1 A non-physical force generated by spiritual practices.
2 A fifteen-minute meditation offered by Sadhguru.
3 A simple eleven-minute daily meditative process designed by Sadhguru to help people gracefully pass through the process of disembodiment, when it is time.
4 The original Tamil word from which the word ‘catamaran’ was derived.
5 A certain Yogic practice that involves forceful breathing.
6 An advanced Yogic practice taught to brahmacharis, which involves holding the breath for long durations.
7 Universal soul, according to Hindu tradition.
8 Refers to the Bhagavad Gita and six other holy Hindu scriptures.
9 Ida and Pingala nadi s are the two main pranic channels of the body and also represent the feminine and masculine dimensions of pranic energy. Sushumna nadi is the third and central pranic channel, whose opening has always denoted spiritual awakening.
10 Linga Bhairavi, consecrated by Sadhguru, near the Isha Yoga Center.
11 Famous Indian emperor who ruled India from 268–232 BCE .