Chapter FourChapter Four


EVERY SOON-TO-BE BRIDE WANTS to celebrate her last days as a single lady, but that doesn’t mean she wants to look like a college student who just pulled an all-nighter, and feel even worse. Moreover, you most definitely don’t want to hit rewind on all your pre-wedding-day prep! And now you don’t have to.

The secret: knowing how to indulge in a way that keeps you as on track as possible, how to prevent a hangover, how to recover quickly, and how to fake it until you do.

The Bachelorette Bash BasicsThe Bachelorette Bash Basics

This is your night (or nights!) so while you might not be the one planning all the festivities, it’s important to communicate, ideally with all attendees but most definitely with your maid of honor, so you’re all on the same page. Here are some things to think about and, more important, talk about, before basking in your bride-to-be fete.


At the end of the day, your maid of honor (or host of your bachelorette) is the one calling the shots and your job is to graciously accept the party in your honor. While there is no right or wrong way to celebrate the end of your bachelorette-hood, it is important that your girls know whether your idea of the perfect pre-nuptials party involves X-rated strippers in Vegas, a relaxing spa getaway, a low-key slumber party at a fancy hotel (complete with DIY facials, room service, and movies), a dive bar with line dancing, or any combination thereof.


Other than the fact that everyone invited to the bachelorette party should be on the wedding’s guest list, there are no rules when it comes to invites. Whether you prefer just to party with your bridesmaids or want to include others, it’s your call. Do keep your mom and future mother-in-law in mind. While they probably aren’t any more interested in heading to a strip club with you than you are in having them there, if your bachelorette party is taking place at a spa or over brunch, it’s appropriate to include them. And if you are planning a big (read: boozy) night out, consider inviting them to dinner and say bye-bye before barhopping.


Lots of brides-to-be these days are jetting off for weekend getaways with the girls. And while this can be a blast, it’s important to be sensitive to other people’s budgets and to let your maid of honor (or whomever else is spearheading the party planning) know whether your priority is for everyone to be able to participate even if it means a local, low-key evening or if you’d rather go all out but know not everyone will be able to participate.


The only rule here is that it’s not the bride—and that everyone knows the anticipated cost prior to accepting the invitation. Typically, each attendee pays her own way and all attendees split the cost for the bride, but it’s not totally unheard of for a host to foot the bill, either, for all attendees or just for the bride.


Anything other than the night before the big day goes. (Trust me, you do not want to look and feel hungover on your wedding day!) But for most brides-to-be, planning your bachelorette at least a month prior to the wedding will help to alleviate stress and give you ample time to recover. You also don’t want to do this during the initial twenty-one Radiant Bride Detox, so plan accordingly—and ensure you have enough time to cleanse the effects out of your system before your big day.


Bachelorette parties can get crazy and leave all attendees in compromising positions! Consider buying disposable cameras (yup, they still make them) to safely capture all your memories and ensure they stay off-line, or just implementing a “No Social Media” rule (or, at the very least, a “No Social Media Without Prior, Sober Approval by All Pictured Parties” rule). Speaking of . . .


Whether your rule is just regarding picture sharing or anything else, make sure your girls know if there is anything you’re not cool with their sharing online.


There are two types of brides-to-be: those who are all about the kitschy party that’s incomplete without penis-necklaces, shlong-straws, and a cock-cake and those who can’t think of much worse. Same goes for the “Soon to Be Mrs.” sash, faux veil, and rhinestone-encrusted crown. Figure out where you stand on this and ensure your maid of honor knows it.


See above. Same rules.


Before you and your fiancé head out on your respective night(s) on the town, it’s important to discuss expectations—and a coy “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” doesn’t cut it. If there is anything you’d be devastated to hear your partner did, let him/her know. Also, be sure to clarify ahead of time whether you’re going to share your nights’ activities with each other or if you’ll never talk about it again.


Your gal pals spent a lot of time (and likely money!) to send off your singlehood in style. Don’t forget to show them your appreciation with a heartfelt note and small gift. Real beauty radiates from gratitude, kindness, and generosity so this is sure to earn you some serious beauty points!

How to Indulge Without Blowing Your DietHow to Indulge Without Blowing Your Diet

You want to have fun, feel good, and party hard! Before you throw caution to the wind and celebrate your final days as a bachelorette with abandon, listen up: you can stay on track with all your bridal beauty goals and still have a boozy bachelorette party. The key: drinking smartly and preparing wisely.

Whether you’re heading out to a bar or staying in with your friends, here are a few rules to keep in mind when gearing up for your last girls’ night as a single lady.


When picking your poison, limit the ingredients (aim for a maximum of four although, in general, the fewer the better). Those sugary pre-made margarita mixes loaded with over fifteen unpronounceable ingredients? Skip them. They’re what give the sweet and salty drink a bad wrap when a traditional margarita just calls for tequila, lime, and a dash of agave or Cointreau.


Between the belly-bloating carbonation and unhealthy sweeteners (whether corn syrup, cane sugar, or artificial), a healthy bride-to-be wouldn’t drink soda without alcohol in it, so don’t drink it tonight, either.


When it comes to imbibing, not all drinks are created equal. Paired with the right mixers, your drink can help to simultaneously prevent the inflammation, dehydration, and overall dullness caused by alcohol. You just need to know the boozy bride’s recipes for radiance . . . and here you have them! Whether you whip this up for a girls’ night in or use them when ordering your next cocktail at a bar, you’ll be beautifully boozy (and not just because everyone else is wearing their drunk goggles!).