Spaghetti squash is Mother Nature’s noodle! But how exactly do you turn that clunky yellow gourd into noodle strands? I’ve got a cooking method for every kitchen personality type …
“I Want It NOW!”, a.k.a. In the Microwave
You’ll Need: extra-large microwave-safe bowl, strainer
Prep: 15 minutes • Cook: 20 minutes
Microwave squash for 6 minutes, or until soft enough to cut.
Once cool enough to handle, halve lengthwise; scoop out and discard seeds. Place one half in an extra-large microwave-safe bowl, cut side down.
Add ¼ cup water. Cover and cook for 7 minutes, or until soft. Repeat with remaining squash half.
“I Want It Easy!”, a.k.a. In a Slow Cooker
You’ll Need: slow cooker, strainer
Prep: 10 minutes • Cook: 2½ hours
Place whole squash in a slow cooker with ½ cup water. Cover and cook on high for 2½ hours, or until squash is soft. You’re free this whole time to do whatever you like–read a book, do some yoga, watch a movie, take a nap, whatever.
Slice squash in half lengthwise; scoop out and discard seeds.
“I Want It Old-School!”, a.k.a. In the Oven
You’ll Need: large baking pan, strainer
Prep: 15 minutes • Cook: 50 minutes
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Microwave squash for 6 minutes, or until soft enough to cut.
Once cool enough to handle, halve lengthwise; scoop out and discard seeds.
Fill a large baking pan with ½ inch water, and place squash halves in the pan, cut sides down. Bake until tender, about 40 minutes.
Once cooked …
Use a fork to scrape out the strands. Place in a strainer to drain excess moisture. Thoroughly blot dry, removing as much moisture as possible.
If not eating immediately, let cool completely; then cover and refrigerate.
Just so you know …
A 4-pound squash yields about 5 cups cooked squash … sometimes more!
See here for all the spaghetti-squash recipes!