

I attribute my love for growing to my father. Many Saturdays while growing up, we watched as he worked. I cannot say that I enjoyed gardening back then; there were too many bugs and that Carolina sun was definitely a scorcher. I would much rather have been inside in an air-conditioned room reading a good book. Saturday afternoon in the yard was not fun.

Today, I value time spent outdoors. I get great satisfaction from growing my own fruits and vegetables and cultivating my own flowers. Now it is my children who wonder what is so exciting about seeing the first tulip buds burst through the winter-hardened ground or why I must make multiple rounds of our yard each day to see what new thing is growing. And they definitely do not understand how I can keep company with the mosquitoes. Perhaps one day they too will discover how invigorating, yet relaxing, the gardening experience can be.

Although I enjoy planting things and watching them grow, I never gave much thought to growing grass — at least, not since I planted grass seed in my backyard and my long-awaited lawn began to sprout. Grass was for cutting. Grass was for watering and maintaining a beautiful lawn. Grass was for picnics and lounging. Grass was good for a number of things. But, for growing and eating?

When one of my husband’s friends began to expound upon the benefits of sprouting, juicing, eating raw foods, and consuming wheatgrass, I thought, “Good for him.” I was also interested in being healthy, eating well-balanced meals, and providing nutritious food for my family, but I had never considered consuming grass. The day that my husband decided that he too would begin the wheatgrass regimen, I again thought, “Good for him, but this has nothing to do with me.” And it did not — until he wanted to try growing wheatgrass in our home. Well, who do you think got that job? You guessed it — yours truly. After all, I am the farmer; I had grown tomatoes, peppers, peas, and collards … but wheatgrass?

I know a lot more about wheatgrass now than I knew then. I have even begun to consume it myself. If wheatgrass is as good as they say it is, I might as well take advantage of the fact that it is being juiced in my own home. If fact, I began to do my own research about the product. The contents of this book will elaborate on all aspects of this powerful super food. If you are interested in learning all about wheatgrass and how it can benefit you and your family, continue reading. Perhaps you have heard of its nutritional properties and would like to learn more. Those seeking natural treatments to health ailments might find this book especially beneficial. Individuals looking for a profitable business venture might also find solutions within these pages. This book will show you how to grow, use, and even sell wheatgrass. You will learn what wheatgrass can do for you and your body. The nutritional benefits are discussed in detail, including the vitamin content and how wheatgrass compares to other super foods. If you want help overcoming slothfulness, sluggishness, and maybe even sickness, continue reading. With the help of this book, you can expand your knowledge of wheatgrass and learn more about its benefits.


Table of Contents