1 Common southern Indian cry of distress.
2 The first yogi, one of the many epithets of Shiva.
3 A fierce form of Shiva, where he has mastery over time.
4 A powerful energy form consecrated by Sadhguru at the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore.
5 The word ‘memory’ in this discussion is used not just in a neurological sense. Any trace of influence from the past that is retained is being referred to as memory.
6 The incarnations taken by the Divine, according to Hindu scriptures.
7 Referring to life energy that has taken on a certain form, i.e. human or rock.
8 A solar cycle in the human system is 4356 days or approximately twelve years. This cycle has a strong bearing upon what happens in one’s life during that time.
9 See Chapter 8: Assistance for the Disembodied.
10 The seven main energy centres in the body, according to the Yogic sciences.