The Big Idea: An Introduction to Be Skillful by Ken Baugh
1. Don’t Just Make a Living, Make a Life!
(Introduction to the Book of Proverbs)
2. Is Anybody Listening? (Proverbs 1:7–33; 8—9)
3. The Path of Wisdom and Life (Proverbs 2—4)
4. The Path of Folly and Death (Proverbs 5—7)
5. People, Wise and Otherwise—Part I
(The Wise and the Wicked)
6. People, Wise and Otherwise—Part II
(The Simple, Scorner, and Fool)
7. “Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief”
8. Family, Friends, and Neighbors
9. A Matter of Life or Death (Human Speech)
10. Make Way for the Righteous!
12. Popular Sins
(Drunkenness, Disrespect, Illusion, Greed, Pride)