‘Watts!’ The commander’s brash voice was even more animated than usual.
‘Sorry I couldn’t call earlier. Having some problems with a few “hogs”, if you get my meaning.’
The commander knew that Tommy would understand. ‘Hogs’, or maiali as they were known in Italian, were slow-speed manned torpedoes, the rounded front a detachable warhead containing three hundred kilos of explosives and a time fuse. Having just been used in the raid on Algiers, they were a pain in the Allies’ backside. A deadly pain.
‘Thank God you’re alive.’ The commander spoke through a swirl of smoke. ‘Of course, I was one of the last to know. You know what communication’s like out here. Anyway, you all right?’
He paused.
‘All in one piece? Sorry, hate to put it so bluntly, old chap.’
Commander Bridgman listened.
‘Brilliant news. Brilliant news.’ He stood up before sitting down again and yanking open the top drawer of his desk.
‘What was that, lad? You want to come back?’
A wide smile spread across the commander’s face. He pulled out a half-bottle of Scotch.
‘You’ve just made my day. No, make that my week!’ He poured a good measure of whisky into a cup on his desk.
‘Not to put any pressure on yer, lad, but when do yer think you’ll be wanting to come back to the Rock?’
Commander Bridgman took a mouthful of Scotch.
‘What? Seriously? Yer right as rain?’
He took a deep drag on his rollie. Spat out loose tobacco.
‘You’ve got medical clearance?’
‘You sure?’
‘This just keeps on getting better. Hang on there.’ Commander Bridgman got up and shouted through the open doorway to Able Seaman Grantham, who was in the next room.
‘Grantham. Get me a list of all scheduled flights leaving our green and pleasant land!’
Two minutes later, Able Seaman Grantham was placing the requested timetable in front of the commander.
‘Here we are. RAF Usworth … Next available flight out …’
There was a pause.
‘Aye. Should be able to get you on this one … Saturday the twenty-sixth … Boxing Day.’ The commander sat back in his seat.
‘Do you think you’ll be right for that?’
A smile appeared on his face.
‘Fantastic. See yer then, laddie. I can fill yer in on everything that’s been happening.’
He was just about to hang up when he added, ‘Bloody glad to have you back on board. Bloody glad.’