There are so many people who deserve to be thanked; their names could fill another entire book. I am grateful to everyone who gave their time and bravely shared their stories within these pages, from activists, politicians, and scholars to the women and families of A New Way of Life.

My deepest thanks to Leslie M. and Diane P. for guiding me through the Twelve Steps and introducing me to so many wonderful friends of Bill W., who sustain me to this day. Special thanks are also due to Howard and Jan Oringer, who have spent time in the A New Way of Life living rooms and whose friendship and generosity have been deep and lasting, I am very grateful to Tessa Blake and Emma Hewitt, whose touching 2012 short film, Susan, illustrated the heart and soul of what A New Way of Life does and why our work is so important.

There are so many others: friends who stood with me in personal conscience and conviction, never seeking attention or glory. These are individuals who have volunteered and worked at A New Way of Life as well as private donors and charitable foundations; all have encouraged, supported, and nourished A New Way of Life’s mission. They continue to join us in our efforts to address and end the mass incarceration of women. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you to my early readers, Katie Davison, Gwen McKinney, and Adam Culbreth, and to my daughter, Antoinette Carter, and granddaughter, Ellesse Johnson. They listened and provided words of wisdom and encouragement to help me get to the finish line with this book. Cari Lynn, my co-author, made it possible for me to tell my story and I am most fortunate to have had her help. She did a lovely job capturing not only my story but also my voice. Ronda Trotter was very helpful to me at a crucial moment and helped me get to the finish line.

John Legend’s support has been very meaningful to me and I stand with him in commitment to #FreeAmerica.

I am deeply grateful to have been a Soros Justice Fellow and to have had the chance to meet inspiring people from all over the country who are working to spur debate and bring reform to the criminal justice system—and to reduce the destructive impact current criminal justice policies have on women and children and families.

I want to thank Uber for their support of A New Way of Life and for standing at the front lines with us to give people equal opportunity for jobs.

This book would not have been possible without Michelle Alexander, who first introduced me to Ellen Adler at The New Press. Reading The New Jim Crow allowed me to achieve a level of self-forgiveness, not only for my benefit, but to help me promote the healing of other justice-involved individuals living in trauma from the effects of mass incarceration. From our very first conversation, Ellen Adler believed in the urgent need for this memoir so that I could lend my voice to the narrative describing the mass incarceration of women and help break down the ongoing systemic barriers that must be overcome. Thanks are also due to Tara Grove, Emily Albarillo, and everyone else at The New Press who has been so supportive.

Finally, I especially want to thank George Cameron, Gena Lew Gong, Dorsey Nunn, Saúl Sarabia, and Michelle Alexander. They selflessly offered faith and insight, and pointed me toward the concrete ideology that helped me make sense of my story while I was becoming Ms. Burton. —S.B.

To everyone who appears within these pages, thank you for bravely and patiently sharing your stories, some painful, all triumphant. In the process of writing, I have been fortunate to spend a couple of years in Susan’s world, surrounded by bright minds, pure grit, and constant inspiration. Thank you to the women and families of A New Way of Life, and to Susan’s colleagues, friends, and relatives who invited me into their homes and their lives.

Thank you to Tessa Blake, whose beautiful short film, Susan, planted the seed for this book. And to Cindy Chupack and Laura Brady Saade for bringing us all together. To Anita Ugent, Katie Davison, and Linda Fibich, who braved various—and lengthy—drafts of the manuscript. These women never failed to provide support and encouragement when I needed it most. And to David J. Cohen, who is always steadfastly there for me.

This book would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication and support of the outstanding team at The New Press. Ellen Adler, we knew The New Press was the absolute right home for this book; it’s been an honor to have you as our champion and our guide. Tara Grove, your keen editorial insight made this book everything it was meant to be. And to Emily Albarillo, with the patience of a saint, and Liana Krissoff. Thank you to Katherine Porter and Sofie Syed, who guided us with the utmost care and generosity. And to Angela Baggetta of Goldberg-McDuffie Communications. From start to finish, it’s been a joy working with you all.

Meeting Susan has changed my life, and I am grateful to have played a part in telling her important story. Thanks, Susan, for giving me the honor.—C.L.