I OWE THANKS to many people for their help during the preparation of this book. For giving the manuscript a close read and providing important editorial insight, I thank Giriraj Swami, who led the triumphant struggle to build Prabhupada’s Juhu temple complex. I also thank Achyutananda Das, one of the first disciples to receive formal training in India and author of the unforgettable memoir Blazing Sadhus; Daivishakti Dasi, torchbearer of Prabhupada’s mission in Vrindavan; Gurudas, one of my first buddies in Krishna consciousness, former president of the Vrindavan temple, and a devotee with the world’s biggest heart; literati Jayadvaita Swami, a colleague from the early days; Satsvarupa Das Goswami, the esteemed author of Prabhupada’s official biography; Jadurani (Shyamarani) Dasi, another friend from the sandbox and one of the first people to illustrate Prabhupada’s books; fellow jokester and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Vaishnava Studies, Satyaraj Das (Steven Rosen); Swarup Das, a stalwart from the Boston and New York temples; and Umapati Das, who showed me how to see God in a cup of milk. These senior disciples offered important suggestions that greatly enhanced the presentation. Others who read all or part of the manuscript and gave their advice and encouragement include Brahmananda Das (of beloved memory), Devamrita Dasi, Krishna-lila Dasi, Vraja-Vihari Das, Hari-sauri Das, Prishni Dasi, Ravindra Svarup Das, Sthitadhi Muni Das, and Tamraparni Das.

For agreeing to be interviewed and for lending their personal memories and perspectives on various topics, I thank, among others, Abhirama Das (John Sims), Adi Keshava Das (Prof. Angus Murphy), Ambarish Das (Alfred Ford), Baladev Vidyabhusan Das, Baradraj Das (Marek Buchwald), Bhakti Marga Swami, Bhakti Vijnana Swami, Srila Bhakti Bibudha Bodhayan Maharaj, Dinanath Das, Haripuja Dasi, Hridayananda Goswami, Kalindi Dasi (obm), Kirtiraj Das, Peter Leggiere, Ramesvara Das (Robert Grant), Saunaka Rsi Das, Sri Nathji Das (Narendra Desai), Subhananda Das (Steven J. Gelberg), Sujitendriya Das, Tejiyas Das, Tosan Krishna Das, Vaisesikha Das, and Prabhupada’s son Vrindavan Chandra. Jyotirmayi Dasi, who dedicated her life to Prabhupada’s French translations and to the care of young devotees, and with whom I shared many wonderful years in devotional service, deserves special mention. I am indebted to Arya Dasi for generously sharing her own research and interviews. I am grateful to Professor David Haberman for his memories of Vrindavan and his insights into the correspondence between bhakti and the environment.

I owe special thanks to Devi Deva (Dave Dobson) who not only saw value in this project from its outset and provided critical support and encouragement, but who also inspired me with his many important community service projects. Prabhupada would have been proud to see a disciple extending such compassion to the homeless and destitute.

I wish to thank the disciples and followers of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati—those who are with us and those who have passed away—for their contributions to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement. Prabhupada taught his disciples to honor all Vaishnavas, whether formally part of his ISKCON institution or not. We are all privileged to be members of the same devotional family.

This book would not have been possible without the friendship and enthusiasm of Mandala Publishing’s founder, Raoul Goff (Ramdas). His vision of a new generation of devotional publications has been an inspiration. It is my pleasure to work with him on a variety of books, including a series for young readers. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Pandita Wong and Courtney Andersson at Mandala Publishing, whose utter dedication to a complex manuscript was a source of constant inspiration.

Swami in a Strange Land and many of my other books would not be worth reading without the radical makeovers, seismic rejiggerings, and painful exorcisms performed by my editor for nearly twenty years, Kyra Ryan. She is a master of her craft.

Since all writing is ultimately autobiographical, I would be remiss in not thanking Adele Greene, Cara Greene, Emmanual Greene, Sundari Greene, Radhika Greene, Brian Greene, Susan Greene, Wendy Greene, Rita Greene and my late father Alan Greene. It is my good fortune to have always had their love and support.

Periodically throughout the narrative, I permitted myself to step in as a participant in the story. I hope readers enjoy these “insider” moments, but I realize that they may leave an exaggerated impression of the role I played in Prabhupada’s mission. He initiated more than five thousand disciples in twelve years, and since his passing, tens of thousands of others have taken up Krishna consciousness. There are many great souls among them who deserved mention—particularly women disciples, who are underrepresented here. My only excuse is that there were, regretfully, limitations in writing a brief biography.

Finally, from the bottom of my heart I thank my wife, Esther Fortunoff-Greene, for her infinite patience, wry humor, and unwavering love. Some guys have all the luck.