Author and Book Title Index

Allende, Isabel, 94–96

Ambrose, Stephen, 436–40

Barrows, Annie, 160–64

Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 426–30

Brontë, Charlotte, 204–8

Brooks, Geraldine, 292–94

Brown, Dan, 88–93

Bryson, Bill, 450–53

Buck, Pearl S., 148–51

Cather, Willa, 275–78

Chabon, Michael, 10–14

Chang, Jung, 463–67

Chevalier, Tracy, 139–42

Cleave, Chris, 236–39

Coetzee, J. M., 108–10

Conroy, Pat, 398–403

Cross, Donna Woolfolk, 343–46

Cunningham, Michael, 181–85

De Bernières, Louis, 77–80

Diamant, Anita, 357–60

Donoghue, Emma, 361–65

Dubus III, Andre, 186–89

Egan, Jennifer, 441–44

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 289–91

Eliot, George, 257–62

Enger, Leif, 321–25

Eugenides, Jeffrey, 263–68

Fergus, Jim, 308–12

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 156–59

Franzen, Jonathan, 129–32

Gaines, Ernest, 226–30

García Márquez, Gabriel, 240–44

Glass, Julia, 416–22

Goldberg, Myla, 37–40

Golden, Arthur, 253–56

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 299–302

Graham, Katharine, 330–33

Gruen, Sara, 454–58

Guterson, David, 389–92

Harris, Joanne, 63–67

Haruf, Kent, 334–37

Hegi, Ursula, 407–11

Hillenbrand, Laura, 376–78

Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 195–97

Hosseini, Khaled, 214–18

Hurston, Zora Neale, 412–15

Irving, John, 347–49

Jin, Ha, 445–49

Junger, Sebastian, 326–29

Kidd, Sue Monk, 379–82

Kingsolver, Barbara, 338–42

Lahiri, Jhumpa, 198–203

Lansing, Alfred, 120–23

Larson, Erik, 101–7

Larsson, Stieg, 133–38

Lee, Harper, 423–25

Lehane, Dennis, 283–88

Lethem, Jonathan, 269–74

Mahfouz, Naguib, 316–20

Martel, Yann, 231–35

McBride, James, 73–76

McCourt, Frank, 15–19

McEwan, Ian, 29–32

Mistry, Rohinton, 124–28

Nafisi, Azar, 350–56

Naslund, Sena Jeter, 5–9

Naylor, Gloria, 249–52

Noor, Queen, 219–25

Packer, Ann, 111–15

Patchett, Ann, 41–45

Picoult, Jodi, 279–82

Rosnay, Tatiana de, 370–75

Rowling, J. K., 170–73

Roy, Arundhati, 143–47

Ruiz Zafón, Carlos, 383–88

Russell, Mary Doria, 404–6

Russo, Richard, 116–19

See, Lisa, 393–97

Shaara, Michael, 209–13

Shaffer, Mary Ann, 160–64

Shreve, Anita, 459–62

Sijie, Dai, 33–36

Simonson, Helen, 245–48

Skloot, Rebecca, 190–94

Smith, Alexander McCall, 295–98

Smith, Betty, 431–35

Souljah, Sister, 68–72

Stegner, Wallace, 20–24

Steinbeck, John, 152–55

Stockett, Kathryn, 174–80

Strout, Elizabeth, 303–7

Tademy, Lalita, 57–62

Tan, Amy, 46–51

Tolstoy, Leo, 25–28

Tsukiyama, Gail, 366–69

Verghese, Abraham, 81–87

Walls, Jeanette, 165–69

Weisberger, Lauren, 97–100

Welty, Eudora, 313–15

Wharton, Edith, 1–4

Zusak, Markus, 52–56


Age of Innocence, The, 1–4

Ahab’s Wife, 5–9

Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, The, 10–14

Angle of Repose, 20–24

Anna Karenina, 25–28

Atonement, 29–32

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, 33–36

Bee Season, 37–40

Bel Canto, 41–45

Bonesetter’s Daughter, The, 46–51

Book Thief, The, 52–56

Cane River, 57–62

Chocolat, 63–67

Coldest Winter Ever, The, 68–72

Corelli’s Mandolin, 77–80

Cutting for Stone, 81–87

Da Vinci Code, The, 88–93

Daughter of Fortune, 94–96

Devil Wears Prada, The, 97–100

Disgrace, 108–10

Dive From Clausen’s Pier, The, 111–15

Empire Falls, 116–19

Fine Balance, A, 124–28

Freedom, 129–32

Girl with a Pearl Earring, 139–42

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The, 133–38

God of Small Things, The, 143–47

Good Earth, The, 148–51

Grapes of Wrath, The, 152–55

Great Gatsby, The, 156–59

Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, The, 160–64

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 170–73

Help, The, 174–80

Hours, The, 181–85

House of Sand and Fog, 186–89

Interpreter of Maladies, 198–203

Jane Eyre, 204–8

Killer Angels, The, 209–13

Kite Runner, The, 214–18

Lesson Before Dying, A, 226–30

Life of Pi, 231–35

Little Bee, 236–39

Love in the Time of Cholera, 240–44

Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, 245–48

Mama Day, 249–52

Memoirs of a Geisha, 253–56

Middlemarch, 257–62

Middlesex, 263–68

Motherless Brooklyn, 269–74

My Ántonia, 275–78

My Sister’s Keeper, 279–82

Mystic River, 283–88

No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, The, 295–98

Olive Kitteridge, 303–7

One Thousand White Women, 308–12

Optimist’s Daughter, The, 313–15

Palace Walk, 316–20

Peace Like a River, 321–25

Plainsong, 334–37

Poisonwood Bible, The, 338–42

Pope Joan, 343–46

Prayer for Owen Meany, A, 347–49

Red Tent, The, 357–60

Room, 361–65

Samurai’s Garden, The, 366–69

Sarah’s Key, 370–75

Secret Life of Bees, The, 379–82

Shadow of the Wind, The, 383–88

Snow Falling on Cedars, 389–92

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, 393–97

South of Broad, 398–403

Sparrow, The, 404–6

Stones from the River, 407–11

Their Eyes Were Watching God, 412–15

Three Junes, 416–22

To Kill a Mockingbird, 423–25

Tortilla Curtain, The, 426–30

Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A, 431–35

Visit from the Goon Squad, A, 441–44

Waiting, 445–49

Water for Elephants, 454–58

Weight of Water, The, 459–62


Age of Innocence, The, 1–4

Angle of Repose, 20–24

Anna Karenina, 25–28

Good Earth, The, 148–51

Grapes of Wrath, The, 152–55

Great Gatsby, The, 156–59

Jane Eyre, 204–8

Middlemarch, 257–62

My Ántonia, 275–78

Optimist’s Daughter, The, 313–15

Their Eyes Were Watching God, 412–15

To Kill a Mockingbird, 423–25

Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A, 431–35


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 170–73

Historical Fiction

Ahab’s Wife, 5–9

Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, The, 10–14

Book Thief, The, 52–56

Cane River, 57–62

Corelli’s Mandolin, 77–80

Daughter of Fortune, 94–96

Girl with a Pearl Earring, 139–42

Killer Angels, The, 209–13

Memoirs of a Geisha, 253–56

Poisonwood Bible, The, 338–42

Pope Joan, 343–46

Red Tent, The, 357–60

Sarah’s Key, 370–75

Shadow of the Wind, The, 383–88

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, 393–97

Stones from the River, 407–11

Waiting, 445–49

Water for Elephants, 454–58


Da Vinci Code, The, 88–93

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The, 133–38

Motherless Brooklyn, 269–74

Mystic River, 283–88

No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, The, 295–98

Snow Falling on Cedars, 389–92

Weight of Water, The, 459–62

Science Fiction

Sparrow, The, 404–6

Short-Story Collections

Interpreter of Maladies, 198–203

Olive Kitteridge, 303–7


Angela’s Ashes, 15–19

Color of Water, The, 73–76

Devil in the White City, The, 101–7

Endurance, 120–23

Half Broke Horses, 165–69

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The, 190–94

Infidel, 195–97

Leap of Faith, 219–25

Nickel and Dimed, 289–91

Nine Parts of Desire, 292–94

No Ordinary Time, 299–302

Perfect Storm, The, 326–29

Personal History, 330–33

Reading Lolita in Tehran, 350–56

Seabiscuit, 376–78

Undaunted Courage, 436–40

Walk in the Woods, A, 450–53

Wild Swans, 463–67

Adventure Titles

Endurance, 120–23

Perfect Storm, The, 326–29

Walk in the Woods, A, 450–53

Current Affairs

Nickel and Dimed, 289–91

Nine Parts of Desire, 292–94

Reading Lolita in Tehran, 350–56


Devil in the White City, The, 101–7

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The, 190–94

No Ordinary Time, 299–302

Personal History, 330–33

Seabiscuit, 376–78

Undaunted Courage, 436–40

Wild Swans, 463–67


Walk in the Woods, A, 450–53


Angela’s Ashes, 15–19

Color of Water, The, 73–76

Half Broke Horses, 165–69

Infidel, 195–97

Leap of Faith, 219–25

Personal History, 330–33

Reading Lolita in Tehran, 350–56

Wild Swans, 463–67


Cutting for Stone, 81–87

Disgrace, 108–10

Infidel, 195–97

Little Bee, 236–39

No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, The, 295–98

Poisonwood Bible, The, 338–42


Cane River, 57–62

Coldest Winter Ever, The, 68–72

Color of Water, The, 73–76

Help, The, 174–80

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The, 190–94

Lesson Before Dying, A, 226–30

Mama Day, 249–52

Secret Life of Bees, The, 379–82

South of Broad, 398–403

Their Eyes Were Watching God, 412–15

To Kill a Mockingbird, 423–25


Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, 33–36

Bonesetter’s Daughter, The, 46–51

Good Earth, The, 148–51

Memoirs of a Geisha, 253–56

Samurai’s Garden, The, 366–69

Snow Falling on Cedars, 389–92

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, 393–97

Waiting, 445–49

Wild Swans, 463–67


Bel Canto, 41–45

Daughter of Fortune, 94–96

Love in the Time of Cholera, 240–44

Sparrow, The, 404–6

Tortilla Curtain, The, 426–30


Fine Balance, A, 124–28

God of Small Things, The, 143–47

Interpreter of Maladies, 198–203

Life of Pi, 231–35


House of Sand and Fog, 186–89

Kite Runner, The, 214–18

Leap of Faith, 219–25

Nine Parts of Desire, 292–94

Palace Walk, 316–20

Reading Lolita in Tehran, 350–56

Red Tent, The, 357–60


Buck, Pearl S. (The Good Earth), 148–51

Coetzee, J. M. (Disgrace), 108–10

García Márquez, Gabriel (Love in the Time of Cholera), 240–44

Steinbeck, John (The Grapes of Wrath), 152–55


Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy), 25–28

Cane River (Lalita Tademy), 57–62

Daughter of Fortune (Isabel Allende), 94–96

Fine Balance, A (Rohinton Mistry), 124–28

Good Earth, The (Pearl S. Buck), 148–51

House of Sand and Fog (Andre Dubus III), 186–89

Lesson Before Dying, A (Ernest Gaines), 226–30

Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver), 338–42

Stones from the River (Ursula Heigi), 407–11


Coetzee, J. M. (Disgrace), 108–10

Martel, Yann (Life of Pi), 231–35

Roy, Arundhati (The God of Small Things), 143–47


Buck, Pearl S. (The Good Earth), 148–51

Chabon, Michael (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay), 10–14

Cunningham, Michael (The Hours), 181–85

Egan, Jennifer (A Visit from the Goon Squad), 441–44

Eugenides, Jeffrey (Middlesex), 263–68

Graham, Katharine (Personal History), 330–33

Lahiri, Jhumpa (Interpreter of Maladies), 198–203

Lee, Harper (To Kill a Mockingbird), 423–25

McCourt, Frank (Angela’s Ashes), 15–19

Russo, Richard (Empire Falls), 116–19

Shaara, Michael (The Killer Angels), 209–13

Stegner, Wallace (Angle of Repose), 20–24

Steinbeck, John (The Grapes of Wrath), 152–55

Strout, Elizabeth (Olive Kitteridge), 303–7

Welty, Eudora (The Optimist’s Daughter), 313–15

Wharton, Edith (The Age of Innocence), 1–4