Wheatgrass has an unmatched vitality. It is said that 2 ounces of the fresh juice is equivalent in minerals and vitamins to 5 pounds of fresh, organic greens. When taken on an empty stomach, wheatgrass juice is absorbed into the bloodstream in less than ten minutes, and the energy it provides can last the entire day. Many people claim that they can feel the wheatgrass working as it enters their system.
Nature’s Plastic Surgeon: Wheatgrass & Beauty
The world’s cosmetic roots can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. These ingenious people often used plants and plant parts to beautify themselves. Cosmetics often were made from plants, plant oils, or minerals. Perfumes were made from flowers and leaves. Of the cereal plants, barley and wheat were commonly used as a cosmetic aid. Today, wheatgrass is still used as a beauty aid. Many companies are currently manufacturing products containing wheatgrass and chlorophyll because of their antioxidant and vitamin E content. Wheatgrass has also been used as a skin cleanser and toner. It has been used effectively to clear blemishes and sunspots and enhances blood flow by expanding the blood arteries. The expanded arteries allow vitamins and minerals from wheatgrass to reach the skin cells, stimulating them. The result is a radiant glow. Wheatgrass can also be rubbed into the skin to promote healthy blood circulation.
If you are looking for a lasting glow, it is best to start from within the body. Topical gels and creams cannot give you that deep glow that comes from a body that has been thoroughly cleansed from the inside out. It has been claimed that incorporating a diet of live, raw foods into your lifestyle can help improve your outward appearance.
Wheatgrass juice can be used as a toner for skin. The wheatgrass can be juiced and the pulp can be used as an exfoliant for the skin. Exfoliation is the process of removing the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It is a practice that began with the Egyptians and is continued today. Exfoliation of the skin helps to maintain it and keeps it supple. The wheatgrass pulp can also be blended with flowers or fresh herbs to enhance the experience of the exfoliation. The pulp can be scrubbed over rough areas of the bodies, such as the elbow, knees, and heels of the feet.
Wheatgrass pulp can also be used to treat the gums and teeth. Place the pulp over the gums and teeth and leave it on for about 20 minutes. This treatment is helpful if you have recently experienced bleeding in the tooth and gum area.
You can also shape the wheatgrass pulp into small rounds and dry it in the sun. The rounds contain large amounts of vitamin A. Also, the protein in the pulp will increases during the drying process. You can place these vitamin-rich rounds in the bathwater as a skin treatment.
Wheatgrass and the Aging Factor
The young blades of the wheatgrass plant contain many properties that proponents claim can rejuvenate the body’s cells. According to Ann Wigmore and other researchers in the 1940s, chlorophyll is a factor in the renewed life of these cells and, thus, a key component in the battle against aging skin.
The enzymes contained in wheatgrass also play a major role in skin renewal as they detoxify bacteria and pollutants from the cells. In particular, the enzyme superoxide dismutases (SOD) is especially effective in the anti-aging process. SOD is found in almost all of the body’s cells. It plays a major role in nullifying excessive amounts of superoxides, which are natural by-products of metabolism. Too many superoxides in the body can cause cell damage, stimulating aging. SOD keeps the superoxide balance in check, giving cells a chance to regenerate.
Wheatgrass juice, when consumed regularly, can suffice as a beauty treatment that slows down the aging process. Because wheatgrass is an effective blood cleanser, it will immediately go to work rejuvenating aging cells. Some users claim wheatgrass can tighten droopy, sagging skin. Wheatgrass juice can even be used on the face as a cleanser to further promote a more beautiful, youthful appearance. Using wheatgrass on a daily basis can work wonders on your body. Your hair, skin, and nails will benefit from such treatment because the minerals and enzymes in wheatgrass saturate lifeless cells and perk them up. Users claim nails will grow stronger and hair color can be restored. Ann Wigmore claimed that her gray hair was completely restored to its natural brown color after turning to wheatgrass and other life-giving foods. Wheatgrass treatment on the scalp also benefits the hair by giving it a healthy luster.
As the body gets older, it will experience a natural degeneration in the function of its body parts. Pollutants in the environment, stress, and a number of other factors will add to the degeneration process. Adopting a chlorophyll-rich diet can fortify the body and enable it to better cope with the changes that are a part of life. Well-nourished cells help body parts to function at their best. Wheatgrass is a good source of chlorophyll and, when added to the diet with other life-giving foods, can help the body better deal with the aging process.
More Secrets to a Healthier You
Body odor is highly embarrassing, and no one wants to be found in a position where he or she is avoided due to unseemly odors. It is important to cleanse the body systems on a regular basis. Many times those chocolate-covered donuts or that pineapple upside down cake can be the culprit causing embarrassing odors. The white flour used in certain foods builds up in the intestines and is hard to eliminate. This can create toxins that will be eliminated in the form of intestinal gas. It is often said, “You are what you eat.” If you continue to consume poor-quality foods, foods that are unhealthy and unprofitable to the body, you will suffer from the effects of these foods. No amount of bathing or scrubbing the skin can correct a problem that stems from within. Though little research exists on the exact correlation between certain foods and body odor, it is thought that body odor is often the result of poor eating habits. Many high-fat, sugary-laden foods are difficult to digest and remain in the body decaying. This produces toxins that are harmful as well as odorous. Odorous toxins can escape the body through the skin, hair, breath, and bowels. You can overcome these odor problems by correcting bad food habits. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice has been proven to be an effective deodorizer for the body. Adopting a diet of wheatgrass juice and other raw foods helps solve the problem of body odor, according to some claims.
Wheatgrass and alopecia
Alopecia areata is a skin condition resulting in patchy and sometimes complete hair loss. It usually occurs on the scalp, but it can also affect other parts of the body. The condition is considered to be due to autoimmunity, a condition where the body’s immune system attacks and damages normal body tissue. This can occur at any age. In many situations, the hair follicles beneath the skin simply stop functioning.
There is no permanent cure known for alopecia areata, but wheatgrass juice is claimed to be an effective treatment in a number of cases. Wheatgrass reportedly heals the hair follicles the same way muscle tissue and skin is healed following injury. The hormones and minerals in the wheatgrass stimulate growth factor — a substance that stimulates cell growth and division — activity. These factors are vital for promoting proper cell function, including cell renewal and division. Supporters claim wheatgrass juice can help re-activate hair follicles, promoting regrowth of the hair, when applied to the affected areas.
There are many other ways that wheatgrass juice can be used if it is applied to the skin. It can help with itching, scratches, and other skin lesions. You can rub the pulp of the wheatgrass into the skin, or you can juice the wheatgrass and apply it to the skin.
Wheatgrass help for other problems
Some have claimed that wheatgrass has the ability to purify water from pollutants. Just one ounce of wheatgrass in a gallon of fluoridated water — water that contains fluoride, a form of the chemical element fluorine — can transform it into good, usable water. Although many public water supplies are fluoridated, there is some controversy about the safety of fluoride in drinking water. According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters’ Union and other health-conscious groups, adding fluoride to water is an unreasonable risk. Though moderate amounts of fluoride promote tooth health, too much fluoride can cause dental fluorosis, which often stains teeth and can cause cracking in severe cases. The addition of wheatgrass to the water makes it suitable for consumption. Wheatgrass can also be included in bathwater. The juice can help relieve stress, as tired skin will eagerly soak up the rejuvenating properties. It also adds softness to the face and hands.
Wheatgrass and Weight Management
Obesity is a major concern in the United States today. Although most people do not want to be overweight, they generally do not regard obesity as a serious problem. Obesity is a serious problem, however. It is a disease that can lead to many other health problems such as depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. There are more than 50 million obese people in America alone. Obesity is also a leading cause of mortality in the United States, according to the American Obesity Association.
The difference between being overweight and obese is generally determined by the body mass index (BMI) of an individual. This is a calculated number using the weight and height of a man or a woman. Obesity in children is determined by individual examination. One is considered overweight if his or her BMI measurement is between 25 and 29.9. If the BMI measurement is over 30, the person is considered obese. Obesity may be the result of many factors, including genetics, medical conditions, an inactive lifestyle, and lack of energy balance. Lack of energy occurs when caloric intake is greater than energy output. Many people have a slow metabolism. The best way to combat this problem is to become more physically active and consume foods that allow for better circulation. Another common recommendation is to avoid processed foods, including sugar, red meat, and dairy products.
Although drinking wheatgrass juice will not make you slim by itself, it can help to combat the problem of excess weight. Wheatgrass is effective at helping you to control your appetite. It also eliminates excess fat in the body. The many different enzymes in wheatgrass aid the body in getting rid of unnecessary poundage. Wheatgrass juice can also provide an excellent source of iodine, which is necessary for the formation of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones regulate the metabolism, which affects a person’s weight. This addition to the diet will have a tonic effect on the body and will help tremendously in losing weight safely. You can start a weight loss routine gradually by consuming wheatgrass juice on a regular basis while also consuming foods that are fresh and light. Crash diets are not healthy. A diet rich in organic, raw food and plenty of wheatgrass juice can set you up for the best weight loss diet you have ever had.
Wheatgrass help for the underweight
Not everyone suffers from the problem of obesity. Some individuals are extremely thin due to an overactive metabolism. Individuals with a BMI below 18.5 are classified as underweight. Wheatgrass can help correct this problem by enabling the body to better assimilate the nutrition in food. Wigmore suggested digestive stimulation, which involves adding more enzymes when meals are consumed. Adding enzymes to the diet for weight gain might seem like a contrary concept; however, some individuals are unable to properly synthesize protein due to an abundance of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a hormone manufactured by the adrenal gland in response to stress. One of its main functions is to assist protein metabolism. Too much cortisol in the body results in too little protein. Too little protein hinders the building of tissues and muscles. Digestive enzymes go to work lowering cortisol levels.
Additional enzymes at mealtime also stimulate the existing enzymes in the lower intestines, encouraging them to more fully absorb nutrients and calories from the food. Digestion stimulation paired with relaxation is beneficial for slowing down metabolism. The large quantity of enzymes — especially the digestive enzymes protease, amylase, and lipase — as well as other nutrients in wheatgrass make it the perfect food for those needing to put on weight. Wheatgrass helps with weight gain in the following ways:
• Clears accumulated mucus from the intestinal tract
• Allows greater absorption of the nutrition in food
• Relaxes the nervous system
• Stimulates the digestive tract
• Improves blood quality
Some individuals gain weight because of stress. Others do not eat well and, thus, do not benefit from the food they intake. A relaxed nervous system can reduce the effects of stress, helping these individuals to eat better and put on weight. Increased blood quality can also help with weight gain. As the blood cells become oxygenated, the body is energized and able to perform physical tasks that, perhaps, were impossible to tackle before, such as exercise. This physical exertion of the body opens the appetite, naturally leading to weight increase. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is also good for stabilizing blood sugar levels. Increased blood sugar can cause weight gain. Of course, those who are underweight due to illness such as hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar levels are too low, should approach the weight-gain issue from the angle of addressing the illness. As stressed elsewhere in this book, individuals looking to correct an illness should consult with their medical physician before embarking on a wheatgrass regimen.
Incorporating Wheatgrass into Your Current Diet
Wheatgrass can be very easily adapted into any diet. Whether you feast on chips and soda in the mornings or meticulously choose fresh fruits and homemade yogurt, you can include wheatgrass in your regular routine. Of course, the fresh fruits and yogurt would allow the wheatgrass to better perform its restorative and healing function. If you are adding wheatgrass to a poor diet in hopes of offsetting some impending disease, you are probably deceiving yourself. Wheatgrass alone cannot prevent or treat disease. It works along with other nutritious foods and life-changing practices, such as exercise, to bring about results. If you are eating moderately well and wish to include wheatgrass juice to boost the nutritional value of the foods, you can benefit from the wheatgrass. If you are experiencing a few symptoms that are unnatural to the body, such as low-energy, headaches, and irregular bowels, adding wheatgrass to your diet can be beneficial. It will help your body become more alkaline and move toward health improvements. The body functions optimally when it is pH balanced. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with the more acidic substances with a pH of less than 7 and the more basic, or alkaline substances, with a pH higher than 7. Seven is a neutral pH. The body normally has a blood pH of 7.35 to 7.45 and operates best with a 7.4 pH. Many factors contribute to this pH level, but the body can face serious problems if the pH becomes too acidic or basic.
Problems with high-protein diets
There are many different diet regimens and weight-loss plans offering false hope for those wishing to lose weight. Dieters, in frustration, often flit from one diet plan to the next with little or no success. High-protein and low-carbohydrate diets, in particular, should be a cause for concern. These diets encourage a high consumption of chicken and lean beef and almost no carbohydrates, which cannot be a healthy action. A high intake of fats and proteins and a low intake of carbohydrates produce ketone toxins. These can lead to ketosis, a toxic condition in the body that can cause organs to fail. Doctors recommend consuming at least 100 grams of carbohydrates a day to prevent ketosis.
A high-protein diet creates temporary loss of weight, mostly from losing water weight. The body is attempting to dilute and flush out the manufactured toxins of the extra protein. After a few days, the weight loss ceases. The dieter then abandons the diet and picks up the lost weight and perhaps a few more pounds. This type of diet is also dangerous as it can cause kidney damage brought on by the ketosis. Gout can also become a problem as well as liver disease, cancer, and heart issues. High-protein diets can also cause constipation and dilute the vitamins and minerals that are in the body, causing tooth decay and bone loss. Wheatgrass should not be paired with a high-protein diet, as it will not be able to work effectively.
Pairing wheatgrass with other foods
Although wheatgrass is best consumed alone and on an empty stomach, you can use it in meal preparation to boost the nutritional value of the meal, as well as to tone down the intense flavor of the wheatgrass. Technically, wheatgrass should not be cooked as cooking destroys the enzymes in food. Wheatgrass juice and powders have been used in the following ways:
• Wheatgrass juice or powder can be added to sauces, gravies, and dressings. It is better to add the wheatgrass to the food after the dish has been cooked to preserve the wheatgrass’s nutrients, preferably just before serving.
• Wheatgrass can also be added to baked goods, such as bread recipes, muffins, and pizza dough. If using a bread machine, add the wheatgrass powder to the flour before adding the yeast.
• Powdered wheatgrass can be sprinkled on hot and cold cereals, popcorn, and salads. Wheatgrass sprouts can also be used in salads.
• Chapter 1 noted how wheatgrass can be used in juices and smoothies. The powder can also be used in soymilk to create a wheatgrass shake.
Food chemists are currently conducting taste and nutritional tests to compare wheatgrass flours to conventional wheat flours. The USDA Western Regional Research Center (WRRC) in Albany, California, is conducting food evaluation on intermediate wheatgrass grain, which has nutritional qualities similar to wheat and rye. By comparison, the wheatgrass grain has a higher protein level than regular wheat. The sweet, nutty taste of the wheatgrain flour was also preferred to regular wheat flour in taste tests conducted by chemist Robert Becker in Albany, California.
Establishing a New Lifestyle with Wheatgrass
Although life is full of changes, it does not mean that it is easy to embrace the change. Adopting a new lifestyle can be difficult. If you are interested in experiencing the maximum benefits of wheatgrass to improve health or to prevent or treat a disease, a new lifestyle might be in order.
A new lifestyle includes a new diet. The Living Foods Lifestyle® was developed by Ann Wigmore; it is a program devoted to teaching users how to restore health through detoxification, quality nutrition, and exercise. The principle of the Living Foods Lifestyle lies in the theory that the body can and will heal itself if given the proper tools. If you find yourself in a situation where you have a potentially life-threatening disease, simply including wheatgrass into your current diet might not be sufficient. After consulting with your physician, of course, you might decide to adopt an entirely new lifestyle. A thorough internal cleansing would be the first order of business. You would need to adopt and maintain a high-quality diet of high-fiber, low-fat living foods. Living foods are natural, unprocessed foods that are full of nutrients and retain their original enzyme content. Wheatgrass should be a major part of this diet. Plenty of exercise and rest are also essential.
The living foods diet
The Living Foods Diet, the Wheatgrass Diet, the Hippocrates Diet, and the Ann Wigmore Diet are essentially the same. They should not be confused with the wheatgrass fast that is discussed later. The wheatgrass diet is not a whimsical weight-loss program that calls for drinking gallons of wheatgrass juice throughout the day. The diet is a structured regimen that includes the addition of wheatgrass and other raw and living foods such as seeds, grains, sprouted nuts, fruits, and vegetables to improve or correct health. Diet developers say that wheatgrass juice has a vital life energy that is generally destroyed when the grain is cooked or processed. Some food researchers, such as enzyme specialist Dr. Edward Howell of Chicago, stress the importance of active enzymes in the diet. Howell said that enzymes are destroyed once food is heated above 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Some raw foodists — those that eat 75 percent or more raw and living foods — claim that destruction begins at as little as 106 degrees. Dr. Howell points out that acid secretion in the stomach is minimal for at least 30 minutes when food is first consumed, giving the enzymes in the food the chance to perform the work of digestion. After 30 minutes, when the acid juices begin to freely flow, enzymes in the food can still perform digestive work because they can tolerate certain acid conditions. This self-digestion saves the pancreas the work of over-producing the enzymes necessary for food digestion. By eating a diet rich in living foods, you can help strengthen your immune system, which will aid the body in self-recovery.
What are raw and living foods?
Raw and living foods are foods that contain a wide range of nutrients and enzyme activity. Enzyme activity is the catalytic effect created by an enzyme. These foods help the body to alleviate health problems, working with the body to bring about its natural healing. Raw and living foods also help with weight maintenance and enhance activities of the brain. These foods provide nutrients that can enable the brain to function better. Raw nuts and seeds, especially walnuts and sunflower seeds, increase memory and boost brainpower. Oxygen-rich blood — provided by raw and living foods — increases mental health. Most people use the terms “raw” and “living” to refer to the same foods. There is, however, some differences between the two terms. Living food is food that is still growing. Living foods have a higher enzyme content that is readily available upon consumption of the food. Raw foods tend to lose their nutritional value as they age. Also, raw foods, such as nuts, must be “activated” to gain the highest benefits of their enzyme content. This can be done by soaking the nuts in water for about 24 hours. Once the nuts begin to sprout, they are considered living foods. For the greatest nutritional benefit, living foods must be organic, or grown without pesticides.
Food history began during a time when humans did not cook their food. They survived on foods provided by nature such as seeds, nuts, and fruits. They also were able to consume certain roots and leaves. Cooked foods were introduced into the diet sometime after the discovery of fire. Since that time, cooking has become more and more advanced to the point of using microwave ovens, steamers, and deep-fryers. These cooking devices not only cook the food but, because of their high temperatures, often also cook the vitamins and minerals in the food. If the nutrients are destroyed, the food cannot benefit the body. The living foods diet is concerned with offering nourishment to the body at the highest level. Living foods are those foods that still have the nutrients — vitamins, minerals, and enzymes — intact. The diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, greens, sprouted grains, nuts, seeds, chlorophyll juices, fermented foods, and raw honey. Fermented foods are foods produced or preserved by microorganisms. Microorganisms are organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Organisms such as yeast have been used for years in food and beverage preparation. The Living Foods Diet is void of any foods that are unsafe for human consumption. Raw, living foods are prepared in ways that are healthy as well as palatable.
Benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables
The fruit is the part of a plant that contains the seeds. Water makes up 80 percent or more of most fruits, but they still offer much in the way of enzymes. Fruits work to cleanse the body, regulate metabolism, and provide energy. Mild acids contained in the fruit help the body to eliminate toxins and waste. Though fruits can be eaten at any time of the day, it is best not to eat fruit immediately after a non-fruit meal so that the fruit will not interfere with the body’s digestion. Supporters of the food combination approach, which pairs certain foods together based on their nutrient and chemical make-up, say that the sugar in the fruit needs little, if any, digestion and might ferment if allowed to linger in the stomach with others food that require longer digestion. According to this approach, sugars mixed with starches can also cause gastric problems. Conventional nutrition information does not include guidelines about which foods should be combined.
Fruits are great for snacks and desserts. Dried fruits are especially good for snacking and can be substituted for fresh fruit when it is not available. Soaking dried fruit in water before consuming it will help the body to digest it better. Unsulfured and unpasteurized dried fruits are the best to consume. These can be found at health food stores. Sulfured and pasteurized fruits can be difficult to digest. These fruits contain sulfur dioxide as a preservative. Scientists have examined the possible negative effect of the chemical compound sulfur dioxide. Excess consumption of the compound can lead to bloating, gas, and other digestive problems. It can also cause asthma in sensitive individuals. Most governments either regulate the amount allowed in food or have suggested guidelines in place. The process of pasteurization uses high temperatures to destroy bacteria in foods. These temperatures can also destroy the nutritional content of some foods, causing them to be no more than nutritionless calories. This can lead to weight gain. It is also suggested that dried fruits be washed to eliminate dust and possible insect eggs.
Modern vegetables are derived from herbs that grew in the wild. Vegetables and greens are valuable to the body. They contain good amounts of vitamins and minerals that help the body to grow and develop. Vegetables also help the body eliminate wastes and toxins. They provide natural fiber that helps the colon to function properly. Raw salads provide the body with roughage, also called fiber, which helps with the elimination process. You should eat greens and vegetables in abundance daily. They supply the body with calcium, iron, and other nutrients. Sprouts, raw greens like spinach, avocados, and nuts and seeds are all a part of the living foods group that benefits the body.
Benefits of chlorophyll juices
Fresh fruit juices are an important part of a living foods diet. They are filled with nutrients, are low in calories, and can be assimilated easily by the body. Chlorophyll juices, unlike fruit juices, are juiced from green vegetables filled with chlorophyll. See Chapter 2 for a look at the importance of chlorophyll and how it works in the body. Chlorophyll juices are also rich in vitamins, especially iron, which is important for the prevention of anemia. The iron comes from the leafy greens that you use to make chlorophyll juice, so the iron content will change depending on the source of the juice. Chlorophyll juices are non-toxic and can be consumed in abundance on a daily basis. (You should not suddenly start consuming large quantities of wheatgrass because of its detoxifying effects. If you use wheatgrass to make the juice, start consuming it in small amounts initially and work your way up to larger doses.) Chlorophyll juices should be juiced fresh and consumed immediately after the juicing. You should juice them with a slow-turning juicer. Slow-turning juicers are built to handle the strong, fibrous texture of grasses and greens. The low-speed operation also preserves the enzymes and other plant nutrients, because the juicer does not create heat from friction. The nutrients in chlorophyll juices are good protectors from pollutants and toxins in the body. Good vegetables for making chlorophyll juices include collards, dandelions greens, kale, and wheatgrass. Other vegetables can be added such as carrots and squash to enhance the flavor of the juice.
Benefits of sprouted seeds, nuts, and grains
Nature provides an abundance of seeds, nuts, and grains. They are best used by the body when they are eaten raw or when they are sprouted; otherwise, these foods can interfere with the body’s digestive system. Sprouts, such as alfalfa, clover, and sunflower seeds, are inexpensive and provide good nutrition for the body. Sprouting grains such as wheat, rice, and oats brings them to life, boosting their nutrient value. Sprouted seeds, nuts, and grains are easily digested, and their high enzyme content actually helps with digestion. Sprouts are often referred to as vegetables, although, according to Ann Wigmore, they are really in a class of their own. Sprouts are more nutritionally dense than most vegetables. The sprouting process also makes the seed or grain easier to digest. You can use sprouts in a variety of ways, and they are especially good on raw salads. You can also blend them with other fruits and vegetables. Sprouted grains can be used to make bread or crackers. Nuts and seeds can be eaten raw or soaked before eating. Soaking the nuts and seeds before eating provides the greatest nutritional value. Seeds and nuts can be used in a variety of dishes. Nut milk, especially, is good to drink and is beneficial for the body. You can make nut milk yourself from nuts and seeds.
What are fermented foods?
Fermenting is the chemical decomposition, or breaking down, of organic substances. This process breaks fats, starches, and proteins into smaller substances for better consumption. If food is fermented outside the body, it is often referred to as “predigested” food. For example, both pickles and sauerkraut are treated before you eat them. Fruits and honey are also considered predigested because nature ripens, or predigests, them. Raw honey provides the body with energy, food enzymes, and other nutrients. These types of foods require less work for the body to digest than cooked foods. Fermented foods are useful, when used without meat, in correcting the acid level in the colon, which is needed for the colon to function at its best.
The use of sea vegetables
The living foods diet also incorporates sea vegetables in its rejuvenating plan. Sea vegetables are various types of sea plants, like seaweed, that grow in the ocean. They contain a great supply of minerals and nutrients. Humans can easily digest the organic mineral salts in the sea vegetables. These minerals and elements come from the sea or coast where the vegetables have been harvested, making them a valuable addition to the human diet. In fact, sea vegetables contain the greatest amount of trace elements and minerals of all the food groups. Fresh or dried, sea vegetables are beneficial to the diet because they are raw and unprocessed. Sea vegetables also can add flavor to your dishes. Because they contain a percentage of mineral-rich sea salt, sea vegetables eliminate the need for the large quantity of salt that many recipes require.
Kelp and dulse are the most common sea vegetables used in the living foods diet. You can purchase them at most health food stores and some supermarkets. Kelp can be crumpled and added to soups and salads. Kelp can also be ground into a powder, and when mixed with dried wheatgrass powder, it can boost the nutritional value of the foods. You can also use kelp powder as a salt substitute. Read more about kelp in Chapter 9. Dulse seaweed is high in vitamin B and other vitamins and rich in protein and fiber. You can add dulse to soups or salads or eat it as a snack. Soak sea vegetables in warm water to soften them. This allows the vegetables to be sliced and used for roll-ups or wraps in sushi rolls. You should never consume the soaked water from the sea vegetables due to its high salt content. Sea vegetables can also be included in a variety of dishes to enhance the taste as well as the nutritional value of the dish. See the following websites for recipes and ideas using sea vegetables in dishes:
• Inner Self (www.innerself.com/recipes/sea_veggies.htm) is a motivational site encouraging individuals to better themselves in order to excel in life. The food and nutrition section offers a number of healthy recipes incorporating sea vegetables to boost nutrition.
• Mitoku: Macrobiotics and Organic Foods (www.mitoku.com/recipes/index/seavegetables.html) is a leading exporter of traditional Japanese foods. The site has an expansive recipe section that elaborates on the benefits of various sea vegetables and how to use them in meal preparations.
• Julie’s Raw Ambition (www.juliesrawambition.com/category/recipes/sea-vegetables) demonstrates creative dining through raw and living foods. Recipes including sea vegetables are included in the mix of healthy, gourmet meals.
The use of condiments
Many people are used to cooking with different spices or seasonings. These seasonings and spices can really bring a recipe to life. The living food diet also uses herbs and spices. Lemon juice, sea salt, raw honey, and certain other herbs and spices can all be used to flavor different foods. Although not all herbs and spices have medicinal and nutritional value, if used sparingly, they can enhance a meal without harming the body. With the living food diet, you do not use traditional table salt that you purchase from the supermarket. The diet uses salt in the form of miso or tamari, flavorful Japanese condiments made from aged soybeans. Sometimes, a little sea salt can be fine. Fresh lemon juice on salads can provide a delightful flavor. You should avoid strong spices like powdered or fresh onion and garlic powder, especially if you have digestive problems. If you do use different spices or herbs as condiments, use them sparingly. Remember they are meant to enhance the flavor of the foods, not mask it.
Food combining
The body must digest food to use it properly. It takes about 24 to 72 hours to complete the process of digestion beginning with the ingestion of the food and ending in the elimination of waste products. It is important to chew the food properly when consuming it, because the salivary glands play an important part in the digestive process. Food must be masticated, or chewed, thoroughly. The saliva secretes enzymes that aid in food digestion. This is called pre-digestion. If the food is not masticated properly, it makes the digestion process difficult and all body parts involved must work harder. Some foods, like melons, other fruits, wheatgrass, and other chlorophyll juices, are absorbed directly into the body’s system. A great percentage of food, however, is not digested before moving into the small intestine. This can result in indigestion problems such as gas, bloating, and constipation.
At times, people do not think about the foods they eat and how their choices will affect their digestive system — they just eat. Many times, however, the foods clash when combined in the digestive system. This creates distress that can lead to gas or stomach ailments. The theory of food combining, developed by Dr. William Howard Hay in 1911, addresses these issues. This theory states that each food type requires different conditions to digest properly. According to the food combining approach, certain foods should not be mixed because some foods take longer to digest than others. Other foods should not be mixed because they require different enzymes for digestion or different pH balances of the digestive juices. Proponents of the approach say proper food combining is very important for enhancing health. Benefits include better digestion, weight loss, increased energy, and a sense of well-being. If you are embarking on a new health regimen, you must not overlook the importance of food combining. It does not matter that the foods all end up in one place — when foods clash in the stomach, this puts a strain on the entire gastrointestinal tract. This can affect the whole process of food digestion. To ensure that the digestion of food, the assimilation of food, and elimination of food are efficient, you should not overload the digestive system.
The small intestine helps absorb nutrients from the food. The small intestine uses finger-like projections called villi located within its walls to soak up nutrients. Once absorbed, the nutrients travel to the liver. The liver filters nutrients into the blood where they are converted into elements that can be assimilated by the body. These nutrients leave the liver by way of the blood system and are sent to the lungs and other parts of the body. The entire food digestion process can be hindered and result in heartburn or other digestive ailments if the food is not digested properly. Starchy foods need to be paired with plenty of alkaline digestive juices to be digested and assimilated properly. Protein foods, however, require the acid juices of the stomach for proper digestion. If the two substances cross, they will neutralize each other. This will slow down the digestion of the meal and lead to indigestion.
If you want to begin a living food and raw food diet using the food combining approach, you will need to develop a plan for your diet. Nomi Shannon, in her book The Raw Gourmet, and Ann Wigmore, in her book The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program, suggested the following tips for adhering to a food combining diet:
• Do not mix vegetables with fruit in the same meal. The acids and sugars in the fruits will slow down the digestion of the starches and vegetables, which can cause gas and bloating.
• Do not mix acidic fruits, such as oranges, with sweet fruits, such as bananas and pears. Consume one or the other. Do not eat breads or grain products with acidic fruits on a regular basis.
• All sprouts and vegetables can be mixed together, including greens and avocados. Nuts and seeds also mix well with vegetables, sprouts, and greens. Do not try to crowd too many of these foods into one meal because they might distress the digestive system.
• It is important not to eat sprouted grains and nuts with acidic fruits.
• Sprouted seeds and nuts can be eaten together.
• All melons should be eaten alone. They do not combine well with other foods, or even other fruits, because their digestion time is very brief — only 20 to 30 minutes.
• Never drink while you are eating as this hinders the gastric juices from working. Juices or water should be consumed half an hour before or half an hour after you consume the meal.
• Always chew your food thoroughly to mix foods and juices of the saliva.
• Do not eat foods that are excessively cold because they will have a negative affect on the diaphragm, which can cause pain in the chest. Foods should be eaten at room temperature.
• Eat the raw food in the meal before eating the cooked foods. If this is not done, the cooked food will keep the raw foods from being digested immediately, which can cause intestinal gases.
• Do not eat while stressed. The body needs to be relaxed so that all digestive organs can function at their best.
The purpose of fasting
Fasting is the temporary abstinence or rest from all or some food and/or beverages. A fast could last only one day or extend over a number of days. The body takes advantage of this period of relief and uses it to cleanse and rebuild itself. It is important that fasting is not misused for the sole purpose of weight loss. Used in this fashion, it is potentially harmful. If deprived of foods for extended periods of time, the body will begin to process its own fats and protein for energy. This process, called “autolyzing,” can result in a weakening of the entire body system. According to many health advocates, medical doctors, and spiritual leaders, fasting can be beneficial to the body. As the Greek physician, Phillipus Paracelsus, one of the fathers of western medicine concluded, “Fasting is the greatest remedy — the physician within.” According to Stephen Harrod Buhner, in his article “The Health Benefits of Water Fasting,” and Kevin Secours, in his document “The Benefits of Fasting,” fasting can:
• Improve mental awareness
• Help the body to lose weight
• Balance the nervous system
• Restore energy levels and increases sensory perception
• Revitalize body organs
• Improve skin tone
• Help breathing
• Increase cell oxygenation and balance metabolism
• Rejuvenate the digestive system and improve bowel function
• Eliminate toxins from the body
• Stimulate the taste buds
• Help the body overcome illness, disease, and addictions
According to Ann Wigmore, withholding nutrition from the body for extended periods of time too regularly can be harsh on the body. Although fasting has many benefits for the body, fasting too frequently or for extended periods of time can also pose health problems.
Types of fasts
Fasting is an ancient practice and was often related to some type of religious ceremony or event. Many times, fasting was complete abstinence from food or drink, challenging individuals to penitence and purification. In other cases, fasts were encouraged to induce fertility or to avert catastrophes. Today, fasting is still practiced by many cultures. The norm, however, is more selective fasting rather than complete abstinence. As a word of precaution, it is highly recommended that you consult with a health care professional before embarking on a major fast. Those with severe health ailments, such as diabetes, and pregnant women especially should seek professional medical advice, as fasting is not recommended in these situations.
The water fast
Fasting with water can last for one day only or up to 40 days. The ten-day water fast, encouraged by health advocate Paul Bragg, is a popular fast for cleansing the body and encouraging weight loss. It involves the complete elimination of solid food from the diet and the ingestion of only water. Distilled water is recommended due to its magnetic properties and ability to absorb toxins. Distilled water has been purified of toxins through the process of distillation — boiling to produce steam, which is condensed for consumption. Because distilled water has no impurities, it is helpful in flushing toxins from the body. Distilled water also has the ability to absorb carbon dioxide when exposed to air. The magnetic properties are also helpful in suspending flushing toxins from the body. Water fasting claims to remove toxins rapidly from the body. Because water has no calories or nutritional value, this might be a difficult fast for some. It requires mental preparation as well as physical preparation and should be performed when only minimal pressure and responsibility are present in your daily routine. Some advise drinking fruit juices or eating raw fruits the week before the fast to ease into the detoxification process. It is also recommended that a water fast begin and end with a two to three day juice fast. You can read more about the ten-day water fast in Paul Bragg’s book, The Miracle of Fasting. His website EvolutionHealth.com (www.evolutionhealth.com/bragg_miracle_fasting.html) includes information on fasting as well.
The juice fast
A 30-day juice fast, recommended by European health facilities, claims to remove toxins from the body while supplying energy to the body. It is a corrective procedure, because juices are easily absorbed into the system, allowing more energy for the body to heal and rejuvenate. Because your only calories come from the juice, the less juice you consume, the more intense the detoxification process will be. Use fresh fruits and vegetables for the juice fast, and do not mix them together. Some say the 30-day juice fast and the ten-day water fast deliver the same results. Individuals hoping to lose weight might find diluting the juices with water helpful.
The lemonade fast
The lemonade fast, sometimes called the Lemon Cleanse or Master Cleanse Diet, was originally developed in the 1940s by alternative health practitioner Stanley Burroughs as a cure for ulcers. It entails consuming lemon water sweetened with maple syrup and flavored with cayenne pepper for a period of ten to 40 days. The diet is still popular today as a means of detox and weight loss. Learn more about the lemonade fast on the All About Fasting website (www.allaboutfasting.com/master-cleanse.html).
The wheatgrass fast
Fasting with wheatgrass allows the body to experience the benefits of fasting without compromising safety. The three-day wheatgrass fast, as described in The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore, not only incorporates the powerful wheatgrass juice, it also involves consuming other high-quality green drinks from nutritious vegetables such as greens and sprouts. These juices assimilate quickly into the bloodstream, delivering oxygen to the cells and encouraging elimination. Rejuvelac, a fermented wheatberry drink developed by Ann Wigmore, is often used in the fast and daily enemas or implants are helpful. The wheatgrass fast offers enough nutrients to the body to enable fasters to perform their regular activities. Care should be taken, however, not to overextend oneself. The fast should not be performed on days filled with appointments and errands, as rest is highly recommended. Additionally, the wheatgrass fast is gentle on the body, allowing the individual to ease into and out of the diet without the “healing crisis” that is so often associated with many fasts. The healing crisis can produce vomiting, diarrhea, and other undesirable symptoms as the body is plunged into a harsh fast without adequate preparation. The more toxic the body, the greater the healing crisis. Wigmore claims that the wheatgrass fast, although lacking in calories, will cause no negative effect on the body if kept to a period of three days or less. In fact, she said many would benefit from the loss of excess weight and waste a three-day fast would bring about. Caution should be taken when breaking the wheatgrass fast — as with all fasts — to allow the body to readjust to solid foods slowly. A moderate amount of fresh fruit (one or two apples and a few grapes, for instance) is recommended once you have completed the fast.
Wheatgrass and exercise
Everyone knows the importance of exercise. Exercise helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also helps prevent the development of many diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Daily moderate exercise can also lower the risk for developing osteoporosis and break the depression-obesity cycle. Dutch researcher Dr. Floriana S. Luppino of Leiden University Medical Center and other physicians have noted a strong link between depression and obesity. According to Dr. Luppino, this link has led to a negative cycle where depressed individuals seek comfort in binge eating, leading to excess weight gain. They then become depressed because of the weight gain and resort to more eating. Although many people know about the dangers of obesity, statistics from the U.S. government and health sites, such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, concur that people of all ages do not exercise as much as they should.
Why is exercise such a neglected practice in so many lives? Everyone is different, but the following are some of the commonly cited reasons people do not exercise on a regular basis, according to a 2009 U.S. News & World Report article:
• No time
• No interest
• No energy
• No money for gym membership or equipment
• Lack of discipline
• Frustration
• Embarrassment
• Lack of knowledge
• Exercise is hard
• Exercise is inconvenient
• Too old
• Too fat
• Too thin
• Too out-of-shape
• Arthritis
Exercise is work, and in many cases, the body is not prepared to perform this type of work. With the convenience of modern transportation, people are not used to walking as a primary mode of transportation. Today’s sedentary lifestyle does not naturally encourage exercise. People must put aside time for exercise and cultivate a desire to exercise to keep themselves motivated. However, exercise is necessary for healthy living. Exercise and nutrition work together to create harmony within the body. Food and stored fat need the oxygen derived from exercise to be converted into energy. Without energy, the body feels tired and sluggish.
The thought of adding exercise to your daily routine might seem overwhelming. However, by easing wheatgrass into the diet and eliminating some energy-sapping foods, including white flour, white sugar, and hydrogenated fats, the body can better begin the process of establishing a regular exercise routine. As mentioned in Chapter 3, wheatgrass provides energy for the body. Wheatgrass can open the door to an entirely new way of life, making exercise an activity that is welcomed and enjoyed.
Benefits of exercise
Although maintaining a healthy diet is important, it will not benefit the body unless you also embrace physical activity. Exercise is very important for the body. It is just as important as diet and body cleansing. Exercise can improve blood circulation and help with waste elimination. It can also open the appetite for healthy, wholesome foods. Exercise also strengthens the immune system and helps with mental clarity. If you are not used to exerting energy beyond getting up in the morning, then it is time to expand yourself in this area.
Effective exercise can be as simple as walking for 30 minutes a day. Light exercise and deep breathing are also helpful. As with a change in diet and body cleansing, beginning a program of exercise should not be a haphazard endeavor. It should take some thought and some planning. If you are not used to heavy exercise, you should not immediately begin a strenuous exercise program such as weightlifting. Begin with moderate exercise that can be increased gradually. Light exercise, when done consistently, will greatly benefit the body. It will help with food digestion and weight control. Light exercise also is excellent for dealing with stress — and it can be fun. It might be hard to start at first, and it might be difficult to remain consistent, but if you persevere, you will see and feel the benefits of exercise in your life.
The importance of good rest
Just as a healthy diet and proper exercise are important, it is also important that the body gets good rest. Although the organs of the body are able to rest during a time of fasting, it is also important that the body physically rest, in sleep, for it to function optimally. The best rest is deep, undisturbed sleep. Many times, the body does not get a chance to reach this stage of sleep because it just cannot relax. Some people have to get up in the night to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, or perhaps tend to a baby or small child. Sometimes, anxiety can keep you awake, preventing your mind and body from relaxing. If the body has consumed a heavy meal too late, the body might not be able to rest because the digestive system is busy working throughout the night. When sleep is constantly disturbed, the body does not prosper. Although it has laid down to rest, the body will arise exhausted. During sleep, the body can balance itself and the cells can energize. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep and school-aged children (5 to 10 years old) need ten to 11 hours of sleep for the body to benefit. Ten- to 17-year-olds need a recommended 8½ to 9¼ hours. Sometimes, an afternoon nap of one hour is beneficial, if you are able to do so. Researchers funded by the National Institute of Mental Health agree that a power nap can work wonders for a tired body. According to Wigmore in The Wheatgrass Book, adults who adopt a wheatgrass and live foods lifestyle will naturally benefit from less sleep, and only need to sleep six hours or less. Wheatgrass juice and light foods added to the diet, especially consumed as the evening meal can help the body relax and rest properly. If you are constantly on the go, it might be difficult to slow down. Rest, however, is important. Your entire body needs to rest to profit from a good night’s sleep.
Is Wheatgrass Enough?
Wheatgrass is not a magic potion. Although it is full of vitamins, minerals, and many other needed nutrients for the body, it is not designed to be a one-step cure-all. Anyone looking to reap the total benefits of a wheatgrass regimen must be willing to adopt an entire health-promoting lifestyle. Once again, this includes incorporating living foods, whole body cleansing, and exercise into one’s daily life. There are a number of other diets, apart from the Living Foods Diet, that emphasize nutrition as a means of physical body repair. The Gerson Diet, a low-sodium, low-fat, low-protein diet developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920s, addresses chronic and degenerative diseases through immunonutrition. Immunonutrition is a specific nutrient feeding solution believed to rejuvenate the immune system, causing it to rise up against disease. This diet does not incorporate food balancing and uses an abundance of cooked foods as well as raw. The Gerson therapy of immunonutrition is still in use by the Gerson Institute located in San Diego, California. Other diets, such as the natural hygiene diet, the pH healing diet, the hallelujah diet, and the alleluia diet also purport health restoration through nutritious foods, fasting therapies, and detoxification. Wheatgrass can be successfully incorporated into any of these diets.
Case Study: A Place to Heal |
Brian Clement, Ph.D., LNC, director Hippocrates Health Institute 1443 Palmdale Court West Palm Beach, Florida 33411 Phone: 561-471-8876 Fax: 561-471-9464 |
Dr. Brian Clement is a leading expert in the field of natural health. He has conducted numerous lectures, seminars, and educational programs, traveling extensively throughout the United States and to more than 25 countries around the globe to promote the Hippocrates philosophy, which is “the belief that a pure enzyme-rich diet, complemented by positive thinking and noninvasive therapies, are essential elements on the path to optimum health.” The Hippocrates Health Institute has been in operation since 1956 and is the oldest natural health center on the earth. It has its beginnings in Boston where founder Ann Wigmore brought wheatgrass into preeminence. Ann had healed herself of colon cancer in the 1950s when told by Harvard University that she had only had six months to live. The healing tool was wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is a main herbal treatment and has been a popular health food for over 25 years. Wheatgrass is also a vital healing aid in the “Life Change Program” at Hippocrates Institute, now located in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Life Change Program is the “definitive blueprint for changing over to a healthier lifestyle.” It offers hope. Hope for individuals faced with an uncertain future based on a fatal medical diagnosis. If offers knowledge. Knowledge for individuals seeking to develop a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families. It offers life. Life for all who enter the program with an open mind and a desire to turn away from deadly health choices to a vibrant, living solution of a better way. The Hippocrates Health Center and its Life Change Program help guests realize that excellent health is obtainable. It all begins with the desire to change. Coming to an institute, such as Hippocrates, to implement the change is essential for several reasons: • It allows the individual to get away from the stressful routine of daily living. • It allows the individual to relax as he or she becomes harmonized with nature. |
• If offers a professional assessment of each individual case. • It offers individually tailored treatment in the form of nutrition and exercise for optimum recovery. • It offers a support group to challenge and provided necessary encouragement for implementing the change. • It fosters the development of new friendships and strengthens prior relationships. • It provides an education that will last a lifetime. Hippocrates is an education center. It teaches people how to live in harmony with their bodies and how to strive for better health in life. Unique life skills are taught that were not a part of childhood training and were not acquired in secondary institutions of learning. These important principles are essential for successful living in today’s world of environmental imbalance and deteriorating health. Hundreds of thousands of individuals have found help upon entering the doors of Hippocrates. They have learned how to heal themselves of disorder, preventing illness and prolonging their lives. Many have stayed on to attend the Health Educator Program, equipping them with the necessary tools to educate others about this healthy, natural way of life. All of these individuals have attributed life changes to their stay at the facility. They also recognize Hippocrates for what it is: a “community that offers a natural path for you to heal your body, reconnect with your spirit, and rejuvenate your health.” Striving for optimum health alone can be difficult; striving for it in a professional, thriving environment with like-minded individuals can yield unlimited rewards. |