The sun peeks over the horizon and I hear a faint rustle at my door.
I sit up in bed, wondering what the noise had just been. Slipping out of my blankets, I find a slip of paper on the floor. It's folded. Who is it from?
Opening the parchment, I take it toward the window and push back the curtains. It grants me enough light to see that the note is from Vincent. He's written me a list of the traits he wants in a woman to marry.
I pray no one saw him, and I refrain from opening the door to see if anyone else is on the floor.
Crawling back under the covers, I steal a few more hours of slumber. It feels like a second has passed when I finally get out of bed and ready for the day ahead of me.
I'm quiet as I stalk out of my room and tiptoe across the hall to the majestic staircase that leads down into the palace ballroom on the first floor.
Lucas should be leaving soon if he's planning on spending the day in Paris. He assured me he would find a woman for Vincent to marry. Though perhaps I should show the list to him as well? I dread speaking to him after what happened last night. I don't regret what we did, but I do feel nauseated at the smug smile and fondness he'll have for himself upon seeing me. Like I am another woman he conquered. What was I thinking, allowing him to take me on a walk outside?
I push it all aside. I can't let him unravel me. Stepping through the ballroom, I wander toward the back hall for the palace kitchen. I'm starving and would gladly have a croissant or scone, if there are any left over.
At the kitchen entrance, I hear his laugh. There's something about his voice that I can pinpoint, even in a large crowd. His tone is deep, thick, and I lock onto it every time. He's mingling with the staff. It's not a crime, but it's also not typical of a duke. Who is he speaking with now? Another guard? A palace servant? There's too big of a crowd preparing meals that I can't see the other person. Please tell me he's not lining up men to marry off and spreading tales of what we're doing.
King Alexander startles me, and I spin around on my heels.
"Your Majesty," I say and smile politely.
"We missed your company last night, Hannah. Isabella was hoping you'd join us. The invitation still stands for this evening."
How do I tell Alexander that I'm beginning to want out of our arrangement? I don't regret becoming a mistress no more than I regret what happened with Lucas. I'm just not sure I feel happy about it in the way I had when I first agreed. Ella's attention has been on Alexander, her husband, not on me. I knew this day would eventually come. Following her to the kingdom had been her idea. In truth, I had some reservations about the ordeal, but I didn't feel comfortable voicing them.
"Thank you," I say and smile with ease. I consider declining, letting him know it won't happen, but I can't do that. I won't do that. Should the king find out I've bedded another man, it could be dangerous for Lucas.
"Of course." Alexander nods. "I've left twenty additional gold pieces on your dresser for you to purchase whatever silk you need to make a gown. I'll inform Claude to accompany you back to Paris."
"That is very kind of you," I say.
Although I've already asked Ella's maids to help find a seamstress, I do need material for her to sew. Plus, it gives me a reasonable excuse to accompany Lucas back into Paris. My stomach fills with butterflies. The mere thought of being alone with him unsettles me. However, I suppose we won't be entirely on our own, Claude will be joining us.
Lucas steps out from the kitchen. How much of the conversation had he heard? "Your Majesty, it would be an honor to accompany Lady Hannah to Paris."
"I thought we were keeping news of Queen Isabella's present a secret?" Alexander asks me.
I do my best to ignore Lucas. "I haven't told a soul. I believe Duke Covington has been eavesdropping on our conversation from the kitchen."
The tips of his ears burn red. "It's an honor to be in Lady Hannah's presence, Your Majesty."
King Alexander purses his lips together. "You may court any lady who's unwed, Lucas, but Lady Hannah is off-limits."
"She wears no ring upon her finger. May I ask why, Your Majesty?"
He doesn't back down and I'm surprised he's got the arrogance to go up against a king. I've never met any man so bold or brash. Is he looking to get himself executed?
Alexander laughs under his breath. "You're asking me why you can't have my mistress?"
Lucas's eyes widen in horror. His skin turns a ghastly pale and he swallows nervously.
"You may accompany my mistress to Paris. She will need a strong man to carry the rolls of silk she intends to buy. I'll pay you four gold pieces for your trouble upon your return."
Lucas can't turn down the offer, even if he wanted to. When the king asks for you to do something, whether paid or not, you do it. I imagine he's thrilled with the prospect of earning a little more gold from Alexander. As it is, he's needing to travel to Paris to find Vincent a wife. Now he'll have a little extra money, a carriage to take us, and the king's permission to travel with me.
"I'll inform Claude of your travel. Meet him at the gates at the top of the hour."
"Thank you, Your Majesty." With quick steps, I head back through the ballroom and for the grand staircase. I don't dare chance a look at Lucas. This isn't how I imagined he'd find out that I'm the king's mistress. I know he can't be pleased with the news, but it isn't as though he truly intended to marry me. He's probably most concerned with his own reputation and covering his ass should Alexander discover we slept together. If I were him, I'd be afraid too. He's not the only one holding a winning hand. We both have a lot to lose.

I'm quick to dress and I slip the twenty gold pieces into my pocket. Unlike with Jehannette, where I had to buy her freedom, this money can go toward making the woman a believable lady. A single gold piece is enough to buy a dress. With the purchase of four or five dresses and jewelry, I'm confident we can make her appear the part of elegant. I will, of course, need to bring back silk to avoid any suspicion from King Alexander, but with twenty gold, I suspect I'll have just enough with maybe even a little left over to get myself a new dress.
The bell chimes on the hour and I rush down the back stairwell, heading for the main door. Lucas waits, standing by the corridor. He looks bored, but I suspect he doesn't even know what that emotion feels like. No, when he has a moment of downtime, he uses it to plot his next spell of trouble.
"Shall we?" he asks and opens the door for me. I step outside, walking toward the coach.
Claude is graciously waiting and holding his tongue. "Lady Hannah," he says.
Claude opens the coach door and I step in first, taking his hand to help me into the carriage. Lucas climbs in right behind me and sits on the opposite bench. Neither of us says a word. It's a staring game and the tension is thick between us.
Claude takes his seat and guides the horses out onto the main road. The noise from their hoof beats drowns our conversation, keeping it intimate between us.
"When were you planning on telling me you're the king's mistress?" Lucas asks.
He's steaming. The light is shining in through the windows and I can see his ears and cheeks burning like fire.
"I wasn't," I say. It's the truth. Why lie and try to hide it? "I had no intention of sleeping with you." Lucas had been the one courting me. Could I have stopped it from going as far as I did? Yes, but I hadn't ever imagined I'd end up sleeping with him. He'd been so arrogant when we'd first met, and quite frankly, that hadn't entirely gone away, either.
"Yeah, well," Lucas clenches his jaw, "we did sleep together and we're both going to have to face Alexander when he finds out."
I relax on the bench. Is that what Lucas is so tied up about? "He's not going to find out." There's no reason I'd tell the king; it would only get me into trouble.
"Damn right, he's not." Lucas leans forward, his arms on his knees. "You say a word to him and—"
I cut him off before he can make any threats. "And what?" My eyes widen, locking onto his soulful green eyes. "You'll face the executioner beside me? It's in neither of our best interests to pursue this further, in discussion or action."
He shifts back, stroking his jaw. "So, we forget this ever happened?"
"Yes." I think that's the best course of action to ensure both of our lives are safe. Maybe Alexander would spare mine, but Lucas would face the king's wrath and who wants to go through that?
"Fine." Lucas's lips turn grim and he stares out the coach window as we travel along the bumpy, winding road. "Our agreement with Vincent; it has changed. I want fifty percent."
Do I have anything left to negotiate? If Alexander were to find out how deep and involved I am in betraying his men's trust, there would be no coming back from such treachery. "Forty," I counter. What the hell. The worst he'll say is no.
"Sixty," Lucas locks eyes on me.
"Fine, have your fifty percent, but you're helping pick out the girl. He wants a woman who has an appetite for adventure in the bedroom and can obey his every command. Shouldn't be too hard for you to find a woman like that in Paris, seeing as how you've slept your way through the town."
I have no clue how to find that specific a woman in Paris. Had he asked for a blonde or brunette, my life could have been made easier. Perhaps that's why he was so gracious with twenty gold, to keep us quiet.
Lucas' eyes narrow. He shakes his head but doesn't say a word. "It was just sex, Lucas. Don't tell me you have feelings for me." How could he, with his reputation for shagging all the women in Paris and the surrounding kingdoms?
"You would know, seeing as you're the king's mistress." He crosses his arms and shifts on the bench, staring out the window.
Silence engulfs the coach. He's given me no reason to believe he wants anything more than what we shared, one night together.

I step out from the coach, taking Claude's hand to steady myself. "We'll be back in a few hours."
"Stay out of trouble, you two," Claude says. He doesn't seem pleased to be back in Paris, but he gives no indication why.
Lucas follows like a shadow I can't ignore. He's on my heels about to walk into me when I stop. He's quick and holds out his arms, keeping himself from slamming into my back. I can feel his touch and I wince. "You go find a woman suitable for Vincent. I'll gather the silk and get that out of the way."
Lucas comes around to face me. A sly smile forms on his lips. "Not so fast, business partner. We're equals in this, at fifty percent, which means you're helping me choose the woman. Now, I know a few who might be to Vincent's liking, as I've experienced a taste of all of the women and can imagine those who would be willing to try something a bit less conventional," he hisses into my ear, "but I assure you, you will be with me as we speak to them."
"Fine." I shrug, pretending like I don't care, that being around Lucas is no big deal. I know I'm lying to myself. Am I angry with him? Devastated, but it's not for the reasons he thinks. I do like him, but we can't let anything more come between us. Not with me as the king's mistress. Do I believe Lucas has slept his way through Paris? Possibly, but I shouldn't have said those things. My eyes skirt the city. I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for, hope? I open my mouth to apologize.
"Deciding what man to seduce with your charm and whit?" Lucas asks.
I shut my lips. Why bother apologizing? That smugness will never leave him. I stalk toward the public bathhouse. It's the only establishment I know of that prostitutes frequent. "We're here for Vincent," I remind Lucas. "Leave your arrogance and pretentious attitude behind."
I step in front of the door. A wave of anxiety crashes down on me. This is where I met Lucas. My heart palpitates and my hands sweat.
"I don't have a penny," I say.
"Didn't we already do this once, darling? After you," he says.
I step into the large building. It's remarkably warm. There's a fire in the hearth across the room. A burly redheaded woman stands with her hand extended, awaiting payment. Lucas drops two pence into her palm for both of us. "Thank you," I mutter under my breath.
There are a half dozen tubs with both men and women bathing together. I try not to stare but I've never seen anything quite like it before.
"This way," Lucas says and leads me toward four women sitting around a table. They're fully clothed, which makes it quite a bit easier to speak with them without feeling flustered. I try to ignore the rest of the bathhouse and the tubs and laughter as many enjoy not just bathing but also the company of others.
"What are you doing here, Lucas? Is this the maiden from the castle you wish to wed?" a woman asks. She has long black hair and the darkest brown eyes I've ever seen.
"It's nice to see you again too, Helene."
She laughs and stands up. Her heels clink on the floor. "It's really not a pleasure. Why are you back and bringing a noble girl here?"
I do dress well, since I'm given Isabella's gowns. However, I've never been mistaken for a noble or to have royal blood. "No, this is Hannah. She's here to assist in helping me change someone's life. Consider it a charitable contribution," Lucas says. "We have a guard to the king who is looking for a wife. He wants a woman who can be adventurous but let him take charge."
"Love is for suckers," a blonde says as she stares up at Helene. "Isn't that right?"
"Well, Marie makes a valid point. It depends on the price," Helene says. "What's being offered?"
I clear my throat. "This isn't a part just anyone can play. You must be able to behave as a noble woman from high society and dress as expected. I can provide you with gowns and jewels, but you must act refined. You must also swear to never reveal where you came from. If you do, I can't protect you."
"Well, I'm out." Helene laughs. "You can dress me up, darling, but I can't hide my irresistible charm. Charlotte, Marie and Julienne are my three best girls. Are any of you interested?" she asks them.
Marie's blonde hair cascades across her face, covering one of her eyes. "Not interested. I like to play rough with my men, let them know I'm in charge."
"And then, there were two," I say and glance at Charlotte and Julienne. I don't know which is which girl. Will either of them accept the proposal? If not, where do we go next? How many women does Lucas know in Paris?
Lucas clasps his hands together in front of him. "I assure you that marriage to a guard of the court is of the highest ranking. You will be marrying up without expecting to pay a dowry. A rare fortune without the cost. If you're not interested, I can travel to the next bathhouse or even a brothel to find a woman who is desiring a new life. I don't have all day." Lucas taps his foot on the floor. "Ten seconds, and we walk out that door. The offer is gone."
"I'll do it!" A young brunette's eyes light up. She's small, petite and looks considerably young.
"What's your name?" I ask.
"Charlotte," she says and lifts her head up and straightens her back. I suspect she's trying to prove to me that she can act like a lady. She looks considerably clean, her hair a bit ratty, but she's not licked in dirt like Jehannette had been when I'd first met her.
"Come with me. Let's get you a new wardrobe and a trunk to carry all your belongings in."
Charlotte stands up. "I don't have anything to bring."
"You will when I'm done with you," I say. "Come on; we don't have all day."
Charlotte follows Lucas and me out from the bathhouse. I lead her toward the stalls of merchants. "Pick out something you like, but don't buy it yet." I want to approve her wardrobe choice.
She sorts through the gowns and shows me one she likes. It's a deep burgundy with black lace trim around the stomach.
"It may cost too much." She grimaces and I gesture for her to go back.
"The dress is lovely, Charlotte. Pick another one too. You can't have only one dress to wear." The gowns aren't what one might call fashionable for a royal ball, but they are much better than a dress even a wealthy peasant might wear. I grab three linen chemises for bed and two pairs of heels for Charlotte to try on.
She carries three more gowns out to me. Each is entirely different, one a pastel yellow that will surely make her look even younger, a second is a rich purple, with gold accents on the sleeves, and a third gown is a rich, sleeveless midnight blue. "I'll let you choose which is best for me to wear, for the young man at court."
"Do the dresses all fit?" I ask.
Charlotte nods and chews her bottom lip raw. "Yes, ma'am."
"It's Hannah," I correct her. "Try these shoes on I pulled out." I hand her the heels and she sits down, slipping the shoes on.
"They're a little tight."
The merchant quickly finds her a similar pair in a different size.
Lucas lingers by the front entrance. It's obvious he's bored. Well, he wanted to get himself wrapped up in this mess. Boredom should be the least of his concerns. He gestures me to step outside, and with reluctance, I do, leaving Charlotte alone for a few minutes. "I'm going to find a trunk that we can carry all the dresses in back to court. We don't want it to look strange that she has nothing to store her belongings."
I hand Lucas a single gold coin worth ten shillings. A trunk should cost far less, even a fine-crafted one for a noble. I have to trust that he won't run away with the money. Besides, it wouldn't be in his best interest, since coming back to court and collecting the fee from Vincent will result him receiving ten gold coins.
I worry that Lucas might want to pursue this option once again. How will I convince him that this arrangement is over after we deliver Charlotte to Vincent?
"How are the shoes coming?" I ask Charlotte as I wander back into the merchant's stand. The sun is shining overhead, and the breeze causes the dresses that are hanging to blow in the wind.
"Finally got a pair that fit!" Charlotte shows me her shoes and walks around in them. "They're gorgeous, don't you think?"
"Lovely," I say. I pay the merchant six gold coins and help carry the dresses to the next vendor, who is selling jewelry. The pearls are far too expensive at seventy shillings for three strings and the gold necklaces are even more at one hundred shillings for six necklaces, I only need one and the vendor isn't willing to negotiate.
"Hannah!" Lucas says, calling for me from across the market. He's holding a wooden trunk that will definitely fit the gowns without issue. Charlotte and I wander over to Lucas, letting him put the trunk on the ground and open the latch while I put three of the dresses inside for safe keeping. I leave the blue gown out and hand it to Charlotte.
"Lucas, take the trunk to the coach. Then stay with Charlotte while she changes gowns. I'm going to negotiate for some jewels and then purchase a few yards of silk." I can't forget the silk! It's my excuse for arriving in Paris. The last thing I want is to rouse further suspicion.
I wander from vendor to vendor through the market until I convince a gentleman to sell me a gold ring with a ruby and a single string of pearls for a total of five gold coins. I clasp the necklace on and slide the ring onto my index finger. It's quite beautiful and if I had any money left over, I'd probably purchase one for Ella or myself. Not that she needs any more jewels. As a queen, she has everything she could ever wish for, lucky girl.
At the end of the market, I discover the shops selling yards of silk. At ten shillings a yard, I purchase five different prints of fabric that will blend well together in a gown. With three gold coins to spare, I slip them into my pocket and carry the silk to the coach.
"You've really outdone yourselves this time," Claude says as I hand him the yards of silk. I open the trunk and place them inside to keep clean.
"Where are Charlotte and Lucas?" I ask.
"I don't dare ask about this girl you're bringing back to court." Claude may not ask but his statement says he doesn't approve, as does the frown on his brow. "You're giving me gray hairs and wrinkles, Lady Hannah."
"I assure you that isn't my intention." I wait by the coach with Claude, but I'm not standing around for long. Charlotte is dressed in the blue gown we just purchased and black heels to go along with it. She looks amazing. Her hair is braided, and though it's still a little unruly, I'm guessing Helene or one of the other girls in the bathhouse helped her look a little more presentable.
"I think I clean up quite nicely," Charlotte says and smooths the front of her gown down, not that there's a single wrinkle. I suspect it's an old habit. She walks with poise and a smile on her face.
"You look lovely, Lady Charlotte," I say. "You will be asked where you come from. Vincent will want to know your background and why you're still unwed. What will you tell him?"
Claude helps Charlotte into the coach first and then me. I sit beside her with Lucas across from us.
"I don't know," Charlotte says and glances between us for help.
Lucas nods. "We still have a lot of work to do and a short amount of time to get it done."

Unlike Jehannette, bringing Charlotte into court is a bit more tricky. I can't excuse her appearance as another seamstress from Paris. Vincent must wish to marry her or finding her a place to sleep will be difficult and dangerous. If Alexander realizes she doesn't belong, we could be facing a plethora of questions before the king and queen.
We don't have much time. The sun is already setting, and Charlotte will want to eat dinner tonight. I can't expect the girl to go hungry.
I take Claude's hand and step down and out of the coach. I wait for Charlotte and Lucas to join me. "Lucas," I say. "Find Vincent." We don't have much time to introduce them. "Join me at my chambers upstairs. Charlotte will accompany me. We don't have much time."
Lucas raises an eyebrow. "You're going to bring her to your room, across from the king and queen's chambers?"
"No one will be upstairs." I know their routine and the schedule well enough to hide among the rooms of the castle without casting suspicion.
"If you insist," Lucas says.
He's right behind us as we enter the castle, and I lead Charlotte through the corridor and up the back staircase. I hold out my hand, telling her to pause. On the second floor, I hear Queen Isabella's voice. She's speaking with someone, but I can't make out what's being said. I wait until her heels click against the floor, heading in the opposite direction, and I know it's safe to make our way up to my chambers. I gesture Charlotte to follow me as we quickly slip into my room. I shut the door and exhale a sigh of relief.
"My jewels?" Charlotte asks and my eyes widen momentarily forgetting that I'm wearing them.
I unclasp the necklace and walk over with the string of pearls. "It will look lovely on you," I say and secure the chain around her neck. I do the same with the ruby ring, sliding it off my finger and handing it to Charlotte to wear.
Will the woman we've found for Vincent to marry impress him?
There's a soft rap at the door. "Who's there?" I ask, walking to the door and motioning with my finger for Charlotte to hide on the other side of the wall by the dresser, out of sight, should it be Alexander, Isabella or anyone else who won't be able to keep a secret.
"It's Lucas." I hear a heavy sigh through the door and unlock it, turning the handle to open it to him.
Standing beside him is Vincent. "Has he paid?" I ask, glancing between the young men. The last thing I want is to get swindled by Lucas. I wouldn't put it past him.
Vincent steps closer. "I will after I see the young woman myself."
Lucas rests a hand on Vincent's arm. "Take her on a nice stroll, enjoy dinner together, and then let us know what you decide. We'll only accept payment after we know you're a satisfied customer."
Seriously? I want to slap the grin off Lucas's face. Why is he amused by this?
"Come on out, Charlotte," I say, opening the door wider as she comes up behind me. I step aside and let her pass through the threshold.
"It is an honor to make your acquaintance," Charlotte says and gives him her hand.
Vincent takes her hand and drapes it over his arm as he escorts her down the grand staircase.
A set of heavy footsteps climb the stairs. Alexander passes by Vincent and Charlotte. He glances her over and frowns but continues walking down the hall. Is he coming to speak with me or head into his room?
"That was peculiar," the king says, frowning. "What were they doing up on our floor?"
Lucas clears his throat and steps forward. He seems quite proud of his accomplishments. Me, I'd rather hide the fact we're smuggling in women to marry off. At least Charlotte isn't already wed, as far as I know. "Hannah and I introduced them. After seeing how happy Annette made William, I wanted to help Vincent find a woman who would make him happy."
"Is that so. How does Hannah play into this?" Alexander asks.
"Charlotte is a friend of mine from an outer province near Paris." It's best not to lie too much. The thicker the web, the harder it is to untangle oneself from it.
"I see." Alexander nods. "So that's the reason you two have been spending so much time together? You're finding maidens for the guards to court and claim as their wives? These are women of wealth and nobles, am I correct?"
"Yes," I lie. The words slip out before I have time to even consider what I've done. I could never confess that Charlotte is a prostitute that was picked up at a brothel.
Alexander shrugs. "Many men marry for the dowry, and let's face it, women with enough money try to marry up. If a man wishes to marry for love, who am I to stop him? I trust this is just a project to keep you from growing bored," he says to me.
"Of course," I say and smile. Another lie.
"Stay out of trouble, Lucas," Alexander says. "I'm going to lie down for a few minutes before supper." He turns around and heads into his room, shutting the door.
I don't say anything. There's nothing to say. The door across the hall closes, and Lucas hasn't moved from the entrance outside my room. I, too, could lie down, but I'm not tired. In fact, my heart is racing. Lying to the king had never been part of my plan. At least it was a little lie, if there ever was such a thing.
Lucas steps toward me, and I take a step back further into my room. He doesn't stop walking, forcing me against the window, the cold pane causes a shiver to run down my spine. "I want you," he whispers into my ear, and he bites the lobe, eliciting a moan to come out my lips.
The door is wide open, and King Alexander is just across the hall. Everything inside of me knows we can't do this again.