Body CareBody Care

Your skin is exponentially less sensitive from your head to your toes, so if you can only restock one portion of your beauty stash at a time, start with your face and work your way down.

BODY WASH/SOAP: If your skin is very dry or sensitive, be sure to buy a non-foaming moisturizing formula since those sudsy bubbles can strip your body of its natural oils. Prone to breakouts? Look for an acne-fighting body wash with salicylic acid.

BODY LOTION: Your skin is your body’s largest organ and body lotion gets applied to most of it so look for all-natural formulas, or just pick up a tub of coconut oil at the grocery store and use that.

ANTI-CELLULITE SCRUB: There’s a joke that 90 percent of women say they have cellulite, and the other 10 percent are lying. Odds are: you have it, too. For an over-the-counter solution, look for both a scrub and a cream with caffeine as an active ingredient. To DIY it, use coffee grounds to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite, practically for free!

Anti-Cellulite Coffee Scrub

This exfoliating scrub has vitamin E–packed wheat germ oil to promote healing and caffeine-loaded coffee grounds to increase circulation and reduce the dimpling effect.

For all skin types

       1/2 cup cooled, caffeinated coffee grounds

       1/4 cup wheat germ oil

Combine the coffee grounds with the oil in a small plastic bowl. In the shower, use your hands to scrub cellulite-ridden skin in vigorous circular motions for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse clean. Repeat daily.