The CFR is a central element of a large network of people and institutions that organize the strategic planning and ideological control needed to maintain and expand the wealth and power of the U.S. plutocracy. The first chapter in this section will put the Council on Foreign Relations in its proper class context, as an organization of, by, and for the dominant sector of the U.S. capitalist class. The second chapter will illustrate how the Council operates as an organization, presented together with a detailed examination of its recent (since 1976) organizational history. The third chapter focuses on the CFR’s domestic networks, elaborating the Council’s links to the federal government, other major think tanks, top corporations, leading universities, important media, and lobbying bodies. The fourth chapter covers the organization’s international networks, discussing its close ties to a variety of powerful individuals and groups that have influence in their home countries, regionally or globally.

Part I as a whole illustrates how the Council is indeed “Wall Street’s think tank,” an organization with great range and power, in service to a ruling financialized monopoly capitalist class.