The Study of Solar Light and
the Aura of a Mystic
A holistic approach [is] seeing the inner worlds not as
a hierarchy of levels but an ecology of interconnected and
interdependent states of being and consciousness
—David Spangler, Apprenticed to Spirit
Sensing is seeing, even as seeing is one of the five primary senses. If you have studied the science of sight, you know that the eyes are delicate organs, amazing receptors of all the stimuli we behold that are impressed upon and impact our brain and, therefore, our consciousness. There are numerous aspects of both outer and inner sight we can become more sensitized to as we work on ourselves and invite the universe to open our vision to the more resplendent realms of light. The more developed soul may eventually have the quickening of third-eye vision, but only when she is ready for a higher walk with God.
Artists and photographers often develop an intuitive understanding of both physical and spiritual light through their study of color, shading, intensity and perspective in their work. They know that what we see and drink in through our eyes affects our awareness. As a result, they create through their own gifts and talents a distinct vantage point or portal for the observer to view the ideas and feelings they are hoping to communicate through their works.
In gazing upon the early morning sun, I have discovered that watching her rays as they dance and play upon the Yellowstone River Valley, the mountains, the trees and homes where I live provides me with a personal message for that day. Sunlight has become a metaphor for me—clearly highlighting what I am ready to view, master and become in my life.
Consider the spiritual dynamics of shadow and shading. When we are experiencing considerable emotional, mental or physical challenges, we often have shadowy anomalies show up in our aura. When the core issues fueling our problems are recognized, addressed and resolved through spiritual science, the dark aspects of our auras dissolve and disappear. Once our inner struggle subsides, the full radiance of the Higher Self begins to flow through our auras. It’s a great thing to overcome our “not-self blues” because that’s when our auras become crystalline blue and begin to really shine!
All of us actually sense the aura through our hearts, through our “higher” feelings—our intuition or inner knowing. This occurs even before we may have our third eyes fully awakened to be able to see the aura’s colors and the more subtle aspects of the auric field, and to properly interpret their meaning. When we are in the aura of a true master, we are often quickened to feel and know a newer sense of presence, of inner peace, of wholeness.
One example in my own life was a bit humorous. My first wife and I attended a dance in Montana and, upon entering the dance hall, we were greeted by my spiritual teacher and her husband. Upon shaking her hand an intense electrical charge of energy was released and transferred to me through my hand, into my arm, then to my heart and from there throughout my entire being from head to toe. I almost jumped out of my body (and probably did for a split second!), yet somehow I was able to maintain my composure. All I can say is that for the rest of the evening everything was quite thrilling as I was buoyed up in the light and love of this new impulse of divine joy. I danced away the night in ecstatic bliss, having witnessed the power of the aura of my spiritual guru and of what could be conveyed through her within the seemingly simple gesture of a handshake.
Much of what we observe in our daily lives does not fully become a part of our awareness and consciousness because we are not sensitized enough to remain in the Now. When we slow down the outer senses and go within through inner stillness, we speed up the divine senses that allow us to know our Buddha nature. When we are busy and in the doing mode, there is less opportunity for being and experiencing the radiance of the auras of muses, angels and divine beings that may assist and inspire us. As my guru used to say, it doesn’t take time, it takes attunement, to have our victory.
At one time or another in our lives, many of us have been fooled by individuals who somehow were able to cloak their true motives. If we had been fully observant of their intent through their auras—sensitized through presence
to what was within them—we would have been able to see through their outer words to discern their true aims. Therefore, it pays to develop greater sensitivity and then listen to our hearts.
The sun sees through everything and is all-knowing. Its radiant energy penetrates through physical objects and blesses the just and the unjust alike. Nothing can hide from the wisdom and illumination of the sun. When we are sun-like, aligned with and attuned to our Solar Presence, we, too, will have perfect discrimination and discernment.
The study of solar radiation, of the sun’s rays, is important for the new age. We do not fully understand at this time the composition of the sun’s rays. A new science of the sun is emerging whereby enlightened individuals are focusing on the sun’s daily messages to us. Through the delicate instrumentation of their inner beings, they are awakening to feel and interpret what the sun is speaking and communicating to us today. Through the sacred sciences of solar gazing and solar meditation, all things are being revealed and higher truths are coming to the fore.
The great masters of wisdom of East and West have learned this science through reflection and meditation. God, in the great knowingness of pure vision, reveals to them exactly what they require. Mystics and saints spend more time in silence and reflection and less time in the outer world of shadow and darkness. For it is within that the sun resides, and it is within that wisdom manifests.
The aura is a field of energy that is constantly moving, streaming and changing based on our awareness and our conscious choices in applying our will, our minds and our hearts. For those who are steeped in spiritual truths, always seeking to know God more, the aura becomes, through the clarity of consciousness, a crystal diadem, an emanating field of divine joy, radiance and love refreshing and renewing the world by Spirit.
This is our destiny—to allow the energies of divine love, wisdom and power to flow through us. We are opening our hearts and allowing the divine song of the Spirit to sing through us, to find its room within the crèche of our own Selfhood. Through our clear seeing as we are focused on the Divine, we are beginning to sense and see the auras of all sentient beings, feeling the radiance of the Spirit as it moves through nature in its pristine glory. Praise God for the light of pure vision!