Listed here are the most important sources consulted in the writing of this study. Not all sources are included below, but all are accounted for in the endnotes.
For any understanding of the CFR the organization’s Annual Reports are key sources. During the period 1976–2014 these reports range from nearly 100 pages to about 200 pages in length.
Another central source of information about the CFR is its website, Recent Annual Reports, numerous Independent Task Force and other reports, interviews, blogs, biographies, organizational information, up-to-date analyses of current events and other data can be found on this extensive website.
A third important source is the CFR’s in-house journal, Foreign Affairs. It often features articles by Council leaders, staff and members (who are not always identified as such). Foreign Affairs website:
Newspaper reports relating to the CFR and its members are cited in the notes, so will not be listed in this bibliography.
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