If the flow from your kitchen or bathroom faucet isn’t what it used to be, the aerator is probably plugged. That’s perfectly normal. An aerator can clog slowly due to mineral buildup or instantly after plumbing work loosens debris inside pipes. Either way, the solution is to clean it out. If scrubbing with a toothbrush and rinsing won’t remove tough mineral buildup, soak the aerator parts in vinegar.
Mineral buildup can gradually turn a powerful shower into a weak trickle. The buildup may be visible around the jet holes or invisible inside the head. Either way, the solution is simple, and you don’t even have to remove the head. Just fill a freezer bag with a half-and-half mix of vinegar and water. Secure the bag with a rubber band or duct tape. Vinegar dissolves minerals, but it can also damage finishes with prolonged contact, so remove the bag every 15 minutes and check the flow.