When I was writing the first draft of Scandal in Spades, my husband and I went to stay with a colleague of his in Ghana. Also staying with him was his niece, Irina. Irina was a not-yet-twenty-year-old woman full of fire and conviction but also 100 percent open to the world, eager to absorb new experiences and make any positive change she could. I’d never met anyone with that same combination of enthusiasm and openness. Julia is my Regency homage to Irina’s incandescent spirit. Thank you, Irina, and I hope, wherever you are, you are making your fabulous way through the world with the same special sparkle.
Julia’s difficulties standing like a man come from my own experience dressing as the Dread Pirate Roberts for events at the Washington Romance Writers retreat and the 2018 Historical Romance Retreat. I thank Todd and Christine R for valiantly and, as it turned out, hopelessly attempting to correct my stance. Photographic evidence of my “inconceivable” failure can be found on my website.
Thank you to my sisters, Jo & Charlotte. I’m so lucky to have you both in my life, and I’m grateful for all you do. I’m sorry I pretty much disappeared for two months. Thank you to my skeptical critique partners, especially Bliss, Judith, & Jess, for fitting in a reading in a very short period of time. Thank you to my editor, Erin, for her patience and support. Thank you to author friends Tamar and Kettle for listening to me process the story aloud in real time.
Thank you to every reader who has enjoyed the Lords of Chance series, with special appreciation for those who recommended the books on various platforms and/or left reviews. And, finally, HUGE thank you to all the readers who wrote me saying they couldn’t wait for Rayne’s book. I hope I’ve delivered to your satisfaction.