Your house is full of hideaways that most people wouldn’t think about. And most crooks wouldn’t either. Just make sure that your family knows your secrets, so they don’t donate or toss out your treasure container.
The bag compartment inside an old vacuum provides a handy spot for valuables. Lots of other household items work too: an old printer or computer tower or kids’ toys.
No crook will bother to open paint cans looking for loot. Before you use a can, leave it open for a few days so the leftover paint can thoroughly dry.
Roll up some cash, stick it in a medicine bottle or any other watertight container and bury it in a potted plant. If you want to avoid digging for your treasure, cover it with a pinecone or stone.
Between almost every pair of upper cabinets, there’s a 1/2-in. gap. Hang a cash-filled envelope in that slot, using binder clips that are too large to fall in. This only works if you have open space above cabinets, of course.
Pick a deep drawer so the depth change won’t be obvious. Cut 1/4-in. plywood 1/16 in. smaller than the opening and rest it on a couple wood strips that are hot-glued to the drawer sides. Then hot-glue some item you’d expect to find in that drawer to the false bottom to provide a handle to lift the false bottom and reveal the booty.
Food containers offer endless possibilities. For example, spray the inside of a mayonnaise jar with cream-colored spray paint so it looks full.
Fridges and dishwashers have cover plates or grilles that hide a large open space. But don’t place large items under a fridge. Blocking the airflow will make the fridge work harder and possibly even damage it.
Plastic LB fittings and conduit are used to enclose wires entering a building. So a phony fitting will look perfectly normal outside any house. Just stick the LB fitting on a piece of conduit, then plant it in the ground and screw it to the house. You’ll find everything you need in the electrical aisle at any home center.
Mice love to chew on any type of paper, including cash or important documents. So don’t hide valuable papers where mice might get them.