the brain and, at a subtle level, throughout the entire auric field. Having one cup of coffee or a small piece of chocolate a day may not be an issue. But imbibing four or five cups of coffee a day or being addicted to caffeine or chocolate can be debilitating.
Being disciplined about your diet does make a difference. The diet of the adepts helps to maintain stability in the aura. This diet is often primarily a vegetarian diet of grains, nuts and seeds; live foods, including sprouts; fruit picked straight from the tree whenever possible; dried fruit; and plenty of fresh vegetables, especially green leafy and root vegetables. Root vegetables tend to be grounding because they create a foundation of balance within us. For people living in northern climates, properly prepared root vegetables, especially in winter, are very soothing to the auric field and to the entire being.
Exercise brings a natural transparency to the auric field. Physical exercise, pranic breathing, laughter and movement unclog blockages that prevent light from flowing. If you are depressed or not at your spiritual peak, develop a practice of exercise that you like and will do consistently—walking, hiking, swimming, biking, rebounding, yoga or even lots of laughter. Regular exercise increases the life force within the entire body and excises debilitating mind-sets and energy patterns. When you exercise, you invite the stream of God’s consciousness into your life through the Holy Spirit.
Constant talking, and to an even greater degree gossiping, develops an energy pattern around the throat chakra that diametrically opposes the Word of God coming through us. This kind of speech will chain the Word, limiting the light that can come through our awareness because we cannot be fully trusted to speak without causing harm or to speak only the truth.
Gossip and speaking ill of others creates a jagged pattern in the aura that appears like black lightning coming out of the mouth. Those who gossip on a regular basis emit from the throat chakra an energy pattern that looks like little snakes. Watching your words and being careful to speak only uplifting words with loving consideration is important for clearing the aura in the area of the throat.
Certain types of negative habit patterns or paradigms create symbols within the auric field that indicate the particular propensity that the individual has not yet overcome. For instance, someone with a very heavy drinking problem may have images of beer cans or wine and liquor bottles right within their auric field! A shadowy entity with an exaggerated and distorted mouth is visible, whose primary function is to suck the light out of its victims through their habit. A smoking problem may also show up in the auric field in the area around the spinal cord and neck as a large, gross entity that looks like a giant version of the tobacco hornworm.
One of the worst of all entities that is now creating a plague within our society and throughout the world is the marijuana entity. It works on the minds of its victims to convince them that it can help them with their problems and, in the case of medical marijuana, with their aches and pains. It releases a temporary high while it subtly siphons light from within their astral body through the head area. In every case, as I’ve observed those who smoke marijuana, there is a dark, blackish energy pattern around the brain, indicating the dulling of the person’s higher motor functions. This energy pattern eventually robs them of their ability to discern between true spiritual light and its counterfeit, which is a silvery, shadowy astral consciousness foreign to their being that unduly influences them in rationalizing their habit. Addictions to substances definitely have a negative impact on our auras. If you have such a habit, overcoming it will be a great boon to your aura!
The attachments that we have to worldly things that are not essential for our life and our spiritual journey also are seen within the auric field. Anomalies lodge in different areas of the aura, based on the type of attachment. For example, if there is an attachment to a belief system, a symbol can be seen within the mental body, around the head.
We all have certain attachments to this world; otherwise we wouldn’t be here. Each and every one of us has something that we can work on to clear, clean and purify our auric fields until they become pure white-light Sun centers of awesome radiant energy.
Other problems and habits recorded in the aura are outstanding debts, unfulfilled promises, and uncompleted projects that a person knows are essential to fulfill. Completing a specific project is often essential for a person’s life mission.
Outstanding obligations look like little pieces of a puzzle floating around within the auric field, uncooperative energies formed from unfulfilled words, promises, and commitments. A debt to others appears in the aura like a red stain on the ledger. It is actually a debit, and the amount of the debt is sometimes enumerated in the aura. These debts are a pall that can truly burden us because they are karmic obligations that have an actual astral weight.
If you have debts or other unfulfilled obligations, write down the nature or the amount of the debt and to whom it is owed. Develop a plan for clearing those debts as soon as possible and stick to your plan. When you do, you will be free of those blocks, those little red splotches of energy within your auric field. Freedom from the weight of such debts will give you a great boost of energy in your life.
Many of us have long-term debts, including mortgages and car payments. When you regularly pay these debts on schedule, it is not the same kind of thing. The debts that burden the aura are ones where you have given your word to a specific person or institution, whether or not you’ve signed a document, and agreed to pay it back according to a certain schedule or timeframe but have not fulfilled those obligations. The weight of these outstanding obligations builds. Some people have a pattern of borrowing money and not paying it back. In such cases, a very heavy pall can be seen as a tangible energy of dust within a portion of the aura, and this clouds their ability to receive more abundance, light and divine illumination. When we clear our outstanding debts and other types of unfulfilled obligations, heaven opens up its abundance and treasures to us because it knows that we can be trusted to pay back what we owe.
Inappropriate or excessive emotional attachments and fantasies, such as indulging an attraction for someone when a relationship would be inappropriate for any reason, create an emotional pull that weakens the auric field. As the aura weakens and spreads out, these harmful energies go out to the object of their desire and weaken that person’s ability to retain light. The auras of those who indulge an inappropriate attachment will contract and diminish in luminosity instead of being clear, radiant and expansive.
If you feel an energetic pull from anyone, clear yourself of that energy in order to retain the autonomy of your being. Those who are good-looking, in the public light or prominent in their work may sometimes become the object of unwanted attention or fantasies. They may feel or observe the gaze of others upon them. If you’ve felt this, protect your energy and auric field so you don’t allow someone else’s desires to deplete your energy.
Through visualization, prayer and acceptance, you can create a protective energy field around yourself and give your aura a natural buoyancy. Protecting yourself within a crystal diamond tube of light 7 will seal your aura in an impervious sphere of blue and white light. No intrusive mental or emotional aberrations or “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” can affect you. You are free to be who you truly are, a beautiful and radiant being!
If you pray before retiring at night, the Holy Spirit will assist you during your sleep so that you can be fully rejuvenated and have mystical experiences as your spirit takes flight into higher realms of light. By focusing your attention upon divine light, a natural cleansing occurs within your physical, emotional, mental and memory bodies. Rest, recuperation and stillness regenerate your aura and allow the light of your Presence to flow more easily through you.
It’s important to reserve time for repose, recreation and silence, especially in nature, to recharge our auras with the light of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise we may be drained through our work and other activities. This is not to say that we should be lazy. Those who are very active in their spiritual work and their sacred labor naturally regenerate because movement helps to generate spiritual light. Whether we are primarily doing mental work, physical work or a combination thereof, the action of serving others also extends itself through our auric field as a blessing and a boon to our own lives, too!
Through the spiritual practices of forgiveness, heart-centeredness, focus upon our Divine Presence, right diet, exercise, laughter, pranic breathing, watching our words, paying our debts, eliminating negative habits and attachments and rejuvenating ourselves with ample periods of rest and recreation, we cleanse, purify and strengthen our auras so we can live happy and productive lives.