Sample Library Sponsorship Policy and Procedures

The Anytown Public Library (APL) welcomes sponsorship from local business, corporations, families and individuals. The aim of sponsorship is to obtain funding or in-kind support to provide services and equipment that may not otherwise be available. The Board of Trustees of the Anytown Public Library believes that libraries play an essential role in the quality of life of our citizens and in this important function, the library should be supported through public funding. Therefore, sponsorship revenue should only be used to fund optional additional services or new, “start up” services.

Guiding Principles

The following principles will guide the Anytown Public Library in the solicitation and acceptance of gifts, grants or support to enhance or develop library programs and services:

Recognition and Acknowledgement

The library will ensure that each sponsor receives acknowledgement and to the degree that the donor is willing, public recognition. The following guidelines will be used in providing acknowledgement to and recognition of sponsors:


All gifts, grants or in-kind support given with special requirements must be approved by the Director of Libraries. The solicitation of gifts, grants or in-kind support by library staff or Friends of the Library and valued at over $500 must receive prior approval of the Director of Libraries.

Authority for Implementation

The library reserves the right to make decisions regarding the implementation of each grant, gift, or offer of in-kind support. Purchasing decisions, including type of equipment, materials, furnishings, and other components of a gift will reside with library management. All details as to design of programs and allocation of resources will also reside with library management.

Norfolk (Virginia) Public Library. Used with Permission.