Mastering Our Emotions and
Expanding Our Solar Reality
Souls do not stop and start, they are continuous. Death is not
final. It is existence in a different form in the Forever world.
—Marlo Morgan, Mutant Message from Forever
I had a near-death experience when I was ten years old, though it was a bit different from the dramatic ones you read about in best-selling NDE books. I nearly drowned while swimming in a public pool in my hometown on a bright summer day in 1966. The story goes like this.
At ten I felt I could swim pretty well, though I hadn’t taken lessons. I typically swam in the shallow end and learned how to breathe and do the freestyle stroke. Still, I had never been off the diving board, and my buddies had been encouraging me to do so, saying it was a blast. So, I finally gave in to the idea and decided to go for it. My friends said it was easy—I just had to jump into the water, wait until I came to the surface and then swim to the side. What I wasn’t told is that you have to exert some effort to get up to the surface—if you desire to live! Boy, was I in for a surprise!
Well, I jumped far away from the board and held my nose and then waited . . . and waited . . . and waited! Then I blacked out. The next thing I felt was pressure around my chest as a strong set of arms pulled me out of the water. As I was lying by the side of the pool with eyes half-closed, I saw dozens of kids huddled around me gazing at my shaking body and wondering if I would make it. Well, I lived to tell the story.
No, I didn’t have one of those amazing out-of-body experiences where I was whooshed through a dark tunnel into the light, meeting Jesus or other divine beings. Yet having nearly drowned, I experienced an intense fear—fear of death—that I would later have to overcome. Though the lifeguards attempted to get me right back in the pool to swim so I wouldn’t develop a fear of the water, I was too embarrassed and just desired to go home. I look back now and realize that this experience awakened something deep within me, even though I avoided that pool for three more years and didn’t go off the board again until I was fourteen and a freshman in high school. What I experienced at the soul level was the re-enactment of a prior life experience when I drowned in a river with a fast current. The “record” was apparently “up for transmutation.” Although I didn’t have to drown that day, it was an opportunity to overcome a deep-seated fear. Fortunately, God and his angels worked through that lifeguard, and I was blessed to be saved to live another day, another year and more.
In retrospect, the very thing that was challenging to me then has now become a joy in my life and a major part of my weekly exercise routine to maintain good health and well-being. I encourage those of you who do not know how to swim to challenge yourself and take swimming lessons, even if you are an adult. Learn to use your arms, legs and lungs to navigate through water and overcome any fear you may have, like the fear I had during those pre-teen years. This may provide you with a new sense of wholeness, and you may then enjoy being in the water and communing with the sweet undines and water devas!
Water represents our feeling or astral body. Learning to swim allows us to gain greater mastery over our emotions and over the astral plane itself. When we have no fear, we can easily navigate through the astral plane to the higher etheric planes where many divine beings live, move and have their being. By gaining mastery over water, we develop a much more radiant and beautiful aura. Most people upon Earth live in a stuck state of unconsciousness and have murky and stagnant auras, for they continuously imbibe astral effluvia through the mass media and have little self-mastery of their emotions and their astral body.
The aura reflects the ups and downs of our emotions because that is where much of our consciousness resides. We live through our feelings and the broad range of emotions we experience shows up instantly in our auric field. We can get stuck in places and paradigms that do not serve us—in mindsets, in emotional states—whereby we make no further spiritual progress until something or someone comes along and shakes things up for us and we decide to change. Our auras may remain dull and lack clarity and vitality until we choose to master our emotions and become a blessing to all life.
In our spiritual movement a favorite mantra we like to give and sing is, “I live, move and have my being in a living, liquid, crystal-diamond of light.”
Our auric field is a living and moving, liquid, crystal-light field of energy. When we sing this prayer, we cleanse our auras so that we may also increase our Solar awareness.
Those who can observe the aura through clairvoyance note the constant changing nature of the aura and the patterns that flow within the auric field. We have a human aura and we also have a divine aura, which is emitted from our Solar Presence. From this Solar Presence, or I AM Presence, flow emanations, or radiant wave patterns of light, just as the sun of our solar system sends forth radiation. Since every ascended master is one with the God Presence and is living, moving and having his or her being within this great God light in the heaven world, there is an emanation of spiritual radiation emitted by each one. When those who are attuned to the higher frequencies see the light essence, or beingness, of an ascended master, they note the awesome light-energy field that is emitted and feel its loving radiation.
A master such as Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
is able to radiate pure white and golden light and perform miraculous wonders because he understands his true nature and purpose as a Solar being. He incarnated upon Earth, and through a gradual process of spiritual evolution, attuned with the sun and with other great stellar beings, and became a veritable sun himself. This is also our goal and purpose.
This is the beauty of the higher mindfulness of God that flows through the Christic and the Buddhic minds of great masters. The emanating fields of great God-light flow to each person within the lecture hall or wherever a divine transmission that we call a Heart-Stream is given. By the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, each one receives exactly what he or she requires at that moment. One concept or statement may have a great depth of meaning for one individual, and another idea or story may cut to the chase, straight to the core of an issue for another devotee. Collectively, the entire message of the master is meant for all. Yet, the specificity of the words captured through the grace and intelligence of the Holy Spirit allows for an amazing integrative blessing to occur. It manifests through the greater auric field of the master, which surrounds the entire environment and every lifestream within it.
It is important for us to understand this spiritual dynamic. Though we may seemingly be in a passive state as receptors of this light as we view or listen to the masters’ messages, even in recordings,
we can truly be active participants through a slight shift in our consciousness. The masters expect us to thereby expand the light of their words and work into the domains of our own spheres of influence—our families, our communities, our cities, our nations.
It is important for us to realize that we are all masters-in-themaking, adepts-in-the-becoming. When we engage at this level, we can do much more work than if we are simply half asleep or only seeing ourselves in a passive, receptive mode. We put on the mantle of the master when we take an active role by blazing forth the light and using our chakras, our devotions and our spiritual practices in everything we do. We increase the spherical energy field of our auras to bless life, even in those places where we have lived and walked before, because through a type of divine magic we continue to bless life to which we have been connected.
Even if one is not always outwardly conscious of it, inwardly, at the level of our Solar Presence, this is what is occurring. When you truly understand and cognize this concept—so that you are at least partly in the mode of allowing this level of blessing to occur as you focus on your God Presence—it becomes even more powerful and active. Those who meditate regularly and go deep into the solar spheres of awareness of their causal body and their God Presence begin to experience this phenomenon and feel the wave patterns of light from their Solar Source. During our meditation time we may ask the Lord to use us as instruments, to use our auric fields to grace the Earth with a divine presence of joy and eternal love. Many holy graces of the Spirit begin to flow through us when we engage the universe in this dynamic.
There is no time within the higher spheres of awareness as we experience it here in this dimension. Yet, through the aura we see, captured and displayed, our past, present and future in a very discrete and symbolic form through an interplay of engrams and amazing arrays of colors, through gradations of light and highlighting shadows. It is like multidimensional videography, which adepts can see through their open and highly developed inner vision. Our book of life is our specific akashic record of how we have lived our numerous lifetimes, including the choices we’ve made, the victories we’ve had, who and what we’ve become and much more.
Many have heard of the life review. Some of you may have had a life review occur when you reached the point of balancing fifty-one percent of your karma, although it may not be a conscious memory. Many who have gone through NDEs describe an awesome panoramic, multimedia display, where one feels everything experienced in all lifetimes, as well as the feelings of everyone with whom one interacted. I like the movie
The Time Machine
because it shows the speeding up of time and what can occur over decades, hundreds of years and millennia in a short period of time. What was shown to me is that within our aura the entire life-review process is wrapped up into a distinctive golden crystal-like file, which some adepts can read and interpret by special permission. Padre Pio, Peter Deunov,
Babaji and Mark Prophet are a few of the masters who clearly displayed this amazing spiritual gift.
Padre Pio received many people for confession within the Catholic Church. People would rattle off most of their sins and things that they regretted doing. When they stopped talking he would say, “Are you done?” And they would say, “Yes.” He would then respond, “But what about when you did this, this and this?” So he could read the record of their lifestreams. How did he do this? He was clairvoyant and he had the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He used them discreetly and only for the betterment of those he served and for whom he prayed.
Peter Deunov knew the future of Mikhaël Aïvanhov when his young disciple was still in his late teens. He could see beyond time and witness the destiny of the soul of this embodied master and saint because the elements of what was planned before he incarnated were there within the personal book of life of Mikhaël Aïvanhov, the future Master Omraam. Because Peter Deunov had qualified himself through discipline to be able to read and interpret the akashic records judiciously and righteously, he was given permission and was then able to give Mikhaël certain information. And yet he did not give him all, only a few clues. You can read about this in the numerous biographies or autobiographical works of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.
Dannion Brinkley,
who has written and spoken widely on his near-death experiences, describes the akashic records as being contained on a kind of spindle, a crystal-diamond-golden spindle of light sealed within our auric field, which certain sensitive people can read. With this concept in mind, I would like to give you a further understanding of how important it is to maintain the integrity of our light-energies within our auras.
When we desire to be well thought of for our mental prowess, especially through what we have gained in our study of esoteric teachings, we may begin to harbor a subtle spiritual pride. At one stage in my own life, my spiritual teacher chastised me intensely for this exact, wily vice! I have worked diligently over many years since that incident to overcome spiritual pride, vowing to always remain a humble servant leader. And today I’ve become sensitive to this same test manifesting in the lives of various disciples, who, through a lack of humility, have ignored instruction conveyed by the masters of wisdom. These individuals gradually accepted a lower state of consciousness. The change showed up dramatically within their auras, altering their coloration from, for some, a vibrant blue-white to a dark silvery-gray virtually overnight.
No matter where we are on our spiritual path, if we have pride, arrogance, rebellion against our Divine Source or we engage our human ego in any form, especially if we see others as the problem rather than working on ourselves, we can end up turning away from the light—quite a sorry state! Doubt, fear and human questioning are also deceptive mental and emotional aberrations that compromise our ability to maintain a radiant light field within and around us. When we have any doubt about the existence of God and the ascended masters, it opens up a point of darkness within the aura that evil spirits can leverage and, over time, expand. If we are not careful, astral entities can inveigle themselves into our unconscious and subconscious minds, opening us up to a host of mental and emotional problems. I offer this word of caution so we each may continue to live in auras glistening in pastel radiance and brilliance, blessing all life.
When we engage God in prayer sessions, in all of our loving, givingness and sharing, our thoughtfulness and kindness, we experience the exact opposite. The light begins to grow and expand, to evolve and accelerate within our auras. Just as you pinprick an egg and take out the yolk and white to prepare the shell to color for Easter, so God invests within you a new Solar reality, a new light-essence. The spiritual power of your Solar Presence flows through your electronic body through your crystal cord from your Higher Self, through the mediator of your own Christic Self, down into the crown. It is then anchored in your heart and expands out from there.
Let us maintain our divine link with our Source by our attention on our Presence, on our hearts and the glowing fire of God within us. Let us see and feel the same reality within each person we meet. Let us allow the light of our auric fields to continuously evolve into a greater Solar reality because we are making conscious choices, knowing that, as the Master Omraam says, we have a daily life review at the close of each evening. We can forgive ourselves and others, look in the mirror, observe our own awareness, see what we’ve done each day, pray and make amends, make atonement and move on.
Forgiveness, mercy and compassion are keys in this process. If at any point we feel a sense of attachment to the past, if we can’t seem to shrug off the dislike of an individual or the memory of situations that occurred with former spouses or people who we feel have wronged or shunned us, let’s just let it go. Forgive. Wash it clean. Pray: “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
This Ho’oponopono prayer is beautiful, and it works!