

“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”

~ Hippocrates

AuthorBio.jpgThough born in the United States, Loraine R. Dégraff considers herself “international” due to her military family background. Her father’s assignments led the family through the states and overseas. She is a Duke University graduate and a recipient of a master’s degree in graphic design from Pratt Institute. Pursuing a childhood dream of a writing career earned her an advanced diploma from the Institute of Children’s Literature in West Redding, Connecticut. Dégraff currently lives in New York with her husband and five children, regularly augmenting her writing portfolio, which consists of several musical dramas, business and travel guides, children’s stories, poems, and numerous articles.

Based on her interest in the human body and its ability to heal itself, Dégraff turned her writing focus to the area of alternative health. Her knowledge in this area, obtained through extensive research and hands-on experience growing and preparing organic herbs and produce beneficial to the body, laid a foundation for the writing of The Complete Guide to Growing and Using Wheatgrass. Dégraff believes individuals can make better decisions for their personal health if they are better informed of the choices available to them. For more information about Dégraff and her work, visit www.lorainedegraff.com.


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