To everyone at Pixar, especially John Lasseter, Brad Lewis, Denise Ream, and Mary Coleman. To LeighAnna MacFadden in Publishing for bringing this book my way—it was honor enough to experience Pixar as a screenwriter— this was icing on the (meticulously art-designed) cake. To Emily Haynes at Chronicle for her patience and then more patience. To Karen Paik for doing some serious heavy lifting on my behalf.

To Sara Johnson, Sarah Boggs, and Kelly Bonbright at Pixar Publishing; Jake Gardner, Emilie Sandoz, Becca Cohen, Beth Steiner, and everyone at Chronicle; Jeri Heiden, Ryan Corey, and the team at Smog; Michael Shore at Mattel; Vincent Vedrenne and Dana Jones at Disney. To Nate Stanton and the guys in Cars 2 Story—for making me feel like part of the team; Jake Martin and Kate Ranson-Walsh—I am your little grasshopper; Piper Freeman, Isabel Conde, Katelin Holloway, Lee Rase, and Eoin Bullock.

To Kathryn and Max, with love.

And of course, to Harley Jessup, Becky Neiman, and the rest of the Art team. For the pretty pictures.


I’m indebted to Ben Queen for bringing me along on this ride and making it possible for me to spend time with the phenomenal Cars 2 crew and their work. Many thanks to John Lasseter, Brad Lewis, Denise Ream, Harley Jessup, Becky Neiman, Kevin Reher, LeighAnna MacFadden, Sara Johnson, Sarah Boggs, and Mike Benveniste.



Harley Jessup, Digital, 2010.