Reading List

Frawley, David, Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide, Lotus Press, Wisconsin, 1990

Frawley, David and Subhash Ranade, Ayurveda, Nature’s Medicine, Lotus Press, Wisconsin, 2001

Frawley, David and Vasant Lad, The Yoga of Herbs, Lotus Press, Wisconsin, 1984

Lad, Vasant, Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing, Lotus Press, Santa Fe, 1984

Morrison, Judith H, The Book of Ayurveda: A Guide to Personal Wellbeing, Gaia Books Ltd, London, 1995

Pole, Sebastian, A Pukka Life, Quadrille, London, 2011. A hugely informative and entertaining read – a vast rich wealth of information that you’ll keep referring back to. Great on all things seasonal, too.

Raichur, Pratima, Absolute Beauty, William Morrow Paperbacks, New York, 1997

Rushton, Eminé and Rushton, Paul, Sattva: The Ayurvedic Way to Live Well, Hay House, London, 2019

Shunya, Acharya, Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom, Sounds True, Colorado, 2017

Svoboda, Robert E, Ayurveda: Life, Health and Longevity, Ayurvedic Press, Albuquerque, 1992

Svoboda, Robert E, The Hidden Secret of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Press, Albuquerque, 1980

Vara, Geeta, Ayurveda, Orion Spring, London, 2018

Ayurvedic Cooking

Alter, Divya, What to Eat for How You Feel, Rizzoli International, New York, 2017

Anand, Anjum, Eat for Your Body Type, Quadrille, London, 2009

Hemsley, Jasmine, East by West, Bluebird, London, 2017

Kehar, Nira, Ojas: Modern Recipes and Ancient Wisdom for Everyday Ayurveda, Dovetail, New York, 2018

Ketabi, Sahara Rose, Eat Feel Fresh, Alpha, New York, 2018

Morningstar, Amadea and Urmila Desai, The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Lotus Press, Wisconsin, 1990

Sondhi, Amrita, The Modern Ayurvedic Cookbook, Orient Paperbacks, New Delhi, 2013

Yarema, Thomas, Eat.Taste.Heal, Five Elements Press, Whitefish, 2014

Online Resources

If you’re looking to find a reputable Ayurvedic practitioner in the UK, it is a good idea to start with the Ayurvedic Professionals Association (APA) website – www.apa.uk.com. If you are in the US, visit the National Ayurvedic Medical Association at www.ayurvedanama.org.

ayurveda.com – The Ayurvedic Institute, founded by Dr Vasant Lad, is rich in free resources, including features and videos, and wonderful for all those seeking a way into the science of life.

ayurvedapura.com – this UK-based school, run by Dr Deepa Apte, also has a wonderful online store that sells excellent herbs, chyawanprash and resources.

banyanbotanicals.com – this Australian brand has a fantastic, content-rich website where there’s lots to read and learn.

jasminehemsley.com – Jasmine’s My-Urveda section features interviews with practitioners and personalities in the Ayurvedic and wellbeing worlds. The online store is also a great holistic retail destination.

maulirituals.com – practical reads and resources sit alongside a beautiful all-natural and award-winning wellness and beauty range, created by Anita and Bittu Kaushal.

pukkaherbs.com – a global wellbeing brand specializing in fair-trade herbs and teas, co-founded by Sebastian Pole and Tim Westwell. Global shipping.

samayaayurveda.com – an award-winning, all-natural, dosha-specific skincare range created by Abida Halstenberg.

thisconsciouslife.co – this is our Ayurveda and Conscious Living blog, where we share recipes, features on holistic wellbeing, rituals for the spirit (“spi-rituals”), soul nourishment and creating a sacred home space. It’s also the home of our seasonal living course, The Clearing.

vedanet.com – The American Institute of Vedic Studies, founded by Dr David Frawley, is not only the home of their online learning resources, but also rich with free content – simply click on Knowledge Center.

Many of the experts I’ve featured in the book have marvellous resource-filled websites, and logging on is a great way not only to read up on wellbeing issues but also to hear news of special offers and upcoming events. These websites can also be a great source of good-quality supplies, such as Ayurvedic herbs, supplements and body oils.

demamiel.com – the de Mamiel and Botaniques ranges of natural, organic skincare, from Annee de Mamiel.

evekalinik.com – nutritional advice from Eve Kalinik.

movementformodernlife.com – easy yoga classes offered online, in 10-, 20- or 30-minute segments, to fit into even the busiest lives.

sugavida.co.uk – suppliers of organic food and nutraceuticals, including the SugaVida D’Mix, a natural remedy for digestive gas.

sustainweb.org/realbread – campaigning for better bread.

theorganicpharmacy.com – offers organic skincare, makeup and perfume, as well as supplements and homoeopathic remedies. They provide beauty and health treatments through their stores and spa partners around the world.

tri-dosha.co.uk – resources for living Ayurvedically, including Ayurvedic skincare and body care products, consultations and retreats, recommendations for holistic suppliers, and a blog.

Recommended Supplements

For your daily probiotic, I favour Wild Nutrition, Viridian, Symprove, Udo’s Choice, the Organic Pharmacy and Bio-Kult varieties (all available at health food stores or online).

A good combined enzyme taken daily in capsule form helps with food digestion. Brands I have tried and liked include Atone, Biocare and Udo’s Choice.

The SugaVida D’Mix is a blend of herbs and spices to chew after meals to aid digestion. I have found it much more effective in relieving gas than chemist/drugstore alternatives such as Wind-eze.

I am also a big fan of Living Nature’s Hemp Oil – with omega 3, 6 and 9 oils – for plant-based lifestyles.