No. 4

Push a button, save $100

Don’t call for a repair until you check for power

Repair technicians report that a huge percentage (up to 30 percent!) of their service calls require only the push of a button or the flip of a switch to restore the electrical power. That costs the homeowner a minimum service charge (typically $50 to $100), plus embarrassment. Here’s how to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.


Press the reset button on GFCIs

Sometimes all the bathroom outlets or several exterior lights are powered through a single GFCI located in one bathroom or elsewhere, such as in a basement. Simply push the reset button on the GFCI and you could be back in business.

Voice of experience

It’s happened a million times: The only ‘repair’ I make is to plug in the unplugged appliance. But I still have to charge for the service call.


Costas Stavrou, appliance repairman and The Family Handyman Field Editor


Check the breaker

When a light goes out or a switch doesn’t work, you should first check the main electrical panel for a tripped circuit breaker. Look for a breaker switch that’s not in line with the others. That means it’s tripped. Switch it to the off position and then back on.


Reset the disposer

All disposers have an overload feature that automatically shuts off the power when the motor becomes overloaded and gets too hot. Once the motor cools, simply push the reset button on the side of or under the unit.


Check the outlet

If any electronic item suddenly won’t turn on, don’t immediately assume it’s broken. Plug in a radio or a lamp to make sure the outlet is working.


Check the temperature dial

Make sure the temperature control dial in your fridge or freezer hasn’t been turned way down. Curious kids may have messed with it, someone may have bumped the knob or it’s just set too low. Also make sure the vents in the fridge and freezer compartment aren’t blocked by food containers—these vents supply the flow of frigid air.