through Divine Thought
I would let both love and thought draw me into
presence of my larger Self....It was like a door opening
and I would find myself in an expanded state of
light and spaciousness
—David Spangler, Apprenticed to Spirit
The original blueprint of our divine essence from ages past when we were created in the image and likeness of God 1 still exists within a higher level of our being. It is akin to what Emerson called the Over-soul. 2 This perfected ideation of our Godhood vibrates at a frequency beyond what most clairvoyants are able to see within the human aura, for it exists within a more subtle auric emanation of our Solar Presence. Tapping into this blueprint and working decisively to bring it into fruition through our daily lives is our work of the ages.
Through the coursing of our soul in its involutionary and evolutionary journey in many dimensions of being, we have gleaned self-mastery on the initiatic path of light, learning to access and then beautifully express the virtues of God. Each virtue is a fruit on our own tree of life and expresses one aspect of our original blueprint. In God’s amazing conceptualization of life in all its glory, it’s amazing to consider that each of us is different and that we each have a unique blueprint. And together, with all of our essences combined, we comprise the mandala of life as we experience it in our particular sector of the universe.
When I was about fifteen, I read a book called The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. 3 The authors shared the dramatic scientific documentation by Cleve Backster that all plants have consciousness and feeling. Backster hooked up various plants to a polygraph machine to record their reactions when they were subjected to certain stimuli. He found that they reacted in much the same way that we do.
Every living being has an auric field. The blueprint for a plant contains the seed ideation of what it is destined to grow, blossom and ripen into. If it is a seed-bearing plant, it gives birth to new plants, and the continuity of the species carries on.
We, too, are constantly giving birth in a number of ways, especially through our thoughts. Various masters, including Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, have taught that thoughts are actually conscious entities, possessing a life or an essence of their own. That’s why William James and, later, Norman Vincent Peale, said, “Thoughts are things.” And in the Bible it says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” 4
When our thoughts are pure and beautiful, they are sealed by divine muses in ovoids of light and awareness, and they continue to vibrate and travel in space to grace the minds of mankind and the universe as a whole. When many minds consider and reflect on them, these “thought-beings” gather more energy unto themselves, transforming entire cultures, civilizations and worlds. Thoughts can be powerful planetary game-changers.
The thoughts of ascended masters and divine beings are instantly precipitated as manifest realities in their dimension because of the purity of their motives and consciousness and because of the high frequency in which they are ideated. In fact, the rate of vibration of ascended beings’ thoughts can be hundreds, thousands and even millions of times greater than that of our thoughts. As a whole, humanity is still learning to refine its thought processes. So mastering this will require clothing our thoughts with the energy of our feelings and the substance of our physical labor to manifest them as tangible realities in our world.
Our auric fields, which reflect what we are experiencing moment by moment, can be purified and made more sublime by our divinely inspired thoughts as our Solar Presence conceptualizes through our minds. Through this process, we begin to materialize the divine in our own worlds right where we are—“Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” 5
To enter the immortal realms of light, we must have a preponderance of holy intent with divine thoughts and feelings continuously flowing through our beings. Observe yourself throughout your day and notice where your thoughts lead you—because thoughts direct your consciousness. They deliver you and your soul essence either higher or lower. When your thoughts are vibrating at the Christic or Buddhic level, a natural energy flows through your auric field that is beautiful to behold.
Those who have lesser thoughts have trouble manifesting what they require to live a bountiful life. This is because their consciousness does not allow all of the resources of heaven to be theirs in the moment, in the Now. If you have unfulfilled needs, one of the first things you can do is to observe your thoughts and the feelings that accompany your thoughts. Are they of grace and beauty, clothing you with essences of God-good? Or are they something less, full of a sense of your wants and needs and of lack? Raising your thoughts can change all that!
Because we are conscious beings who have the gift of divine thought and co-creativity, we are completely responsible for everything in our world. Many people are not conscious that they are beautiful beings of light and require a bit of help to remember this eternal truth. They go through life unfulfilled because they aren’t taught these divine laws from an early age. Knowing what we know, we have to make the conscious choice to use this science of divine thought to recreate our world. We then begin to have downloaded into us new revelations of the Spirit—beautiful renditions of the music, artistry and culture of higher worlds—and we share our gifts with our brothers and sisters.
Our purpose in being here is to bless the Earth with higher ideations. How do we do this? Meditation is key—focusing on the heart, through which divine thoughts flow. The heart is even more powerful energetically than the mind. In our meditation practice, we can allow heart vibrations from our Solar Presence to flow and feel the impulses and essences of our new life in Spirit. When we are heart-centered, we become a blessing, even as we are blessed. Oneness with our Source is reestablished; we live in a world of divine light.
Saint Francis of Assisi was able to commune with elemental creatures in such a beautiful way because he mastered the science of stillness. He felt the innate beauty of all life—the sun, the moon, the stars, the plants, the nature spirits. He was able to attune to their essence, the flowering of their divine blueprint. Because he was one with life and with nature, nature revealed its secrets to him. The precious birds and other animals felt the nurturing energy of his heart. He developed a childlike spirit and, like Jesus, became a master of peace.
You, too, will grow, evolve and learn what you are destined to become if you still your body temple in meditation. This takes practice and setting aside time to be in silence, away from the strife of the world, not allowing any vibration to disrupt that peaceful state. Going out into nature, or having a room in your home consecrated to the purpose of being one with God, will allow you to attune to the highest frequency of the mind of God. Thus, you will attune to the divine blueprint within you—your True Self—and bring untold blessings, miracles and joy into your life, your world, and the world around you.
Enjoy your time of blessed stillness with your Solar Presence!