The Big Idea: An Introduction to Be Skillful by Ken Baugh

A Word from the Author

1. Don’t Just Make a Living, Make a Life!
(Introduction to the Book of Proverbs)

2. Is Anybody Listening? (Proverbs 1:7–33; 8—9)

3. The Path of Wisdom and Life (Proverbs 2—4)

4. The Path of Folly and Death (Proverbs 5—7)


5. People, Wise and Otherwise—Part I
(The Wise and the Wicked)

6. People, Wise and Otherwise—Part II
(The Simple, Scorner, and Fool)

7. “Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief”

8. Family, Friends, and Neighbors

9. A Matter of Life or Death (Human Speech)

10. Make Way for the Righteous!

11. Enjoying God’s Guidance

12. Popular Sins
(Drunkenness, Disrespect, Illusion, Greed, Pride)

13. “This God Is Our God”
