81.8 But the sinner will die with the sinner and the apostate will sink with the apostate.
81.9 And those who practice righteousness will die because of the deeds of men, and will be gathered in because of the deeds of the impious."
81.10 And in those days they finished speaking to me and I went to my family as I blessed the Lord of Ages.
0^,1 A n d n 0 w , m y so b M e tli u se la li,
all til e se tli in j s I recount to yon, and write down for you, I li a v e revealed ev ery til in J to you, and li a v e given you b 0 0 k s ab 0 u t all til e se til in J s, K e ep, a y son M e til u se lali, tli e books from tli e li an d of your fatli er so tli at you may pass til em on to tli e g e n era tio n s of e tern ity.
82.2 I li av e J iv en w isdo m to y o u, an d to y 0 u r cli ild ren, an d to tli o se w li o w ill b e your children, tli a t tli ey may give it to til e ir children, fo r all tli e generations, fo re V e r, til is w isd 0 m tli a t is b ey o n d tli e ir tlio u jli ts,
8 2,3 And tli o se w 1 o u n d erstan d it w ill n 01 sle ep, b u t w ill in c lin e til e ir e ars til a t til ey m ay learn tli is w isdo m , an d it w ill b e b e tter fo r til 0 se w li 0 e a t fro m it tli a n good food.
82.4 Blessed are all the righteous, blessed are all those who walk in the way of righteousness and do not sin like the sinners.
In the numbering of all their days in which the Sun journeys in Heaven, coming in and out, through the Gates of Heaven, for thirty days. With the leaders of the thousands, of this order of stars, and with the four which are added, and divided between the four seasons of the year, which lead them and appear with them on four days.
82.5 Because of them men go wrong, and they do not reckon them in the reckoning of the whole year; for men go wrong in respect of them and do not know them exactly.
82.6 For they belong in the reckoning of the year, and are truly recorded forever, one in the first Gate, and one in the third, and one in the fourth and one in the sixth. And the year is completed in 364 days.
82.7 And the account of it is true, and the recorded reckoning of it is exact, for the lights, and the months, and the feasts, and the years, and the days. Uriel showed me, and inspired me; he to whom the Lord of the whole created world gave commands about the Host of Heaven for me.
82.8 And he has power in Heaven, over night and day, to cause light to shine on men; the Sun, the Moon, and the stars, and all the Powers of Heaven, which rotate in their orbits.
82.9 And this is the Law of the Stars, which set in their places, at their times, and at their feasts, and in their months.
82.10 And these are the names of those who lead them, who keep watch, so that they appear at their times, and in their orders, and in their months, and in their periods of rule, and in their positions.
82.11 Their four leaders, who divide the four parts of the year, appear first; and after them the twelve leaders of the orders, who divide the months and the years into 364 days, with the heads over thousands, who separate the days. And for the four days, that are added to them, there are the leaders who separate the four parts of the year.
82.12 And as for these heads over thousands, one is added between the leader and the led, but their leaders make the separation.
82.13 And these are the names of the leaders who separate the four appointed parts of the year: Melkiel, Helemmelek, Meleyal, and Narel.
82.14 And the names of those whom they lead: Adnarel, lyasusael, lylumiel; these three follow behind the leaders of the orders. And all others follow behind the three leaders of the orders, who follow behind those leaders of positions, who separate the four parts of the year.
82.15 In the beginning of the year, Melkiel rises first and rules, who is called the southern Sun - and all the days of his period, during which he rules, are ninety-one.
82.16 And these are the signs of the days that are to be seen on the earth, in the days of his period of rule; sweat, and heat, and calm. And all the trees bear fruit, and leaves appear on all the trees, and the wheat harvest, and rose flowers. And all the flowers bloom in the field but the trees of winter are withered.
82.17 And these are the names of the leaders who are under them: Berkeel, Zelebsael, and another one who is added, a head over a thousand, named Heloyaseph. And the days of the period of rule, of this one, are complete.
82.18 The second leader, after him, is Helemmelec, whom they call the Shining Sun; and all the days of his light are ninety-one.
82.19 And these are the signs of the days on earth: heat, and drought. And the trees bring their fruit to ripeness and maturity and make their fruit dry. And the sheep mate and become pregnant. And men gather all the fruits of the earth, and everything that is in the fields, and the vats of wine. And these things occur in the days of his period of rule.
82.20 And these are the names, and the orders, and the leaders of these heads over thousands: Gedaeyal, Keel, and Heel. And the name of the head-over-a-thousand, who is added to them, is Asfael. And the days of his period of rule are complete.
Section IV. Chapters LXXXIII-
The Dream-Visions.
A n d D 0 w , m T so n M e tl II se lali, I
w ill si 0 w y 0 u all tl e V isio n s tii at I sa w , recounting tli em b e fo re yon, 83.2 T w 0 V isio n s I sa w , b efo re I to 0 k a w ife, an d n e itii er 0 n e w a s Ilk e til e 0 til er, For til e first time, w li en I learnt tli e art 0 f w ritin g, and fo r tli e second tim e,
before I took your mother. I saw a and rises on the face of Heaven, and
terrible vision and concerning this I follows the path which has been shown
made supplication to the Lord. to it. 83.3 I had lain down in the house of my grandfather, Malalel, when I saw in a
vision how Heaven was thrown down, righteousness and I blessed tie Holy
and removed, and It fell upon the Earth. ^^j ^ ^^^^ q^^^ ^^j I j, ^ ^,, ^^ ^^^
raised u ? li a n d s
83.4 And when it fell upon the Earth, I saw how the earth was swallowed up in a great abyss, and mountains were suspended on mountains, and hills sank down upon hills, and tall trees were torn up by their roots, and were thrown down, and sank into the abyss.
83.5 And then speech fell into my
b re a til of my ni o n tli, a ii d w itli tli e to n g n e of fie sli, w li icli God li a s made fo r n eii bom o f fie sli so tli a t tli ey ni if li t speak w itli it; a ii d li e li a s j iv eii tli em b re atli, and a to n g n e, and a m o n tli, so til a t til ey m ig li t sp e ak w itli tli em , 8 4.2 "B lessed are y 0 ti, 0 li L 0 rd K in g, an d J re at an d p 0 w erfn I in y 0 ti r a ajesty ,
mouth, and I raised my voice to cry out. Lord of tie whole Creation of Heaven
and said: "The earth is destroyed!"
83.6 And my grandfather, Malalel, roused me, since I lay near him, and
K in J of K in J s, and d o d of tn e w n o le w orld 1 A nd y 0 nr kin J ly an tliority , and your S o v ere ig n ty and your M ajesty w il'
said to me: "Why did you cry out so, j^^; f„^„,„_ „j f„^„;„ „j „,„_ „j
my son, and why do you moan so?" 83.7 And I recounted to him the whole vision, which I had seen, and he said to
y 0 ti r p 0 w e r, for all generations, A n d all til e Heavens are your tli ro n e, forever, and til e w liole E artli v o n r foo tstoo I
me: "A terrible thing you have seen, f„j„„ ^^j „. „ „j „, „
my son! Your dream vision concerns g^j p„j ,, „ „ ^^j^^ „j ,, „ „ j„|^_
the secrets of all the sin of the Earth; it is about to sink into the abyss and be
e V ery til in J, and n o tli in j is to o li a rd fo r
yon, and no wisdom escapes you; it utterly destroyed. j j, ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ j^^, j^, ^^^^ ^^^^ tli rone
83.8 And now, my son, rise and make supplication to the Lord of Glory, for
you are faithful, that a remnant may be a n d n o ti in g is i id d e n fro m \' o u , fo r y u
left on the Earth and that he may not wipe out the whole Earth.
nor from your presence, And you 'now, and see, and li e ar, e v erv tli'
83.9 My son, from Heaven all this will come upon the Earth, and upon the
see e V e ry tn m g,
8 4,4 And now tli e A n j els of your Heaven a r e d o i n j w r o n j a n d y o u r a n j e r re sts u p 0 n til e fie sli 0 f m en u n til til e d ay
Earth there will be great destruction." o f tli e j r e a t j u d g m e n t
83.10 And then I rose and prayed, and 8 4,5 A n d n o w , 0 i G o d , L o rd
made supplication, and wrote my prayer down for the generations of eternity, and I will show everything to you my son Methuselah. 83.11 And, when I went out below and
Great K in j, I en treat and ask tli at you w ill fu If ill my prayer to leave me a p 0 sterity on E artli and not to w ip e out all til e fie sli 0 f m e n a n d m ak e til e e artli
em p tv so tn a t tn ere is d e stru c tio n saw the sky, and the Sun rising in the forever
east, and the Moon setting in the west, 8 4,6 A n d n o w , m y L o rd , w ip e o u t fro m
and some stars, and the whole Earth and everything as He knew it since the beginning. Then I blessed the Lord of
til e e artli tli e fie sli tli a t li a s provoked your an J er, but tli e flesli of rig li teo u sn ess and u p rij li tn ess esta' "
Judgment and ascribed Majesty to him, ^^ ^ ^^^j ^^^^^^ p Ian t fo rev er. And do
for he makes the Sun come out from the
windows of the east, so that it ascends
not li id e your face from tli e prayer o V 0 u r servant, 0 li Lord,"
86.2 A nd, after til is, I saw tli e larj e an d r\ ^ tlieblackbulls.andbeliold.alloftliem
OD.l And after this I saw another clianjed tlieir pens, and tlieir pastures,
dream, and I will show it all to you, my
and til e ir li e ifers, And tli ey began to m 0 an, 0 n e afte r a n 0 til er,
85.2 And Enoch raised his voice and ^^'^ ^'^' ^?^'"' ■ ''' '" ^^' ^''^i"" "^
said to his son Methuselah: "To you I speak, my son. Hear my words, and incline your ear to the dream vision of vourfather '"^^ ^'^''' ^'"' '^" ^^ onsst tliose lieiters
0 0 k e d u p a t H e a ¥ e n, a n d b e li 01 d, 1 s a w many stars, li o w tli ey came down, and were tli ro w n down fro m Heaven to tli a t
85.3 Before I took your mother, Edna, I saw a vision on my bed: - and behold - a bull came out of the earth, and that bull
nils, T li ey were w itli tli ei p astu rin J am 0 n J St til em , U ,4 And 1 lo 0 k ed at tli em and sa w , an d
was white beliold, all oi tli em let out tlieir private
And, after it, a heifer came out, and with P^^^s, like iorses, and began to mount
the heifer came two bullocks, and one ti e c o w s o f ti e b u lis . A n d ti e y a II
of them was black and the other red. ^"^'^^ pregnant and bore elephants,
cam els, and asses.
U ,5 And all tli e b u lis were afra id o f til em , and were terrified in front of
85.4 And that black bullock struck the
red one, and pursued it over the earth,
and from then on I could not see that red
bullock til em , A n d tli ey b e j an to b ite w itli tli e ir
85.5 But that black bullock grew, and a heifer went with it; and I saw that many bulls came out from it, which were like ^^'^ ^nd so tiey began to devour those
teetli , and to devour, and to gore w itli til e ir li 0 rn s,
it, and followed behind it.
bulls, and b eli o Id, all tli e sons of tli e
85.6 And that cow, that first one, came ^arti began to tremble and siake before from the presence of that first bull, '^^'^ "^ '" f'"'
seeking that red bullock, but did not Q'7
find it. And then it moaned bitterly and O / , 1 A n d a g a in I s a w ti e m , h o w
continued to seek it. tli e y b e g a n to g o r e o n e a n o tli e r , a n d to
85.7 And I looked until that first bull devour one another, and tie E ar tli began came to it, and calmed it, and from that to cry out,
time it did not cry out. 87.2 And I raised my eyes again to
85.8 And after this, she bore another Heaven, and saw in tlie vision, and white bull, and after this she bore many b e li o Id, tli e re c a m e fro m H e a v e n b e in g s black bulls and cows. tli at were like wlite men. And four
85.9 And I saw, in my sleep, that white came from tli a t p lac e, a n d tli re e others bull, how it likewise grew and became a w itli tli e m .
large white bull. And from it came 8 7.3 And tliose tli re e, w li o came out
many white bulls, and they were like it. last, took liold of me by my liand and
85.10 And they began to beget many raised m e from tie generations of tie white bulls that were like them - one Eartli, and lifted me up onto a liigli following another. place, and showed me a tower liigli r\ y^ ab 0 V e til e e artli, an d a II til e li ills w ere O0.1 A nd again, I looked w itli m y low er.
eyes as I was sleeping, and I saw ^^'^ ^'^ °" ^^'^ '° ""'■ "R^'^ain lere
Heaven above, and beiold, a star fell "'ilyou hve seen everything wiici is
from Heaven, and it arose and ate and ^"'°? "P"" ^iese elephants, and
pastured amongsttiose bulls. '^'''^^' ^'^ ^""' ^"^ "P"" ^^' ^^^'^'
and upon all tli e b ulls."
Q Q d estro y ed, in til a t w ater,
OO.l And I saw one of those four Hi And tliat vessel floated on tlie
who had come out first, how he took
hold of that first star, which had fallen
from Heaven, and bound it by its hands
and feet, and threw it into an abyss.
And that abyss was narrow, and deep,
and horrible, and dark.
88.2 And one of them drew his sword,
and gave it to those elephants, camels,
and asses; and they began to strike one "i^""^ *'" '^^^ iiji root, and tie
w ater, but a II tn e bulls, elep li an ts, camels, and asses sank to tli e b o tto m , to J etli er w itli all tli e an im als, so tli at I could not see tli em , And tli e y were unable to jet out, but were d estro y ed, and sank in to tli e d ep tli s. n ,7 And, ag ain, I looked at tli at v isio n until til 0 se water channels were
another, and the whole Earth shook
cli a sni s of tli e E artli were made level.
because of them ^'"' "''' " 31))' s s e s w ere opened,
88.3 And as I ' looked in the vision, «'■« ^nd tie water bejan to run down
behold, one of those four who had come '"'» tiem, until tie earti became
out cast a line from Heaven and ^''^'^l^ "^ ^iat vessel settled on tie
gathered and took all the large stars; those whose private parts were like the private parts of horses, and bound them all by their hands and their feet, and threw them into a chasm of the Earth.
earti and tli e darkness d ep arted , and lig li t appeared,
n ,9 And til a t w li ite b u II, w 1 o became a m a n, w e n t 0 u t fro m tli a t v e sse I, an d tli e til re e b u lis w itli li im , A n d o n e o f tli e til re e bulls was w li ite, Ilk e tli a t b u II, an d
Xw I * J fa f , , 0 n e 0 f til em w as red as b lo 0 d, an d 0 n e
0^,1 A nd on e of tlio se fo ur, w en t to , , , . , , , , , ,,
w as b lack , And tn at w n ite b u II p a ssed a w liite b u II, and taugli t liim a m y stery , ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^
trembling as he was. He was born a g^ fj ^^j j^^,,' ^^^^ ;„ ^^^^^ , i|j
bull, but became a man, and built for j^j^ji^ ^^j ^i;^^^ j„ t^^t t^„^ ^^^^^
limself a large vessel, and dwelt on it, f^„ ^^^^ „,„,, j^j^j „f )„, |i„
and tn re e bulls went w itn n im m tn a t vessel, and tli e v w ere covered over.
tigers, wolves, dogs, n v e n a s, w 11
D 0 ars, to X es, badgers, p ig s, taico n s, n,2 And, again, I raised my eyes to vuiures, kites, eagles, and ravens. But
Heaven and saw a iigi roof witi seven amongsttiem wasborn a white bull,
water channels on it, and those channels j^ n ^^j [hev began to bite one
discharged much water into an ^^^j^^ ^^^ that'white bull, which was
n ,3 And I looked ag ain, and b ehold
0 rn amongst th em , begat a w ild ass and a w hite bull w ith it, and th e w ild
spring s opened on th e floor of th at large ^^^^^ increased
enclosure, and water began to bubble g^ ,2 j^t that bull, which was born
up, and to rise above the floor. And I f^„ );_ ^^^^^ ^ y^^j, , i,j ^^^^ „j ^
looked at that enclosure until its whole ^^ y^^^ ^^^^^ ^^j t^^t wild-boar begat
floor w as covered by w ater, ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^j ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^j ^^^ ^1^,^
n .4 And w a ter, darkness, and mist sheen
increased on it, and I looked at the n,l3'And when those twelve sheep had
height of that water, and that water had g ro w n, th ev h an d ed 0 n e 0 f th eir n u m b er
risen above that enclosure and was „„^ ;„ ^^ ^^^^ „j t^„5^ i„ ^^^^^
pouring out over the enclosure, and it ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ „„^ t„ ^^ ^,,„l„j.
remained on th e e arth
n ,5 And all th e bulls of th at en do su re
and th a t sheep grew up amongst th e w 01V e s,
were gathered together, until] saw how H ,U A n d th e L 0 rd b ro u g h t th e ele v en
they sank, and were swallowed up, and ^^^^ ;„ j^,^,, ^, jj^ );_ ^^j ;„ ^^^^^^^
with it amongst the wolves, and they increased and became many flocks of sheep.
89.15 And the wolves began to make them afraid, and they oppressed them until they made away with their young, and then they threw their young into a river with much water; but those sheep began to cry out because of their young, and to complain to their Lord.
89.16 But a sheep, which had been saved from the wolves, fled and escaped to the wild asses. And I saw the sheep moaning and crying out, and petitioning the Lord with all their power, until that Lord of the sheep came down at the call of the sheep, from a high room, and came to them, and looked at them.
89.17 And he called that sheep, which had fled from the wolves, and spoke to it about the wolves, that it should warn them that they should not touch the sheep.
89.18 And the sheep went to the wolves, in accordance with the Word of the Lord, and another sheep met that sheep and went with it. And the two of them together, entered the assembly of those wolves, spoke to them, and warned them that from then on, they should not touch those sheep.
89.19 And after this, I saw the wolves, how they acted even more harshly towards the sheep, with all their power, and the sheep called out.
89.20 And their Lord came to the sheep and began to beat those wolves; and the wolves began to moan, but the sheep became silent and from then on they did not cry out.
89.21 And I looked at the sheep until they escaped from the wolves; but the eyes of the wolves were blinded, and those wolves went out in pursuit of the sheep with all their forces.
89.22 And the Lord of the sheep went with them, as he led them, and all his sheep followed him; and his face was glorious, and his appearance terrible and magnificent.
89.23 But the wolves began to pursue those sheep until they met them by a stretch of water.
89.24 And that stretch of water was divided, and the water stood on one side, and on the other, before them. And their Lord as he led them, stood between them and the wolves.
89.25 And while those wolves had not yet seen the sheep, they went into the middle of that stretch of water; but the wolves pursued the sheep, and those wolves ran after them into that stretch of water.
89.26 But when they saw the Lord of the sheep they turned to flee in front of him; but that stretch of water flowed together again, and suddenly resumed its natural form, and the water swelled up, and rose until it covered those wolves.
89.27 And I looked until all the wolves that had pursued those sheep were destroyed and drowned.
89.28 But the sheep escaped that water, and went to a desert, where there was neither water, nor grass. And they began to open their eyes and see, and I saw the Lord of the sheep pasturing them, and giving them water and grass, and that sheep going and leading them.
89.29 And that sheep went up to the summit of a high rock and the Lord of the sheep sent it to them.
89.30 And after this, I saw the Lord of the sheep standing before them, and his appearance was terrible and majestic, and all those sheep saw him and were afraid of him.
89.31 And all of them were afraid and trembled before him; and they cried out to that sheep, with those who were in their midst: "We cannot stand before our Lord nor look at him."
89.32 And that sheep, which led them, again went up to the summit of that rock; and the sheep began to be blinded, and go astray from the path which had been shown to them, but that sheep did not know.
89.33 And the Lord of the sheep was extremely angry with them, and that sheep knew, and went down from the summit of the rock, and came to the sheep, and found the majority of them, with their eyes blinded, and going astray from his path.
89.34 And when they saw it they were afraid and trembled before it and wished that they could return to their enclosure. And that sheep took some other sheep with it, and went to those sheep that had gone astray, and then began to kill them; and the sheep were afraid of it. And that sheep brought back those sheep that had gone astray, and they returned to their enclosures.
89.36 And I looked there at the vision, until that sheep became a man, and built a house for the Lord of the sheep, and made all the sheep stand in that house.
89.37 And I looked until that sheep, which had met that sheep that led the sheep, fell asleep. And I looked until all the large sheep were destroyed and small ones arose in their place, and they came to a pasture, and drew near a river of water.
89.38 And that sheep that led them, which had become a man, separated from them and fell asleep, and all the sheep sought it, and cried out very bitterly over it.
89.39 And I looked until they left off crying for that sheep, and crossed that river of water. And there arose all the sheep that led them, in place of those which had fallen asleep; and they led.
89.40 And I looked until the sheep came to a good place and a pleasant and glorious land, and I looked until those sheep were satisfied. And that house was in the middle of them in that green and pleasant land.
89.41 And sometimes their eyes were opened, and sometimes blinded, until another sheep rose up, led them, and brought them all back. And their eyes were opened.
89.42 And the dogs, and the foxes, and
the wild boars, began to devour those sheep until the Lord of the sheep raised up a ram from among them, which led them.
89.43 And that ram began to butt those dogs, foxes, and wild boars, on one side and on the other until it had destroyed them all.
89.44 And the eyes of that sheep were opened, and it saw that ram in the middle of the sheep, how it renounced its glory, and began to butt those sheep, and how it trampled on them and behaved unbecomingly.
89.45 And the Lord of the sheep sent the sheep to another sheep and raised it up to be a ram and to lead the sheep in place of that sheep which had renounced its glory.
89.46 And it went to it, and spoke with it alone, and raised up that ram, and made it the prince and leader of the sheep. And, during all this, those dogs oppressed the sheep.
89.47 And the first ram pursued that second ram and that second ram rose and fled before it. And I looked until those dogs made the first ram fall.
89.48 And that second ram rose up and led the small sheep, and that ram begat many sheep, and fell asleep. And a small sheep became a ram, in place of it, and became the prince and leader of those sheep.
89.49 And those sheep grew and increased; but all the dogs, and foxes, and wild boars, were afraid and fled from it. And that ram butted and killed all the animals, and those animals did not again prevail amongst the sheep, and did not seize anything further from them.
89.50 And that house became large and broad, and for those sheep a high tower was built on that house for the Lord of the sheep. And that house was low but the tower was raised up and high. And the Lord of the sheep stood on that tower and they spread a full table before him.
89.51 And I saw those sheep again, how they went astray, and walked in many ways, and left that house of theirs; and the Lord of the sheep called some of the sheep, and sent them to the sheep, but the sheep began to kill them.
89.52 But one of them was saved, and was not killed, and it sprang away and cried out against the sheep. And they wished to kill it but the Lord of the sheep saved it from the hands of the sheep, brought it up to me, and made it stay.
89.53 And he sent many other sheep to those sheep, to testify to them and to lament over them.
89.54 And after this, I saw how when they left the house of the Lord of the sheep, and his tower, they went astray in everything, and their eyes were blinded. And I saw how the Lord of the sheep wrought much slaughter among them, in their pastures, until those sheep invited that slaughter, and betrayed his place.
89.55 And he gave them into the hands of the lions, and the tigers, and the wolves, and the hyenas, and into the hands of the foxes, and to all the animals. And those wild animals began to tear those sheep in pieces.
89.56 And I saw how he left that house of theirs, and their tower, and gave them all into the hands of the lions so that they might tear them in pieces and devour them, and into the hands of all the animals.
89.57 And I began to cry out with all my power, to call the Lord of the sheep, and to represent to him concerning the sheep; that all the wild animals were devouring them.
89.58 But he remained still, although he saw, and he rejoiced that they were devoured, swallowed up and carried off. And he gave them into the hands of all the animals for food.
89.59 And he called seventy shepherds, and cast off those sheep, so that they might pasture them. And he said to the shepherds and to their companions:
"Each one of you, from now on, is to pasture the sheep and do whatever I command you.
89.60 And I will hand them over to you, duly numbered, and I will tell you which of them are to be destroyed, and destroy them." And he handed those sheep over to them.
89.61 And he called another, and said to him: "Observe and see everything that these shepherds do against these sheep for they will destroy from among them more than I have commanded them.
89.62 And write down all the excess and destruction, which is wrought by the shepherds; how many they destroy at my command and how many they destroy of their own volition. Write down against each shepherd, individually, all that he destroys.
89.63 And read out in front of me exactly how many they destroy of their own volition and how many are handed over for destruction so that this may be a testimony for me against them. So that I may know all the deeds of the shepherds in order to hand them over for judgment. And I will see what they do, whether they abide by my command with which I have commanded them, or not.
89.64 But they must not know this, and you must not show this to them, but only write down against each individual in his time all that the shepherds destroy, and bring it all up to me."
89.65 And I looked until those shepherds pastured at their times, and they began to kill and destroy more than they were commanded, and they gave those sheep into the hands of the lions.
89.66 And the lions and the tigers devoured and swallowed up the majority of those sheep, and the wild boars devoured with them; and they burnt down that tower and demolished that house.
89.67 And I was extremely sad about that tower because that house of the sheep had been demolished; and after
that I was unable to see whether those sheep went into that house.
89.68 And the shepherds and their companions handed those sheep over to all the animals so that they might devour them. Each one of them, at his time, received an exact number, and for each of them, one after the other, there was written in a book how many of them were destroyed.
89.69 And each one killed and destroyed more than was prescribed and I began to weep and moan very much because of those sheep.
89.70 And likewise, in the vision, I saw that one who wrote, how each day, he wrote down each one that was destroyed by those shepherds. And he brought up, and presented, the whole book to the Lord of the sheep, everything they had done and all that each one of them had made away with, and all that they had handed to destruction.
89.71 And the book was read out in front of the Lord of the sheep, and he took the book in his hand, read it, sealed it, and put it down.
89.72 And after this I saw how the shepherds pastured for twelve hours, and behold three of those sheep returned, and arrived, and came and began to build up all that had fallen down from that house; but the wild boars hindered them so that they could not.
89.73 And they again began to build, as before, and they raised up that tower, and it was called the high tower. And they began again to place a table before the tower but all the bread on it was unclean and was not pure.
89.74 And, besides all this, the eyes of these sheep were blinded so that they could not see, and their shepherds likewise. And they handed yet more of them over to destruction, and they trampled on the sheep with their feet, and devoured them.
89.75 But the Lord of the sheep remained still, until all the sheep were
scattered abroad, and had mixed with them, and they did not save them from the hands of the animals.
89.76 And that one who wrote the book brought it up, showed it, and read it out in the dwelling of the Lord of the sheep. And he entreated Him on behalf of them, and petitioned Him, as he showed Him all the deeds of their shepherds and testified in front of Him against all the shepherds.
89.77 And he took the book, put it down by Him, and went out.
lo 0 k ed u D til tl e tim e tl at
tj irty -live sli ep li erd s li ad pastured tli e sli eep til e same way, and, eacli in div id 11 ally; tli ey all co m p leted tli eir time like tli e first ones, And o tli ers received tli e m in to tli e ir li an d s to pasture tli em , at tli e ir tim e, e acli s li e p li e r d a t li i s o w n time.
90.2 A n d after til is, I saw in tli e v isio n, all til e birds of tli e sky coming: ■ Tie eagles, tli e v n Itn res, and tli e k ites, and til e ravens, But tli e eagles led all tli e b ird s, and tli ey began to devour tli o se sli e e p, to peck out tli e ir eyes, and to devour tli e ir fie sli,
90.3 And tli e sli eep cried out because til e b ird s devoured tli eir flesl, And I cried out and lamented in my sleep because of tli at sli ep li erd w li o p astn red til e sli e ep,
9 0,4 And I lo o k ed n n til tli o se sli eep were devoured by tli o se dogs, and by til e eagles, and by tli e kites, and tli ey left til e m n e itli er fie sli nor skin, nor sinew, until only tli e ir bones remained. And til e ir bones fell upon tli e ground and til e sli e ep b ec am e few , 9 0,5 And I lo o k ed n n til tli e tim e tli at tw en ty -til re e sli ep li erd s li a d pastured, and til ey completed, e acli in li is tim e, fifty e ig li t tim e s,
9 0,6 And small lambs were born from til 0 se w li ite sli e ep, and tli e y began to 0 p en til eir ey e s, to se e, a n d to cry to til e sli e e p, 9 0,] B 111 til e sli eep did n 01 cry to til em ,
and did not listen to what they said to them, but were extremely deaf, and their eyes were extremely and excessively blinded.
90.8 And I saw in the vision, how the ravens flew upon those lambs, and took one of those lambs, and dashed the sheep in pieces and devoured them.
90.9 And I looked until horns came up on those lambs but the ravens cast their horns down. And I looked until a big horn grew on one of those sheep, and their eyes were opened.
90.10 And it looked at them and their eyes were opened. And it cried to the sheep, and the rams saw it, and they all ran to it.
90.11 And, besides all this, those eagles, and vultures, and ravens, and kites, were still continually tearing the sheep in pieces, and flying upon them and devouring them. And the sheep were silent but the rams lamented and cried out.
90.12 And those ravens battled and fought with it, and wished to make away with its horn, but they did not prevail against it.
90.13 And I looked at them until the shepherds and the eagles, and those vultures, and kites, came and cried to the ravens that they should dash the horn of that ram in pieces. And they fought and battled with it, and it fought with them and cried out so that its help might come to it.
90.14 And I looked until that man, who wrote down the names of the shepherds and brought them up before the Lord of the sheep, came, and he helped that ram and showed it everything; its help was coming down.
90.15 And I looked until that Lord of the sheep came to them in anger, all those who saw him fled, and they all fell into the shadow in front of Him.
90.16 All the eagles and vultures and ravens and kites, gathered together and brought with them all the wild sheep, and they all came together and helped
one another in order to dash that horn of the ram in pieces.
90.17 And I looked at that man, who wrote the book at the command of the Lord, until he opened that book of the destruction that those last twelve shepherds had wrought. And he showed, in front of the Lord of the sheep, that they had destroyed even more than those before them had.
90.18 And I looked until the Lord of the sheep came to them and took the Staff of His Anger and struck the Earth. And the Earth was split. And all the animals, and the birds of the sky, fell from those sheep and sank in the earth; and it closed over them.
90.19 And I looked until a big sword was given to the sheep. And the sheep went out against all the wild animals to kill them. And all the animals, and birds of the sky, fled before them.
90.20 And I looked until a throne was set up in a pleasant land and the Lord of the sheep sat on it. And they took all the sealed books and opened the books in front of the Lord of the sheep.
90.21 And the Lord called those men, the seven first white ones, and commanded them to bring in front of Him the first star, which went before those stars whose private parts were like horses, and they brought them all in front of Him.
90.22 And He said to that man who wrote in front of Him, who was one of the seven white ones. He said to him: "Take those seventy shepherds, to whom I handed over the sheep, and who, on their own authority, took and killed more than I commanded them."
90.23 And behold, I saw them all bound, and they all stood in front of Him.
90.24 And the judgment was held, first on the stars, and they were judged and found guilty, and they went to the place of damnation, and were thrown into a deep place full of fire burning, and full of pillars of fire.
90.25 And those seventy shepherds were judged, and found guilty, and they also were thrown into that abyss of fire.
90.26 And I saw at that time, how a similar abyss was opened in the middle of the Earth which was full of fire, and they brought those blind sheep and they were all judged, and found guilty, and thrown into that abyss of fire and they burned. And that abyss was on the south of that house.
90.27 And I saw those sheep burning and their bones were burning.
90.28 And I stood up to look until he folded up that old house, and they removed all the pillars, and all the beams and ornaments of that house were folded up with it. And they removed it and put it in a place in the south of the land.
90.29 And I looked until the Lord of the sheep brought a new house, larger and higher than the first one, and he set it up on the site of the first one that had been folded up. And all its pillars were new, and its ornaments were new and larger than those of the first one - the old one that had been removed. And the Lord of the sheep was in the middle of it.
90.30 And I saw all the sheep that were left, and all the animals of the earth, and all the birds of the sky, falling down and worshipping those sheep, and entreating them and obeying them in every command.
90.31 And after this, those three who were dressed in white and had taken hold of my hand, the ones who had brought me up at first. They, with the hand of that ram also holding me, took me up, and put me down in the middle of those sheep before the judgment was held.
90.32 And those sheep were all white and their wool thick and pure.
90.33 And all those which had been destroyed and scattered, and all the wild animals, and all the birds of the sky, gathered together in that house, and the Lord of the sheep rejoiced very much
because they were all good, and had returned to His house.
90.34 And I looked until they had laid down that sword, which had been given to the sheep, and they brought it back into his house, and it was sealed in front of the Lord. And all the sheep were enclosed in that house but it did not hold them.
90.35 And the eyes of all of them were opened, and they saw well, and there was not one among them that did not see.
90.36 And I saw that that house was large, broad, and exceptionally full.
90.37 And I saw how a white bull was bom, and its homs were big, and all the wild animals, and all the birds of the sky, were afraid of it, and entreated it continually.
90.38 And I looked until all their species were transformed and they all became white bulls. And the first among them was a wild-ox. And that wild-ox was a large animal and had big black horns on its head. And the Lord of the sheep rejoiced over them, and over all the bulls.
90.39 And I was asleep in the middle of them and I woke up and saw everything.
90.40 And this is the vision which I saw while I was asleep, and I woke up, blessed the Lord of Righteousness, and ascribed glory to him.
90.41 But after this I wept bitterly and my tears did not stop until I could not endure it. When I looked, they ran down, because of what I saw, for everything will come to pass and be fulfilled, and all the deeds of men, in their order, were shown to me.
90.42 That night I remembered my first dream, and because of it I wept, and was disturbed, because I had seen that vision.
Section V. XCI-CIV
A Book of Exhortation and Promised Blessing for the
Righteous and of Malediction and Woe for the Sinners.
J/ ± .1 And now my son M e tli u se lali,
call to ni e a II y 0 u r b ro til ers, an d g a til er to me all tli e cli ild ren of your ni o tli er, For a V 0 ic e calls me, and a sp irit li as been poured over me, so tli at I may sli 0 w you e V ery tli in g tli a t w ill come upon you forever.
91.2 And after tli is M etl u selali went and c a lie d li is b ro tli e rs to li in and g atli ered li is rela tio n s.
91.3 And li e spoke about rij li te o u sn e ss to a II li is so n s, an d said:
"Hear, my children, all tli e words of your fatli er, and listen prop eriy to tli e V 0 ice 0 f HI y HI 0 u til, fo r I w ill te stify a n d speak to you ■ my beloved. Love u p rig li tn ess an d w alk in it!
91.4 And do not draw near to u p rij li tn ess w itli a double li e art, and do not asso elate w itli tli o se of a double li e a r t, but walk in r i j li t e o u s n e s s my c li iId re n and it will lead you in good p atli s, and rij li teo u sn ess w ill be your com p an io n.
91.5 For I know tli at tli e state of w ro n g d 0 in J w ill CO n tin u e 0 n E artli, an d a great p u n i s 1 ni e n t will be carried out 0 n til e E artli, a n d an en d w ill b e ni ad e 0 f all in iq u ity. A n d it w ill b e cu t o ff at its roots and its w li o le ed ific e will pass aw ay.
9 1.6 And in iq u ity w ill a j ain be CO HI p le te on tli e E artli, and all tli e deeds 0 f in iq u ity, an d til e d e ed s 0 f w ro n g, an d 0 f w ick ed n e ss, w ill p re V a il fo r a second tim e."
9 1.7 And w 1 en in iq u ity, and sin, and b I a s p li e ni y, a n d w r 0 n g, a n d a 11 k i n d s o f evil deeds in ere ase, and w li en ap o sta sy, w ick ed n e ss, and u n c le an n e ss increase, a great p u n i s li m e n t will come from Heaven upon all tli e se. And tli e Holy Lord w ill CO HI e in a n j er, a n d in w ra tli, to e X ec u te ju d g m e n t 0 n til e E artli.
91.8 In til 0 se days w ro n g do in g w ill be cut off at its roo ts, and tli e roo ts of in iq u ity, to j e tli er w itli d e c e it, w ill b e d e stro y ed from u n d e r H e a v e n.
91.9 A n d all til e ido Is 0 f til e n atio n s w ill be given up, tli e ir to w ers will be burnt in fire, a n d tli ey w ill rem o v e tli e ni fro ni til e w li 0 le E artli. And tli ey will be til ro w n d 0 w n in to til e Ju d g ni e n t 0 f F ire, and will be d e stro y ed in anger, and in til e severe ju d g ni en t tli a t is forever.
9 1.10 And til e righteous will rise fro ni sle e p, a n d w isd 0 m w ill rise, an d w ill b e given to til e n .
91.1 1 A n d after til is til e ro 0 ts 0 f in iq u ity will be cut off and tli e sword will d e stro y tli e sinners. Tie b la sp li em e rs will be cut off; in every place blasphemy will be d e stro y ed by tli e s w 0 r d.
9 1.12 And after tils tliere w ill be another week; the eighth, that of righteousness, and a sword will be given to it so that the Righteous Judgment may be executed on those who do wrong, and the sinners will be handed over into the hands of the righteous.
91.13 And, at its end, they will acquire Houses because of their righteousness, and a House will be built for the Great King in Glory, forever.
91.14 And after this, in the ninth week, the Righteous Judgment will be revealed to the whole world. And all the deeds of the impious will vanish from the whole Earth. And the world will be written down for destruction and all men will look to the Path of Uprightness.
91.15 And, after this, in the tenth week, in the seventh part, there will be an Eternal Judgment that will be executed on the Watchers and the Great Eternal Heaven that will spring from the midst of the Angels.
91.16 And the First Heaven will vanish and pass away and a New Heaven will appear, and all the Powers of Heaven will shine forever, with sevenfold light.
91.17 And after this, there will be many weeks without number, forever, in goodness and in righteousness. And from then on sin will never again be mentioned.
91.18 And now I tell you, my children, and show you the paths of righteousness, and the paths of wrongdoing. And I will show you again so that you may know what is to come.
91.19 And now listen, my children, walk in the paths of righteousness and do not walk in the paths of wrongdoing, for all those who walk in the path of iniquity will be destroyed forever.
1 W ritten b ? E n o c li -tli e -S crib e
tl is complete wisdom and teaching, praised by all men and a judge of tli e w li 0 le E artli,
For all my sons w li o dwell on E artli. And for tli e last generations w li o w ill p ractice jn stice and peace.
9 2,2 Let not your spirit be saddened by
til e times for tli e Holy and Great One
li as ap p 0 in ted days fo r all tli in g s.
9 2.3 And tli e righteous man w ill rise
fro m sleep, w ill rise and w ill w a Ik in tli e
p atli of rig li teo u sn ess, and all li is p atli s,
and li is journeys, will be in eternal
goodness and m e r c y.
9 2.4 He will sli o w m ercy to tli e
righteous man and to li im give eternal
11 p rig li tn ess, and to li im g iv e power.
And li e will live in goodness, and
righteousness, and will walk in eternal
9 2.5 And sin w ill be d e stro y ed in
darkness, fo re v e r, and from th a t day
w ill never again be seen.
y ^ \ A nd, after th is, E noch beg an to
sp e ak fro m th e b o o k s: 9 3.2 And Enoch said: "C o n c ern in g th e sons of rig h te 0 n sn e ss, and concerning th e c h 0 sen o f th e w o rid, an d co n c ern in g th e plant of rig h teo u sn ess and
11 p rig h tn e ss, I w ill sp eak th ese th in g s to y 0 n, an d m ak e th e m known to y o ti, m y children.
I, Enoch, according to th a t which appeared to me in th e Heavenly vision, and th a t which I know from th e w o rd s of th e Holy Angels, and understanding fro m th e T a b le ts 0 f H e a V en." 9 3.3 And Enoch th en began to speak fro m th e b 0 0 k s, an d said: "I w a s b o rn the seventh, in the first week, while justice and righteousness still lasted.
93.4 And, after me, in the second week, great injustice will arise, and deceit will have sprung up. And in it there will be the First End, and in it, a man will be saved. And after it has ended, iniquity will grow, and He will make a law for the sinners.
93.5 And after this in the third week, at its end, a man will be chosen as the Plant of Righteous Judgment, and after him will come the Plant of Righteousness, forever.
93.6 And after this, in the fourth week, at its end, visions of the righteous and Holy will be seen, and a Law for All Generations, and an enclosure will be made for them.
93.7 And after this, in the fifth week, at its end, a House of Glory and Sovereignty will be built forever.
93.8 And after this, in the sixth week, all those who live in it will be blinded. And the hearts of them all, lacking wisdom, will sink into impiety. And in it, a man will ascend, and at its end the House of Sovereignty will be burnt with fire. And in it the whole race of the chosen root will be scattered.
93.9 And after this, in the seventh week, an apostate generation will arise. And many will be its deeds - but all its deeds will be apostasy.
93.10 And at its end, the Chosen Righteous, from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen, to whom will be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation.
93.11 For is there any man who can
hear the voice of the Holy One and not and found deceit for tli e y will quickly
be disturbed? And who is there who be tlirow n down and w ill not li a v e
can think his thoughts? And who is peace.
there who can look at all the works of M .7 Woe to tli o s e w li o build tli e ir
Heaven? louses w itli sin, for from tlieir wliole
93.12 And how should there be anyone foundation tliey will be thrown down, who could understand the works of and by tlie sword tliey sliall fall, and Heaven, and see a soul, or a spirit, and tli o s e w li o acquire gold and silver will tell about it, or ascend and see all their quickly be destroyed in tii e j u d g m e n t. ends and comprehend them, or make M ,8 W o e to y o u , y o u r ic li , fo r y o u li a v e anything like them? trusted in your riclies, but from your
93.13 And is there any man who could r ic ii e s you will depart for you did not know the length and breadth of the rem em b er tli e M o st H ig li in tli e d ay s o f Earth? And to who has all its y o u r r i c li e s.
measurements been shown? M,9 You liave committed blaspliemy,
93.14 Or is there any man who could and iniquity, and are ready for tlie days know the length of Heaven, and what is of tie outpouring of blood, and for tlie its height, and on what is it fixed, and day of darkness, and for tli e day of tie how large is the number of stars, and G r e a t J u d j m e n t ,
where do all the lights rest? M,10 T li u s I say, and make known to
y 0 u, til a t H e w li o created you w ill tli ro w
r\ A y 0 u d 0 w n, a n d 0 V e r y 0 u r fa II til e re w ill
VT-,1 And now I say to you, my be no mercy, but your creator will
children, love rijiteou sn ess and w alk in rejo ic e at y o u r d estru ctio n,
it; for the paths of righteousness are '^'ll ^"^ !'"" ^ righteousness m those
worthy of acceptance, but the paths of ^'^' *'" ^' ' "P^"^^^ ^o the sinners
iniquity w ill quickly be destroyed and an d to th e im p io u s.
vanish. Q ^
M.2 And to certain m en, from a future ^-^ * ""1^ t^ a t my eyes w ere a
g en eratio n, th e p a th s 0 f w ro n g d 0 in g an d ra in -c Io u d, so th a t I m ig h t weep over
of d e a th will be revealed; and th e y w ill you, and pour out my tears like rain, so
keep away from th em and will not th a t I m ig h t h a v e re st fro m th e so rro w
fo llo w th em . o f m y h e a rtl
M.3 And now I say to you, the 9 5.2 Who permitted you to practice
rig h te 0 u s; d 0 n o t w a Ik in th e wicked h a tre d an d w ick ed n e ss? M ay ju d g m en t
p a th, or in wrongdoing, or in th e p a th s come upon y o u, th e sinners!
of d eath, and do not draw near to th em 9 5.3 Do n o t b e afraid o f th e sin n ers, y o u
0 r y 0 u m ay b e d estro y ed. righteous, for the Lord will again
M .4 But seek, and choose for yourself, deliver them into your hands, so that
rig h teo u sn e ss, an d a life th a t is pleasing you may execute judgment on th em as
and walk in the paths of peace so that you desire.
y 0 u m a y liv e a n d p ro sp e r. 9 5.4 Woe to you who pronounce
9 4.5 A n d h 0 Id m y w 0 rd s f irm ly in th e anathema that you cannot remove.,
th 0 u g h ts of your heart, and do not let H ealin g w ill b e far fro m you because of
them be erased from your heart, for I yoursin.
know that sinners will tempt men to 95.5 Woe to you who repay your
debase wisdom, and no place will be neighbours with evil for you will be
found for it, and tem p ta tio n will in no repaid according to y o u r d e ed s.
w ay d ecrea se. 9 5.6 W o e to y o u, y o u ly in g w itn esses,
9 4.6 Woe to th o se who build in iq u ity an d to th o se w h o w eig h o u t in iq u ity, fo r
you will quickly be destroyed. r^ rn
95.7 Woe to you, you sinners, because y I \ B eliev e, y o ii rij li leo ii s, lli at lli e
you persecute the righteous, for you ^j^^^ will become an o b je c t o f si am e
yourselves will be handed over and an d w ill b e d estro ? ed o d ti e D a? o f
persecuted, you men of iniquity, and J u d 2 m e n t
their yoke will be heavy on you. 97 2 Be it known to you, sinners, tht
%tli e Most H ij li re ni e ni b e rs ? 0 u r
.1 Be iopeful, you righteous, for destruction and tiat tie Angels rejoice
tie sinners will quicltly be destroyed 0 v er y 0 u r d e stru c tio n,
before you, and you will li a v e power 97.3 W li a t w i 11 y 0 u d 0, y 0 u s i n n e r s, a n d
0 V er til e m , a s y 0 u d e sire, w li ere will you flee on tli a t day of H .1 And in tie day of tie distress of judgment wlen you lear tie sound of tl e sin n ers, y 0 u r y 0 u n g w ill rise u p, Ilk e p ra y er 0 f tl e rig 1 teo u s?
e ag le s, an d y 0 u r n e St w ill b e 1 ig 1 er tl a n 97.4 But you will not be like tl em
tl at 0 f ¥ u Itu res, A n d y 0 u w ill g 0 u p, against wlom tlis word will be a
and like badgers, enter tie crevices of testimony:
tie eartl, and tie clefts of tie rock, "You lave been associated w itl tie
fo re V e r, b efo re tl e la w le ss, b u t tl ey w ill sinners."
groan and weep because of you, like 97,5 And in tlose days, tie prayer of
sa ty rs, tl e H 0 ly w ill be in front of tl e Lord,
H .] And do n 01 b e afraid you w 10 lave and fo r you w ill come tie days of your
suffered, for you will receive lealing, judgment,
and a b rig 11 lig 11 will si in e upon you, 97,6 And tl e words 0 f y 0 u r in iq u ity w ill
and tl e Voice of Rest you will lear be read 0 u t b efo re tl e G re a t a n d Holy
from Heaven, 0 n e, an d y 0 u r fa c e s w ill b lu si w itl
H .\ W 0 e s to y 0 u, y 0 u sin n e rs, fo r y 0 u r si am e, a n d e v ery d e ed w 1 id is fo u n d e d
ricl e s make you appear rig 1 te 0 u s, but u p 0 n in iq u ity w ill b e rejec ted,
your 1 e arts prove you to be sin n e rs, 97,7 Woe to y 0 u, y 0 u sin n e rs, w 10 are
And tlis word will be a testimony in tie middle of tie sea, or on dry
against you as a reminder of your e v il g ro u n d, tl e ir m e m 0 ry w ill b e 1 arm fu I to
deeds, you,
9 6,5 W 0 e to you w 10 devour tl e finest 97,8 W 0 e to you w 10 acquire silver and
of tl e w 1 eat, and drink tl e best of tl e g 0 Id, but not in rig 1 teo u sn ess, and say:
water, and trample upon tie 1 u m b le "We lave become very ricl and lave
tl ro u g 1 y 0 u r p 0 w er, possessions, and lave acquired
9 6,6 W 0 e to you w 10 drink w a te r a II tl e e v e ry tl in g tl a t w e d e sire d,
tim e, fo r y 0 u w ill q u ic k ly b e re p a id, a n d 9 7,9 And now let us do w 1 a t we
w ill b eco m e ex 1 au sted and dry fo r y 0 u p Ian n ed, fo r w e 1 a v e g a tl ere d silv e r an d
1 a V e left tl e sp rin g 0 f life, filled our sto re 10 u se s, and as many as 9 6,7 W 0 e to you w 10 commit in iq u ity , w a ter a re tl e serv an ts 0 f 0 u r 10 u se s." and deceit, and b la sp 1 em y, it will be a 9 7,10 And like tl e water your life w ill rem in d er 0 f e V il ag ain St y 0 u, flow a w ay, fo r y 0 u r ricl e s w ill n 01 sta y 9 6.8 Woe to you, you powerful, w 10 w itl y 0 u, b u t w ill quickly go up fro m tlrougl power oppress tie riglteous; you, for you acquired everytling in for tl e day of your d e stru c tio n w ill in iq u ity and you w ill b e g iv e n 0 v er to a come, g re a t c u rse .
In tlose days many good days will C\0
come for tie riglteous in tie day of ^O.l Now I sw ear to you, tie w ise,
!'""'J"^?'^ "'• and tie foolisl, tlat you w ill see m any
things on the earth.
98.2 For you men will put on yourselves more adornments than a woman, and more coloured garments than a girl, clothed in sovereignty, and in majesty, and in power, and silver, and gold, and purple, and honours, - and food will be poured out like water.
98.3 Because of this they will have neither knowledge nor wisdom. And through this, they will be destroyed, together with their possessions, and with all their glory and their honour. And in shame, and in slaughter, and in great destitution, their spirits will be thrown into the fiery furnace.
98.4 I swear to you, you sinners, that as a mountain has not, and will not, become a slave, nor a hill a woman's maid, so sin was not sent on the Earth but man, of himself, created it. And those who commit it will be subject to a great curse.
98.5 And barrenness has not been given to a woman but because of the deeds of her hand she dies without children.
98.6 I swear to you, you sinners, by the Holy and Great One, that all your evil deeds are revealed in Heaven and that your wrongdoing is not covered or hidden.
98.7 And do not think in your spirit nor say in your heart, that you do not know, or do not see, every sin is written down every day in Heaven in front of the Most High.
98.8 From now on, you know that all your wrongdoing that you do will be written down every day, until the day of your judgment.
98.9 Woe to you, you fools, for you will be destroyed through your folly. And you do not listen to the wise and good will not come upon you.
98.10 And now know that you are ready for the day of destruction. And do not hope that you will live, you sinners; rather you will go and die, for you know no ransom. You are ready for the Day of the Great Judgment and for the day
of distress and great shame for your spirits.
98.11 Woe to you, you stubborn of heart who do evil and eat blood, from where do you have good things to eat and drink and to be satisfied? From all the good things which our Lord the Most High has placed in abundance on the earth. Therefore you will not have peace.
98.12 Woe to you who love deeds of iniquity. Why do you hope for good for yourselves? Know that you will be given into the hands of the righteous, and they will cut your throats and kill you, and will not have mercy on you.
98.13 Woe to you who rejoice in the distress of the righteous for graves will not be dug for you.
98.14 Woe to you who declare the words of the righteous empty for you will have no hope of life.
98.15 Woe to you who write lying words, and the words of the impious, for they write their lies so that men may hear and continue their folly. And they will not have peace but will die a sudden death.
0 e to H u w li 0
10 u
deeds and praise and n o n o u r lying
words; yon will be d e stro y ed and w ill
n 01 li a ¥ e a good life,
H ,2 W 0 e to you w li o alter tli e w o rd s of
trutli, and tliey distort tie eternal law
and count tli em seh e s as being w itli o n t
sin; til ey w ill b e tram p led n n d erfo o t o n
til e J ro ti n d.
H ,3 In til 0 se days make ready , yon
rigliteous, to raise your prayers as a
reminder and lay tli em as a te stim o n y
b efo re til e A n g e Is, til a t til ey m ay lay til e
sin of til e sinners before tli e M o st H ig li
a s a re m in d e r.
H .4 In til 0 se days tli e n atio n s w ill be
til ro w n in to confusion and tli e races of
til e n a tio n s w ill rise on tli e Day of
D e stru c tio n,
H ,5 And in tli o se days, tli o se w li o are
in need will go out, seize tli eir children.
and cast out their children. And their offspring will slip from them, and they will cast out their children while they are still sucklings, and will not return to them, and will not have mercy on their beloved ones.
99.6 And again I swear to you, the sinners, that sin is ready for the Day of Unceasing Bloodshed.
99.7 And they worship stone, and some carve images of gold and of silver, and of wood and of clay. And some, with no knowledge, worship unclean spirits and demons, and every kind of error. But no help will be obtained from them.
99.8 And they will sink into impiety because of the folly of their hearts, and their eyes will be blinded through the fear of their hearts, and through the vision of their ambitions.
99.9 Through these they will become impious and fearful, for they do all their deeds with lies, and worship stones, and they will be destroyed at the same moment.
99.10 And in those days, blessed are those who accept the words of wisdom, and understand them, and follow the paths of the Most High, and walk in the path of righteousness, and do not act impiously with the impious, for they will be saved.
99.11 Woe to you who extend evil to your neighbours; for you will be killed in Sheol.
99.12 Woe to you who lay foundations of sin and deceit, and who cause bitterness on the Earth, for because of this an end will be made of them.
99.13 Woe to you who build your houses with the toil of others, and all their building materials are the sticks and stones of sin; I say to you: "You will not have peace."
99.14 Woe to those who reject the measure, and the eternal inheritance of their fathers, and cause their souls to follow error, for they will not have rest.
99.15 Woe to those who commit iniquity, and help wrong, and kill their
neighbours, until the Day of the Great Judgment; for he will throw down your glory.
99.16 And you put evil into your hearts, and rouse the spirit of his anger, so that he may destroy you all with the sword. And all the righteous and the Holy will remember your sin.
n d in til 0 se days, and m
one place, fa tli ers and sons will strik e
one an 0 til er, and b ro tli ers will to j e tli er
fall in d e a til, u n til tli e ir blood flo w s as if
it w ere a stre am .
10 0,2 For a man w ill not, in mercy,
w itli li 0 Id li is li an d from li is sons, nor
fro m li is so n 's sons, in order to kill
til em . A n d til e sin n er w ill n 01 w itli li 0 Id
li is li an d from li is honoured b ro tli er
fro m dawn until tli e Sun sets tli e y w ill
k ill 0 n e an 0 til er,
10 0,3 And til e li o rse w ill w alk up to its
cli e St in til e blood of sinners and tli e
cli ario t w ill sin k up to its li e ij li t,
10 0,4 And in tli o se days tli e A n j els w ill
comedown in to tli e li id d en p lac e s, an d
g atli er to j etli er in one place all tlio se
w li 0 li av e li e Ip ed sin, an d til e M 0 St H ij li
w ill rise on tli a t d ay to execute tli e Great
Ju d J m en t 0 n a II til e sin n ers,
10 0,5 A n d li e w ill se t g u ard s, fro m tli e
Holy A n g e Is, 0 V er all til e rij li teo u s an d
Holy, and tli ey w ill j u ard tli em Ilk e tli e
apple of an eye, until an end is m a d e of
all evil and all sin, And even if tli e
rig li teo u s sleep a lo n j sleep tli ey li av e
n 0 til in J to fear,
10 0,6 And til e wise men will see tli e
tru til, and tli e sons of tli e E artli will
understand all tli e words of tli is book,
a n d til e y w ill k n 0 w tli a t tli e ir ricli e s w ill
not be able to save tli em or o v ertl ro w
til eir sin,
10 0,7 W 0 e to you, you sinners, w li en
y 0 u afflict til e rig li teo u s on tli e day of
severe tro u b le, and burn tli em w itli fire,
you will be rep a id acco rdin g to your
10 0,8 W 0 e to y 0 u, y 0 u p erv erse o f li eart
w li 0 w a tell to d e V ise e V il; fe ar w ill CO m e
upon you and there is no one who will a n d tli a t tli e y w ill b e d e stro y e d in it,
help you. 10 li Is not all tie sea, and all its
100.9 Woe to you, you sinners, for an w aters, and all its m ovem ent, tie w ork account of the words of your mouth, o f tli e M o s t H ij li , a n d d id li e n o t s e a I a II and for an account of the deeds of your it's doings and bind it all w itli sand? hands that you have impiously done; 10 1,7 And a t li is reb u k e it dries u p and you will burn in blazing flames of fire. becom es afraid, and all its fisli die, and
100.10 And now know that the Angels ev ery tli in j in it; but you sinners w li o are will inquire in Heaven into your deeds, o n E a rtli d o n o t f e a r li im ,
from the Sun and the Moon and the 10 1,8 Did li e n o t m a k e H e a v e n , E a r tli ,
Stars, into your sins, for on earth you and e very tli in j tli at is in tliem ? And
execute judgment on the righteous. w li o gave knowledge, and wisdom, to
100.11 And all the clouds and mist and all tli in g s tli a t move on tli e ground and dew and rain will testify against you, for in tlie sea?
they will be withheld from you so that 10 1,9 And do not tli o s e captains of tie
they do not fall on you, and they will sliips fear tie sea?
think about your sins. Y et, sinners do not fear tie M ost H igi.
100.12 And now give gifts to the rain, 1 AO
so that it may not be withheld from iU-Z,l And in tiose days, if le
falling on you, and so that the dew, if it b rin g s a fie re e fire u p o n v o u , w i e re w ill
has accepted gold and silver from you, y o u f I e e , a n d w i e r e w i I'l v o u b e s a f e ?
may fall.
100.13 When the hoarfrost and snow, with their cold, and all the snow-winds with their torments fall on you. In those days, you will not be able to stand before them.
I C 0 n tem p la te H ea V en, all y 0 u
And w i e n i e utters i i s voice against you w ill y 0 u n o t b e terrified and afraid ? 10 2,2 A n d a II ti e L ig i ts w ill si ak e w iti great fear, and ti e w i o le E arti will be terrified , an d w ill trem b le and quail, 10 2,3 And all ti e Angels w ill carry out ti e ir commands, and will seek to i id e fro m ti e One w i o is Great in G lo ry,
so n s 0 f H e a V e n, an d a II ti e w 0 rk s 0 f ti e and ti e ci ild re n of ti e E arti w ill
M 0 St H ig i, and fear i im , and do n o t d o tre m b le and si ak e; and you sinners w ill
e V il in fro n t 0 f H im , be cursed forever and will not i a v e
10 1,2 If He closes ti e Windows of peace.
Heaven, and w iti i o Id s ti e rain and ti e 10 2,4 Do n o t b e afraid you souls of ti e
dew , so ti at it do es n 01 fall 0 n ti e earti rig i teo u s, and be i o p efu I, you w i o
because o f y o u, w i a t w i11 y o u do? i a v e died in r ig i te o u s n e s s,
10 1,3 And if i e sends i is anger upon 10 2,5 And do n o t b e sad ti at y o u r so u Is
y 0 u, a n d upon a II y o u r d e e d s, w ill y o u i a v e gone down into S i e o I in sadness
n 01 en tre at i im ? F o r y o u sp e ak p ro u d and ti at your bodies d id not o b tain
and i a rd a g a in s t i is rig i te o u s n e s s, And during your life a reward in accordance
y 0 u w ill n 01 i a V e p e ace, w iti y o u r g o o d n e ss.
101,4 And do you not see ti e captains 102,6 B u t w i en you die ti e sinners will
0 f ti e si ip s; i 0 w ti eir si ip s are to ssed say about you: "As we die, ti e
by tie waves and rocked by tie winds rig i teo us iave also died, and of wiat
a n d are in d istre ss? u se to ti e m w ere ti e ir d e ed s?"
10 1,5 And because of ti is ti ey are 10 2,7 "B ei o Id, Ilk e u s ti ey i a v e died in
afraid, for all tieir good possessions sadness and in darkness, and wiat
ti at go out on ti e sea w iti ti em , and ad v an tag e do ti ey iave o v er u s? From
ti ey ti in k n o ti in g good in ti e ir i e a rts, now on we are equal,"
0 n Iv ti a t ti e s e a w ill sw a llo w ti e m up, 102,8 "And w i a t w ill ti e v receive and
what will they see forever? For behold, 111 e ir lif e ."
they too have died, and from now on 10 3,7 Know tli a t tl e ir s o ii Is will be
they will never again see the light." made to go down into Slieol, tliey will
102.9 And I say to you, you sinners: be wretclied, and tlieir distress will be "You are content to eat and drink, and great,
strip men naked, and steal, and sin, and 10 3,8 And in darkness, and in chins,
acquire possessions, and see good days. and in burning flam es, y o n r sp ir its w ill
102.10 But you saw the righteous, how come to tie G re a t In d g m e n t. And tii e their end was peace, for no wrong was Great Judgment will last for all found in them until the day of their generations, forever, W oe to yon for death." y o n w ill n o t li av e p eace,
102.11 "But they were destroyed and 10 3,9 Do not say, tie rigliteons and tie became as though they had not been and good w ii o were alive; "In tie days of their souls went down to Sheol in our affliction we toiled laboriously, and distress." saw every affliction, and met many -| y-v ^5 e V i 1 s, W e w e r e s p e n t a n d b e c a m e f e w iUj),l And now I sw ear to yon, tie an d o u r sp irit sm all,
rigiteons, bv His Great Glorv and His '"5,10 W e were destroyed and tiere
Honour, and bv His M'agnificent ' ^' "" ""^ *'^" ^^'P^^ '' *'"^ «'"'^^
Sovereigntv, and bv His M ajestv: ■ I °^ *'"^ ^"^'' * ' *'"^ powerless and
swear to 'von tiat' 1 understand tils ^""^ ""^img, W e were tortured and
jj yjterv destroyed and did not expect to see life
103,2 A'nd I iave read tie Tablets of f'" °°^ ^'^ ^o tie neit.
Heaven and seen tie writing o f ti e Holv '"^ " * ' ^"P^^ '» ^""^ '^ ^ ""''^
Ones, And I found written and ^"^ became tie tail, W e toiled and
engraved in it, concerning ti em, tiat all lab o u red , b u t w ere n o t m a sters o f ti e
good, and joy, and ionour, iave been ^'"'^5 "^ ""^ toil; we became food for made ready, and w ritte n down, for ti e irits of ti 0 se w i o died i
ti e sinners, and ti e lawless made ti e ir yoke i e a V y upon us.
i.jj ]j [g J, ji jjj J jj 103,12 Tiose wio iated us, tiose wio
103,3 And muci good will be given to ^''^'^ ''' *'"^ "^^^'"^ "^ ''■ ^'^ ^o
vou in recompense for vour toil and tiat ti o se w i o i ated u s w e b o w ed o u r n eck s
Hur lot will be more excellent tian tie ^"^tiey did notiave mercy on us.
lot of ti e liv ID
10 3,13 W e so u g i t to escape from ti e m
103.4 And tie' spirits of vou wio iave ^° ^^'^'' migitflee and be atrest. But died in rigiteousn ess will live, and your w e fo u n d n o p lac e w i ere w e m ig i t fie e spirits w ill rejoice and be glad, and tie "^ ^^ ^^^^ f'" '^^'^ ■
memorv of tiem will remain in frontof '"^''^ * ' complained about tiem to
tie Gre'at One for all tie generations of ^i e rulers, in our distress, and cried out
eternitv, Tierefore do not fear tieir ag a m st ti o se w i o d e v o u red u s, b u t ti ey
jIj ^1J J ' to 0 k n 0 n 0 tic e 0 f 0 u r cries, an d did n 01
103.5 W oe to vou, vou sinners, w ien *' '^^ '" ''^'" '" ""' ^'"'"'
vou die in vour'sin, and tiose wio are '"5,15 And tiey ielped tiose wio
iike vou sav about vou: "Blessed were pl"dered us and devoured us, and
ti 0 se wio made us fe w , and ti ey CO n c e aled ti e ir w ro n g d 0 in g, a n d d id n 01 remove from us ti e v o k e of ti o se wio
ti e sm n ers ti ey sa w ti eir d ay s, 10 3,6 And now ti ey iave died in p ro sp erity and w ealti, distress and sla u g i ter ti ey did not see during ti e ir life, but ti ey iave died in g lo ry, and ju d g m e n t w a s n 01 ex e c u ted on ti e m in
devoured u s, an d scattered u s, an d k illed us. And ti e y concealed our sla u g i ter and did not remember ti a t ti e v i ad
raised their hands against us."
-L V/T",l I swear to you, you
rij li te 0 u s, til a t in Heaven tli e Angels
remember you fo r good in front of tli e
G lo ry of tli e Great One, and tli a t your
names are w ritte n down in fro n t o f tli e
Glory 0 f til e G re a t 0 n e,
10 4.2 Be li 0 p e f u 11 For you were
formerly p u t to sli a m e tli ro u j li evils and
affile tio n s, b u t n 0 w you w ill sli in e like
til e L ig li ts 0 f H e a V e n, an d w ill b e se e n,
and til e G a te o f H e a v en w ill b e o p en ed
to you.
10 4.3 And persevere in your cry for
ju dg m en t an d it w ill ap p ear to y o u, fo r
ju Stic e will be exacted from tli e rule rs
fo r all your distre ss, and fro m all tli o se
w li 0 helped tli o se w li o plundered you.
104.4 Be liop efu I, and do not abandon
y 0 u r li 0 p e, f 0 r y 0 u w i 11 li a v e j r e a t j o y
Ilk e til e A n g e Is 0 f H e a V en.
10 4.5 W 1 at w ill y 0 u li av e to do ? You
w ill not li av e to li id e on tli e day of tli e
Great Judgment, nor will you be fo u n d
to be sinners. Tie Eternal Judgment
will be upon you for all tli e g en era tio n s
of e tern ity.
10 4.6 And now do not be afraid , you
righteous, w li en you see tli e sinners
g ro w in g stro n g and pro sp erin g in tli e ir
desires, and do not be a sso dated w itli
til em but keep far away fro m tli eir
wrongdoing, for you will be associates
0 f til e H 0 St 0 f H eav en.
10 4.7 For you sinners say: "None of
our sins will be inquired in to and
w ritte n down!" But tli ey will w rite
d 0 w n your sins every day.
10 4.8 And now I sli o w you tli at lig li t
and darkness, day and n i g li t, see all your
sin s.
10 4.9 D 0 not be im pious in your hearts,
and do not lie, and do not alter tli e
w 0 rd s 0 f tru til, n 0 r say til at til e w 0 rd s 0 f
til e H 0 ly an d G reat 0 n e are lie s, an d do
not praise your idols. For all your lies,
and all your im p iety, lead not to
rig li teo u sn ess b u t to g re at sin.
10 4.10 And now I know tli is m v sterv ;
til a t m an y sinners w ill alter an d d isto rt til e words of tru tli, and speak evil words, and lie, and concoct great fa b ric a tio n s, and w rite books in tli eir own words.
10 4.11 B u t w li e n tli ey w rite m y w o rd s ex actly in tli eir lang u ag e s, and do not a Iter 0 r 0 m it a n y til in g fro m my w o rd s, but w rite e v ery tli in g ex a c tly, e v e ry tli in g til at I testified ab o u t b efo re; tli en I kn o w an 0 til er m y ste ry:
10 4.12 T li at b 0 0 k s w ill b e g iv en to tli e righteous and wise and will be a source 0 f jo y a n d tru til a n d m u c li w isd 0 m . 10 4.13 And books w ill be g iv en to til em , a n d til e y w ill b e lie V e in til em and rejoice over tli e m ; and all tli e righteous w h 0 h a V e le arn t fro m th e m a II th e w a y s of tru th w ill b e g lad.
.1 And in th o se days, says th e
Lord, th ey sh all call and testify to th e
sons of th e E arth about th e wisdom in
th em . Show it to th em fo r y o u are th e ir
le ad ers a n d th e re w ard s w ill b e overall
th e E arth.
10 5.2 For my son and I will join
ourselves w ith th em , forever, in th e
p ath s of u p rig h tn ess d u rin g th eir liv es.
A n d y 0 u w i 11 h a V e p e a c e.
R ejo ice ■ y 0 u so n s 0 f u p rig h tn ess I
Fragment of the Book of Noah
1 And after th o se d a v s m v son
M e th u se lah chose a wife for his son L am ech and she became pregnant by him an d b 0 re a so n.
10 6.2 And his body was white like snow, and red like th e flower of a rose, and th e hair of his head was white like wool. And his eyes were b e a u tifu I and when he opened his eyes he made th e w h 0 le h 0 u se b rig h t. Ilk e th e S u n, so th a t th e w h 0 le house was ex cep tio n ally brigh t. 10 6.3 And when he was taken fro m th e
hand of the midwife he opened his mouth and spoke to the Lord of Righteousness.
106.4 And his father Lamech was afraid of him, and fled, and went to his father Methuselah.
106.5 And he said to him: "I have begotten a strange son; he is not like a man but is like the children of the Angels of Heaven, of a different type and not like us. And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun and his face glorious.
106.6 And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the Angels and I am afraid that something extraordinary may be done on the earth in his days.
106.7 And now, my father, I am entreating you and petitioning you, to go to our father Enoch, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling is with the Angels."
106.8 And when Methuselah heard the words of his son he came to me, at the ends of the Earth, for he had heard that I was there. And he cried out, and I heard his voice and went to him. And I said to him: "Behold I am here my son, for you have come to me."
106.9 And he answered me, and said: "Because of a great matter I have come to you, and because of a disturbing vision, have I come near.
106.10 And now hear me, my father, for a child has been born to my son Lamech, whose form and type are not like the type of a man. His colour is whiter than snow, and redder than the flower of the rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool. And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun; and he opened his eyes and made the whole house bright.
106.11 And he was taken from the hand of the midwife, and he opened his mouth, and blessed the Lord of Heaven.
106.12 And his father Lamech was afraid and fled to me. And he does not believe he is sprung from him but thinks
him to be from the Angels of Heaven. And behold, I have come to you, so that you may make known to me the truth."
106.13 And I, Enoch, answered and said to him: "The Lord will do new things on Earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and made known to you. For in the generation of my father, Jared, some from the height of Heaven transgressed the word of the Lord.
106.14 And behold, they commit sin and transgress the law, and have been promiscuous with women, and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begotten children by them.
106.15 And there will be great destruction over the whole Earth, and there will be a deluge, and there will be great destruction for one year.
106.16 But this child, who has been born to you, will be left on the Earth, and his three sons will be saved with him. When all the men who are on the Earth die he and his sons will be saved.
106.17 They will beget on the Earth giants, not of spirit, but of flesh, and there will be great wrath on Earth, and the Earth will be cleansed of all corruption.
106.18 And now make known to your son Lamech that the one who has been bom is truly his son. And call his name Noah, for he will be a remnant for you and he and his sons will be saved from the destruction which is coming on the earth because of all the sin and all the iniquity, which will be committed on the Earth in his days.
106.19 But after this, there will be yet greater iniquity than that which was committed on the earth before. For I know the mysteries of the Holy Ones, for the Lord showed them to me and made them known to me, and I read them in the Tablets of Heaven.
1 And I saw w ritte n on tli em
tn at g en eratio n upon j en era tio n w ill do wrong, u n til a j en era tio n of
righteousness shall arise, and wrongdoing shall be destroyed, and sin shall depart from the earth, and everything good shall come upon it.
107.2 And now, my son, go, make known to your son Lamech, that this child that has been bom, is truly his son, and this is no lie.
107.3 And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch - for he showed him everything which is secret -he returned, having seen him, and called the name of that child Noah; for he will comfort the Earth after all the destruction.
A n 0 til er book w li icli E n o cli
wrote for his son Methuselah and for those who should come after him and keep the law in the last days.
108.2 You who have observed, and are waiting in these days, until an end shall be made of those who do evil, and an end shall be made of the power of the wrongdoers.
108.3 Do indeed wait until sin shall pass away, for their names shall be erased from the Books of the Holy Ones, and their offspring will be destroyed forever. And their spirits will be killed, and they will cry out and moan in a chaotic desert place, and will burn in fire, for there is no Earth there.
108.4 And there I saw something like a cloud, which could not be discerned, for because of its depth I was not able to look into it. And the flames of a fire I saw, burning brightly, and things like bright mountains revolved and shook from side to side.
108.5 And I asked one of the Holy Angels, who were with me, and I said to him: "What is this bright place? For there is no sky, but only the flames of a burning fire, and the sounds of crying, and weeping, and moaning, and severe pain."
108.6 And he said to me: "This place which you see; here will be thrown the
spirits of the sinners, and of the blasphemers, and of those who do evil. And of those who alter everything that the Lord has spoken through the mouths of the prophets about the things that shall be done.
108.7 For there are books, and records, about them in Heaven above so that the Angels may read them and know what is about to come upon the sinners. And upon the spirits of the humble, and of those who afflicted their bodies and were recompensed by God, and of those who were abused by evil men.
108.8 Those who loved God and did not love gold, or silver, or any possessions, but gave up their bodies to torment.
108.9 Those who, from the moment they existed, did not desire earthly food, but counted themselves as a breath which passes away, and kept to this. And the Lord tested them much, and their spirits were found pure, so that they might bless His Name."
108.10 And all their blessings I have recounted in the books, and he has assigned them their reward, for they were found to be such that they loved Heaven more than their life in the world. And although they were trampled underfoot by evil men, and had to listen to reviling and reproach from them, and were abused, yet they blessed their Lord.
108.11 And the Lord said: "And now I will call the spirits of the good, who are of the Generation of Light, and I will transform those who were bom in darkness, who in the flesh were not recompensed with honour as was fitting to their faith.
108.12 And I will bring out into the shining light those who love my Holy Name and I will set each one on the throne of his honour."
108.13 And they will shine for times without number, for righteous is the Judgment of God, for with the faithful He will keep faith in the dwelling of upright paths.
108.14 And they will see those who were bom in darkness thrown into the darkness while the righteous shine.
108.15 And the sinners will cry out as they see them shining but they themselves will go where days and times have been written down for them.
The Book of the Secrets of Enoch
The Second Book of Enoch (usually abbreviated 2 Enoch, and otherwise variously known as Slavonic Enoch or The Secrets of Enoch) is a pseudepigraphic (a text whose claimed authorship is unfounded) of the Old Testament. It is usually considered to be part of the Apocalyptic literature. Late 1st century CE is the dating often preferred. The text has been preserved in full only in Slavonic, but in 2009 it was announced that Coptic fragments of the book had been identified. Greek is indicated as the language behind the Slavonic version[l]. It is not regarded as scripture by Jews or any Christian group. It was rediscovered and published at the end of 19th century.
Most scholars consider 2 Enoch to be composed by an unknown Jewish sectarian group, while some authors think it is a 1st century Christian text[2][3]. A very few scholars consider it a later Christian work[4]. This article discusses 2 Enoch. It is distinct from the Book of Enoch, known as 1 Enoch. There is also an unrelated 3 Enoch. The numbering of these texts has been applied by scholars to distinguish the texts from one another.
Dates ranging from the 1st century BC to the 10th century CE have been proposed, with the late 1st century CE often preferred. The date of the text can be deduced solely on the basis of the internal evidence since the book has survived only in the medieval manuscripts (even if a reference of 2 Enoch could be find in Origen's De Principis i, 3:3). Composition shall be later than the Book of the Watchers in 1 Enoch (about III century BCE). The crucial arguments for the early dating of the text have very largely been linked to the themes of the Temple in Jerusalem and its ongoing practices and customs. Scholarly efforts have been in this respect mostly directed toward finding hints that the Sanctuary was still standing when the original text was composed. Scholars noted that the text gives no indication that the destruction of the Temple had already occurred at the time of the book's composition. Critical readers of the pseudepigraphic would have some difficulties finding any explicit expression of feelings of sadness or mourning about the loss of the sanctuary.
Affirmations of the value of animal sacrifice and Enoch's halakhic instructions found in 2 Enoch 59 also appear to be fashioned not in the "preservationist," mishnaic-like mode but rather as if they reflected sacrificial practices that still existed when the author was writing his book. The author tries legitimize the central place of worship, which through the reference to the place Ahuzan, which is a cryptic name for a Jewish Temple.
Scholars have also previously noted in the text some indications of the ongoing practice of pilgrimage to the central place of worship. These indications could be expected in a text written in the Alexandrian Diaspora. Thus in his instructions to the children, Enoch repeatedly encourages them to bring the gifts before the face of God for the remission of sins, a practice which appears to recall well-known sacrificial customs widespread in the Second Temple period. Further, the Slavonic apocalypse also contains a direct command to visit the Temple three times a day, an inconsistency if the sanctuary had been already destroyed.
Book of the Secrets of Enoch
Also known as Slavonic Enoch or 2 Enoch Translated from the Slavonic by W. R. Morfill, M.A.
Iap p e aran ce purple, tli eir w ii g s b rig li ter tli an
.1 T lie re was a w ise m an, a j re a t artificer, g o Id, tli eir li an d s w li iter tli an snow .
and til e Lord conceived love for li im and
received iim, ti at ie should bei old tie ' ^iey were standing a t ti e i e ad o f m y b e d
uppermost dwellings a n d b e a n e y e-w itn e ss an d b eg an to c a II m e b y m y n a m e.
0 f til e wise and g re a t an d inconceivable and
immutable realm of God Almigitv, of tie « ^nd larose from my sleep and saw clearly
very wonderful and glorious and bright and ti o se tw o m en stan d m g m fro n t o f m e.
m an V -e V ed statio n of tli e Lord's serv an ts,
and 'of 'tie inaccessible throne of tie Lord, 9 A n d I sa lu ted ti e m an d w a s se ized w ill
and of tie degrees and manifestations of tie f"^ "^ tie appearance of my face was
incorporeal iosts, and of tie ineffable ci an g ed fro m terro r, a n d ti o se m en said to
m in istra tio n of ti e m u Ititu d e of ti e "* ^'
elem en ts, and of ti e v ario u s ap p aritio n and
inexpressible singing of tie iost of '» ^^" '°"f^?^' ^^o^i, do not fear; tie
C ierubim, and of tie boundless ligit, e tern a I G o d se n t u s to y o u, an d lo I Y o u si a It
to -d ay ascend w iti us in to i eav en, and you
2 At tiat time, ie said, wien mv one ^^^H tell your sons and all your iouseiold
iundred and sixtvfifti v ear w as co m p leted , all ti a t ti ey si all do w iti o u t y o u o n earti in
Ibegatmy son M atiusaUM etiuselai). y o u r i o u se, an d Ie t n o o n e seek y o u till tie
Lord re tu rn v o u to ti e m .
3 A Iter ti is to o 1 liv ed tw o iundred years and completed of all ti e years of my life ti re e iundred and six tv -fiv e v e ars,
I 1 A n d I m a d e i a ste to 0 b e y ti em a n d w e n t 0 u t fro m my i o u se, a n d m ad e to ti e d o o rs, as it was ordered me, and summoned my
4 On tie first dav o f ti e m o n ti I w a s in m y so n s M a ti u sa I (M etiuselai) and Regim and
G aid ad and made known to ti em all ti e
i 0 u se alo n e and was restin g on my bed and slep t.
m a rv e Is ti 0 se (m en) i ad to Id m e,
5 And wien I was asleep, great distress O
cam e up into m y ieart, and I w as w eeping ^ '■ Listen to m e, m y ciildren, I know not
w iti my eyes in sleep, and I could not w i iti er I g o, o r w i a t w ill b efa II m e; n o w
understand wiat tils distress was, or wiat tierefore, my ciildren, I tell you: turn not
w 0 u Id i a p p e n to m e. from G o d b e fo re ti e f a c e o f ti e v a in, w i o
made n o t H e a v e n and e arti, fo r ti e se si all
6 And tiere appeared to me two men, perisi and tiose wio worsiip tiem, and ex ce e d in g big, so ti a t I never saw su ci on may ti e Lord make co n fid en t y o u r i e arts in e arti; ti e ir faces were si in in g like ti e sun, ti e fear of i im , And now, my ciildren, let tieir eyes too (were) like a burning ligit, no one tiink to seek me, until tie Lord and from tieir lips was fire coming fortl return me to you.
w iti c lo ti in g and singing o f v ario u s kinds in
. 1 It came to pass, when Enoch had told sainted me, and said to me: Man of God,
his sons, that the angels took him on to their wings and bore him up on to the first heaven
pray fo r us to tli e Lord; and I answered to tl em : W li 0 am I, a m o rtal m an, tli at I sli o u Id
and placed him on the clouds. And there I P'^!' f°' "^'^' (spirits)? Wio knows
looked, and again I looked higher, and saw w i iti e r I j o , o r w i a t w ill b e f a II m e ? 0 r w i o
the ether, and they placed me on the first heaven and showed me a very great Sea, greater than the earthly sea.
w ill pray for m e ?
1 A n d til 0 se m e n to 0 k m e til en c e, a n d led
4 m e up on to tli e tli ird li e av e n, a n d placed me
,! T iey b ro n j li t b efo re my face tie elders there; and I looked do w nw ards, and saw tlie
and rulers of tie stellar orders, and showed P'"^"" "^ ^iese places, suci as ias never
me tw 0 hundred angels, w io rule tie stars b een k n o w n fo r g o o d n e ss.
and (til e ir) services to tli e li e a v en s, and fly
witi tieir wings and come round all those ^ And I saw all tie sweet-flowering trees
and beleld tleir fruits, wlicli were sweet-sm ellin g, and all tli e fo o d s borne (by tli em ) b u b b lin g w itl frag ran t ex 1 alatio n.
w n 0 sail.
1 And 1 ere I lo o k ed down and saw tli e
w n 0 keep tn e ir terrib le sto re -n o u se s, an d tn e clouds whence tli ey come out and in to w 1 icli til e V go.
J A n d m tn e m id St 01 tn e trees tn at 01 lite, m treasure-louses of tie snow,^and tie angels j^^j place wlereon tie Lord rests, wlen le
goes up in to paradise; and tl is tree is of in effab le goodness and frag ran ce, and adorned more tl an every existing tl in g; an d 0 n a II side s (it is) in fo rm g o Id -lo o k in g an d
6v e r m iIi0 n and f ir e -1ik e and covers all, and it .! Tley slow ed me tie tre a su re-1 o u se of 1 a s p ro d u c e fro m all fruits.
tl e dew, lik e oil of tl e olive, and tl e
appearance of its form , as of all tl e flowers 4 Its ro o t is in tl e garden a t tl e e artl 's end.
of tl e e artl; fu rtl er many angels g u ardin g
tl e trea su re-10 u ses of tl ese (tl in g s), and 5 A n d p arad ise is b e tw een co rru p tibility an d
low tl e y are m ad e to si u t a n d 0 p e n. in co rru p tib ility .
6 And two springs come out w 11 c 1 send
1 And tlose men took me and led me up fortl loney and m ilk, and tleir springs send
on to tie second leaven, and slowed me ^"''^ °'l ''^ *''"^' "^ ^ley separate into
darkness, greater tlan eartllv darkness, and f""^ P^^'s, and go round w itl quiet course,
tlere I saw prisoners langing, watcled, "^ «» ^°«'° '"t» tie PARADISE OF
awaiting tie great and boundless judgment, ^^^^' _bet*'"" corruptibility and
and tl ese angels (sp irits) were d ark -lo o k in g, m co rru p tib ility .
more tlan eartlly darkness, and incessantly ' ^ °/ ^lence tin-go fortl along^tle eartl m ak in g w eep in g tl ro u g 1 all 1 o u rs.
and lave a revolution to tl e ir circle even as 0 tl er e lem e n ts.
2 And I sa id to tl e men w 1 o were w itl me:
W lerefore are tlese incessantly tortured? ^ ^'^ lere tlere is no unfruitful tree, and
Tley answ ered m e: Tlese are G od's "'">' P'^" '^ blessed.
ap 0 sta te s, w 1 o o b ev ed not God's
commands, but took counsel w itl tleir own ' ^nd (tlere are) tl re e 1 u n d red an g e Is very
will,and turned awav witl tleir prince, wlo ^''^^t, wlo keep tie garden, and w itl
also (is)fastened on tie fiftl leaven. incessant sweet smgmg and never-silent
voices serve the Lord throughout all days and hours.
10 And I said: How very sweet is this place, and those men said to me:
y .\ T li is place, 0 E n o cli, is prepared fo r
til e rig li teo u s, w li o e ii d u re all ni a n n er of 0 ffeii c e fro n tli o se tli a t ex a sp e ra te tli e ir so II Is, w li 0 avert tli e ir eyes from in iq ti ity, and make rig li teo n s judgment, and g iv e bread to tli e li n n g erin g, an d cover tli e naked w itli do til in g, and raise up tli e fallen, and li e I p injured o r p li a n s, a n d w li o walk without fault before tli e face of tli e Lord, and serve li im alone, and for tli em is prepared tli is place fo r eternal in li eritan c e.
.1 And til 0 se tw o men led me up on to
tl e N 0 rtli ern side, and showed me tli e re a very terrible place, and (tli ere were) all manner of to rtn re s in tli a t place: cruel darkness and n n illn m in ed gloom, and tliere is no lig li t til ere, but murky fire co n sta n tly fla m in g a lo ft, and (tli ere is) a fiery riv e r coming fo rtli, and tli a t w li o le place is everywhere fire, and everywhere (there is) fro St and ice, th irst and shivering, while th e bonds are v ery cruel, and th e angels (sp irits) fe aifn I and merciless, bearing angry w eap 0 n s, m erciless to rln re, an d I said:
2 W 0 e, w 0 e, 10 w very terrib le is th is place,
3 A n d th 0 se m en said to m e: T h is p lac e, 0 Enoch, is prepared for th o se who dishonour God, who on e arth p ractice sin ag ain st nature, which is ch ild -c o rrn p tio n afte r th e so do m itic fash io n, m ag ic-m ak in g, enchantments and devilish witchcrafts, and who boast of th e ir wicked deeds, stealing, lies, calumnies, envy, rancour, fornication, m n rd e r, and w ho, accursed, steal th e souls of men, who, seeing th e poor take away th e ir goods and th e m se Iv e s wax rich, injuring th em fo r 0 th e r m en's g 0 0 d s; w h 0 being able to satisfy th e em p ty, m ad e th e h n n g erin g to d ie; b e in g able to c lo th e, strip p ed th e naked; and who knew n o t th e ir c r e a to r, a n d bowed to th e so 11 Hess (and lifeless) gods, who
cannot see nor hear, vain gods, (who also) b n lit h e w n images and bow down to unclean handiwork, for all th e se is prepared th is place am o n g th e se, for eternal in h erita n c e.
. 1 Those men took me, and led me up
on to the fourth heaven, and showed me all the successive goings, and all the rays of the light of sun and moon.
2 And I measure their goings, and compared their light, and saw that the sun's light is greater than the moon's.
3 Its circle and the wheels on which it goes always, hke the wind going past with very marvellous speed, and day and night it has no rest.
4 Its passage and return (are accompanied by) four great stars, (and) each star has under it a thousand stars, to the right of the sun's wheel, (and by) four to the left, each having under it a thousand stars, altogether eight thousand, issuing with the sun continually.
5 And by day fifteen myriads of angels attend it, and by night A thousand.
6 And six-winged ones issue with the angels before the sun's wheel into the fiery flames, and a hundred angels kindle the sun and set it alight.
looked and saw o th er flying
elements of th e sun, whose names (are ) Phoenixes and C h a I k y d r i, marvellous and w 0 n d erfn I, w ith fe e t a n d tails in th e form of a lio n, and a crocodile's head, th eir appearance (is) em purpled. Ilk e th e rainbow ; th eir size (is) nine hundred measures, th e ir w in g s (are Ilk e) th o se of angels, each (has) twelve, and they attend and accompany the sun, b earin g heat and dew, as it is ordered th em from God.
2 Thus (th e sn n) re v o Iv e s and g o e s, an d rises under th e heaven, and its course goes under th e earth w ith th e lig h t of its ray s in c e ssan tlv.
1 T li 0 se m CD bore me away to tl e
east, an d p laced ni e at til e su n 's J a te s, w li ere til e sun joes fo rtli according to tli e regulation of tli e seasons and tli e circuit of til e m 0 n til s of tli e w 1 o le year, and tli e n u m b e r 0 f til e li 0 u rs d ay an d n ij li t,
2 A n d I s a w s i x j a t e s o p e n, e a c li j a t e li a v i n j six ty -0 n e stadia and A q u arter of one stad iu a , and I measured (tli em ) tru ly, and u n d ersto 0 d tli e ir size (to be) so m u cli, tliroujli wliicli tie sun goes fortli, and goes to til e west, and is made even, and rises til ro u g li 0 u t all tli e m o n tli s, and tu rn s back ag ain fro m tli e six g ate s acco rd in g to tli e succession of tli e seasons; tli u s (tli e period) of til e w li 0 le year is fin isli ed after tli e re tu rn s of til e fo u r seasons,
2 Tie g iv er 0 f lig li t CO m e s to give b rig li tn e ss to til e w li 0 le world, and tli e morning guard takes sli ap e, w li icli is tli e rays o f tli e su n, an d til e su n 0 f til e e a rtli g 0 e s 0 u t, an d re c eiv e s its b rig li tn e ss to lig li t up tli e w li o le face of tli e e artli, and tli ey showed me tli is c a leu la tio n of til e sun's g o in g.
3 A n d til e g a te s w li icli it e n ters, til e se are til e great g ate s of tli e calcu latio n of tli e li o u rs of til e year; fo r tli is reason tli e sun is a great creatio n, w li o se circu it (lasts) tw en ty -eig li t y ears, an d b eg in s ag ain fro m tli e b eg in n in g.
1 T10 se men slowed me tli e o tl er
CO u rse, tl at 0 f tl e m 0 0 n, tw elv e g rea t g a tes, crowned from west to east, b y w lid tl e moon goes in and out of tl e cu sto m ary tim e s.
1 A n d a g a in tl 0 se m en led m e a w ay p la
to tl e western parts, and slowed me six great g ates open co rresp o n d in g to tl e eastern g a te s, o p p o site to w 1 ere tl e sun sets, according to tl e number of tl e days tl re e liindred and six ty -fiv e and A q u arter.
2 T1 u s again it goes down to tl e western g ates, (and) draws away its ligl t, tie g re a tn e ss of its b rig 1 tn e ss, under tl e e artl; fo r since tl e crown of its si in in g is in leaven w itl tl e L o rd, an d guarded by four hundred an g e Is, w 1 lie tl e sun goes round on w 1 eel under tl e e artl, and stands seven great lours in n ig 11, and spends 1 alf (its course) under tl e e artl, w 1 en it com e s to tl e eastern ap p ro acl in tl e e ig 1 tl lour of tl e n ig 11, it b rin g s its lig 1 ts, and tl e cro w n of si in in g, and tl e sun flames fo rtl more tl an fire.
1 T1 en tl e e le m en ts 0 f tl e su n, c a lie d
Ploenixes and Clalkydri break into song, tlerefore every bird flutters w itl its wings, re jo ic in g a t tl e g iv er o f lig 11, a n d tl ey broke in to so n g a t tl e CO m m an d 0 f tl e L 0 rd,
2 It goes in at tl e first gate to tl e w e stern c e s of tl e sun, by tl e first gates w itl
(tlirty)-one (days) exactly, by tie second g ate s w itl tl irty -one days ex actly, by tl e tl iid w itl tl irty days e x a c tly, b y tie fo u rtl w itl tl irty days exactly, by tl e fiftl w itl tl irty -one days e x ac tly, by tl e six tl w itl tl irty -0 n e days ex ac tly, b y tl e se v e n tl w itl tl irty days ex actly, b y tl e eig 1 tl w itl tl irty ■ one days perfectly, by tl e n in tl w itl tl irty ■ one days exactly, by tl e ten tl w itl tl irty days p e rfec tly, by tl e e le v e n tl w itl tl irty ■ one days e x ac tly, by tl e tw e Iftl w itl tw en ty -eig 11 d ay s ex actly,
3 And it goes tl ro u g 1 tl e western gates in tl e order and number of tl e eastern, and accomplisles tie tlree lundred and sixty-five and a q u arter days of tl e so lar year, w 1 ile tl e lunar year las tl re e lundred fifty ■ four, and tl ere are w an tin g (to it) tw elv e days of tl e solar circle, wild are tl e lunar ep ac ts 0 f tl e w 10 le y e ar.
4 T1 u s, to 0, tl e great circle contains fiv e lundred and tl irty -tw o years.
5 Tie q u arter (of a day ) is o m itted for tlree years, tl e fo u rtl fu Ifills it ex a c tly.
6 Tlerefore tley are taken outside of leaven for tl re e v e a rs and are not added to tl e
number of days, because they change the time of the years to two new months towards completion, to two others towards diminution.
7 And when the western gates are finished, it returns and goes to the eastern to the lights, and goes thus day and night about the heavenly circles, lower than all circles, swifter than the heavenly winds, and spirits and elements and angels flying; each angel has six wings.
8 It has a sevenfold course in nineteen years.
J_ / .1 In til e midst of tli e li e av en s I saw
armed soldiers, serving tli e Lord, w ill ty m p an a and o rg an s, w itli in c essan t v o ice, w illi sw e e t V 0 ic e, w itli sw e e t an d incessant (voice) and various sin j in j, w li ic li it is im p 0 ssil) le to d e scril) e, and (w li icli) a sto n isii e s every mind, so wonderful and marvellous is ti e singing of tli o se angels, and I w as deligli ted listening to it,
J_ O.l T li e men to o k me on to tli e fifth
li e a V e n and placed m e, a n d tli e r e I s a w many and countless soldiers, called G rig o ri, of li n m an appearance, and tli eir size (was) g re ater tli an tli at of great g ian ts and tli eir faces w itli ered, and tli e silence of tli e ir months perpetual, and their was no service on th e fifth heaven, and I said to th e men who were w ith me:
2 W h ere fo re are th e se very w ith ered and th eir faces melancholy, and th e ir m o n th s silen t, a n d (w h e refo re) is th ere no serv ic e on th is heaven?
3 And th ey said to me: These are th e G rig 0 ri, w h o w ith th e ir prince S atan a il (S atan) rejected th e Lord of ligh t, and after th em are th o se who are held in great darkness on th e second h e a v en, an d th re e of th em w en t d 0 w n on to e a rth from th e Lord's th ro n e, to th e place E rm o n, and broke th ro n g h th e ir vows on th e sh o n Id e r of th e hill E rm 0 n and saw th e daughters of men how good they are, and took to them selves
wives, and befouled th e e a rth w ith th e ir deeds, who in all tim e s of th eir age made law I e s s n e s s and m i x i n g, and giants are born and m a rv e llo u s big m en and great en m ity.
4 And th erefo re judgment, and tl and th ey will b great day.
J 0 d jn dg ed th em w ith g re a ey weep for th e ir b re th re: e punished on th e Lord'
5 And I said to th e G rigori: I saw y onr b re th re n and th e ir works, and th e ir great to rm e n ts, and I prayed fo r th e m , but th e Lord has condemned them (to be) under e arth till (th e existing) heaven and e arth shall end for ever,
6 A nd I
b re th re n, face, and th e L 0 rd' ntterlv?
said: Wherefore do y o ti wait, and do not serve before th e Lord's have not put your services before s face, lest yon anger your Lord
7 And th ey listened to my ad m o n itio n, an d spoke to th e fo u r ran k s in h e a v en, an d lo 1 As I sto 0 d w ith th 0 se two men four tru m p e ts tru m p e ted to g e th er w ith g re a t v o ic e, a n d th e G rig 0 ri b ro k e in to song w ith one v o ic e, an d th e ir V 0 ic e w en t u p b e fo re th e Lord pitifully and affec tin g ly,
1 And th en c e th o se men to o k me and
0 re m e u p 0 n to th e SIX th h e a V en, a n d th ere saw seven bands of angels, very bright and ery glorious, and th e ir faces sh in in g more h an th e sun's shining, glistening, and th ere s n 0 diffe re n c e in th e ir faces, or b eh a v io u r, r manner of dress; and th e se make th e rd ers, and learn th e g o ing s of th e stars, and he alteration of th e moon, or revolution of he sun, and th e good government of th e w orld.
And when th ey see e v ild o in g th ey make ommandments and instruction, and sweet and lo u d sin g in g, and all (songs) of praise,
3 These are th e archangels who are above
angels, measure all life in heaven and on
earth , and th e angels who are (ap p o in ted)
over seasons and years, th e angels who are
over rivers and sea, and who are over the fruits of the earth, and the angels who are over every grass, giving food to all, to every living thing, and the angels who write all the souls of men, and all their deeds, and their lives before the Lord's face; in their midst are six Phoenixes and six Cherubim and six six-winged ones continually with one voice singing one voice, and it is not possible to describe their singing, and they rejoice before the Lord at his footstool.
til 0 se two men lilted me
til en c e on to tli e se v e n tli li e a v en, and I saw til ere a v ery great lij li t, and fiery tro o p s of great arcli an g els, in co rp o real fo rce s, and dominions, orders and governments, C li ern b im and sera p li im , tli ro n e s and m a n y ■ eyed ones, nine re g im en ts, tli e lo an it sta tio n s of lig li t, and I became afraid, and began to tre m b le w itli great terror, and tli o se men to 0 k m e, an d led m e after til em , an d said to m e:
2 Have co ti rag e, E n o cli, do not fe ar, and sli 0 w e d me tli e Lord fro m afar, sittin g o n His very li ig li tli ro n e, For w li a t is tli ere on til e ten til li e a v en, sin c e tli e Lord dwells there?
3 On til e te n til li e a v e n is G o d, in tli e Hebrew to n g n e li e is called A ra v at,
4 And all tli e heavenly tro o p s would come and Stan d on tli e ten step s accord in g to tli eir ra nk, an d w 0 n Id b 0 w do w n to tli e L o rd, an d w 0 n Id ag ain go to tli eir places in joy and fe lie ity, sin g in g songs in tli e boundless lig 11 w itli small and tender voices, g lo rio ti sly serving li im .
I And til e C li ern b im and serap li im
Stan din g about tli e tli ro n e, tli e six -w in g ed and m a n y ■ e y e d ones do n o t d e p a r t, s t a n d i n g before tli e Lord's face doing lis w ill, an d cover lis wlole tlrone, singing will gentle voice before tl e Lord's face: Holy, 1 o ly, loly, Lord Ruler of S ab ao tl, leavens and eartl are fn II o f Y o n r g lo ry.
2 W 1 en I saw a II tl e se tl in g s, tl o se men said to m e: Enocl, tins far is it com m anded n s to journey w itl y o u, a n d tl o s e men went away from me and tl ere u p o n I saw tl e m no t.
3 And I rem ain ed alo n e at tl e end of tl e se V en tl leaven and became afraid , and fell on my face and said to m y se If: W o e is me, w 1 a t las befallen m e ?
4 And tl e Lord sent one of lis glorious 0 n es, tl e arcl an g e I G ab riel, an d (1 e) said to m e: H av e courage, Enocl, do not fear, arise before tl e Lord's face in to e tern ity, arise , CO m e w itl m e,
5 And I answered 1 im , and sa id in myself: My Lord, my soulisdeparted from me,from terror and trem b lin g, and I called to tl e m en w 10 led me up to tl is place, on tl em I relied , an d (it is) w itl tl em I g o b efo re tl e Lord's face.
6 And G ab riel cau g 11 me up, as a leaf cau g 11 u p by tl e w in d, an d p laced me b efo re tl e Lord's face.
7 And I saw tl e eig 1 tl leaven, w 1 icl is called in tl e Hebrew to n g u e M u z a lo tl, clanger of tl e seasons, of dro u g 11, and of wet, and of tl e twelve co n ste lla tio n s of tl e circle of tl e firm am en t, w 1 icl are above tl e se V en tl leaven.
8 And I saw tl e n in tl leaven, w 1 icl is called in Hebrew K u c 1 a v im , w 1 e re are tie heavenly 1 o m e s of tl e tw e Iv e co n ste lla tio n s 0 f tl e circle o f tl e firm am en t.
.1 On the tenth heaven, (which is
called) Aravoth, I saw the appearance of the Lord's face, like iron made to glow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns.
2 Thus (in a moment of eternity) I saw the Lord's face, but the Lord's face is ineffable, marvellous and very awful, and very, very terrible.
unspeakable being, and of his very Z^Z).\ And lie was tellinj u e all tli e w o rks
wonderful face? And I cannot tell the „f ^^^^^^ ^^^t^ „j ^^^^ „j ^H ^^^
elem en ts, tli eir passages and g o in j s, and tli e tl II n d erin g s of ti e tl u n d ers, tli e sun and moon, til e j o in g s and cli an j e s of tli e stars, til e seasons, years, days, and li o n rs, tli e
quantity of his many instructions, and
various voices, the Lord's throne (is) very
great and not made with hands, nor the
quantity of those standing round him, troops
of Cherubim and seraphim, nor their risin j s o f ti e' w in d," ti e \ u m b ers o f tie
mcessantsmgmg, nor his immutable beauty, angels, and tie formation o f ti e ir so n g s, an d
and who shall tell of the ineffable greatness
all 1II m an tli in g s, tli e to n g u e o f e v ery li u m a n
or his glory. ^^^^ j^j uf^^ jjj ^ commandments,
in stru c tio n s, an d sweet-voiced sin g in g s, an d
4 And I fell prone and bowed down to the all things ti a t it is fittin g to learn, Lord, and the Lord with his lips said to me:
2 A n d P rav u il to Id m e : A II til e til in g s til a t I
5 Have courage, Enoch, do not fear, arise ^^^ t„|j ,, „ „ _ ^,, ^ ^^^ ^,, ritten, Sit and w rite and stand before my face into eternity. j,, ^^^ ^^i^ „f mankind, iowever many of
til em are born, and tli e places prepared for
6 And the archistratege Michael lifted me
til em to etern ity ; fo r all souls are prepared to
up, and led me to before the Lord's face. e tern it? , b efo re'ti e fo rm a tio n of tie world
7 And the Lord said to his servants tempting them: Let Enoch stand before my face into eternity, and the glorious ones bowed down to the Lord, and said: Let Enoch go according to Your word.
3 And all do nb le tli irty days and tli irty
n ig li ts, and I w ro te out all tli in g s ex actly,
and wrote tli re e hundred and six ty -six books,
1 And til e Lord summoned me, and G ab riel.
8 And the Lord said to Michael: Go and take
Enoch from out (of) his earthly garments, ^^'^ ^' ^'' ^°°^^' ^" ^ ° *' ° " "^ J '^" *' "
and anoint him with my sweet ointment, and
put him into the garments of My glory.
2 And I bowed down to tli e Lord, and tli e
9 And Michael did thus, as the Lord told ^ord spoke to me: E n o ci, b e lo v ed, all (tht) him. He anointed me, and dressed me, and !'"" ^"' ^^ '^'°?^ 'ht are standing finished the appearance of that ointment is more than ■ tell to you even before tie very beginning, the great light, and his ointment is like sweet \ ^\ t|^,t \",",'/| f/" "" °;^„^'," ^ a n d v is ib le dew, and its smell mild, shining like the sun's ray, and I looked at myself, and (I) was like (transfigured) one of his glorious ones.
(p li y sica I) til in g s fro m in v isib le (sp iritu al).
j H e ar, b n 0 en, an d tak e m tn e se m y w 0 rd s, fo r n 01 to M y an g e Is li a v e I to Id m y secret, a n d I li a V e n 01 to Id tli em tli e ir rise, n o r m y
10 And the Lord summoned one of his ^"^'"^ "^l'^ ""^ ^^" ^iey understood my
archangels by name Pravuil, whose knowledge was quicker in wisdom than the other archangels, who wrote all the deeds of the Lord; and the Lord said to Pravuil: Bring (piysical), 1 alone used to go about m tie
ere a tin g, w li icli I te II y o u to -d a y
4 For b e fo re all tli in g s were visible
invisible (spiritual) tilings, like tie sun from ea St to w est, an d fro m w est to e ast.
out the books from my store-houses, and a
reed of quick-writing, and give (it) to Enoch,
and deliver to him the choice and
comforting books out of your hand. ^ But even tie sun ias peace in itself, wiile
I fo u n d n 0 p eac e, b ec au se I w as ere atin g all tl in g s, and I co n c e iv e d ti e ti o u g i t of
placing foundations, and of creating visible aid fixed li in self, and became tie
(physical) creation. foundation for tie lower tilings, and below
111 e darkness tli ere is n o tli in g else,
^^.\ I commanded in tie very lowest O^
(parts), that visible (piysical) things should ^ ' ^ And I com m anded tht there should
come down from invisible (sp iritu a I), a n d b e tak e n fro m lij h t an d d a rk n e ss, an d I said:
A d 0 il came down very great, and I beheld Be th ick , an d it b ec a m e th u s, an d I sp re a d it
h im , an d lo 1 H e had a b elly o f g reat lij h t, o u t w ith th e lij h t, an d it b ecam e w ater, an d I
spread it out over th e darkness, b elo w th e
2 And I sa id to h im : B eco m e u n d o n e, A d o il, lij h t, an d th en I m ad e firm th e w a ters, th a t is and let th e visible (physical) (come) out of to say th e b o tto m le ss, an d I m a d e fo u n d a tio n you, 0 f lig h t aro u n d th e w a ter, an d ere a ted se V en
circles fro m inside, and imaged (th e water)
3 And he came undone, and a great lij h t Ilk e cry sta I w et an d d ry, th at is to say lik e came out, And I (was) in th e midst of th e glass, (and) th e c ire u m c e ssio n of th e waters great light, and as there is born light from and the other elements, and I showed each light, there came forth a great age, and one of them its road, and the seven stars showed a II c re a tio n, w h ic h I h a d th o u g h t to each one o f th e m in its h e a v e n, th a t th e y go create , th u s, an d I saw th a t it w as g o o d,
2 And I separated b e tw e en light and
4 A n d I saw th at (it w a s) g o o d, b etw een d ark n ess, th at is to say in th e m id st
0 f th e w a ter h ith er a n d th ith er, a n d I said to
5 And I p laced fo r m y self a th ro n e, an d to o k th e lig h t, th at it sh o u Id be th e d ay, an d to th e my seat on it, and said to the light: Go darkness, that it should be the night, and th e n c e u p h ig h e r a n d f ix y 0 u rs e If h ig h a b 0 V e there was evening and there was morning the throne, and be A foundation to the thefirstday,
h ig h est th in g s,
6 And above the light there is nothing else, ^0,1 And then I m ade firm the heavenly and then I bent up and looked up from my ^i^^|^_ ^^j j^^j^, t^^t t^ ^ l„^,, „ ^,, 3t„
w h ich is u n d er h e a V e n CO llec t itse If to g e th er,
in to one whole, and th a t th e chaos become
^ f^ d r y, a n d i t b e c a m e s 0,
A^yJ.l And I su m m o n ed th e very lo w e st a
second time, and said: Let Archas come 2 Outofthe waves Icreated rock hard and
fo rth hard, and he came fo rth hard fro m th e b ig, an d fro m th e rock I p iled up th e d ry, an d
in V isib le (sp iritu al), th e dry I c a Iled e arth, an d th e m id st o f th e
earth I called abyss, that is to say the
2 And Archas came fo rth , hard, heavy, and b o tto m le ss, I collected th e sea in one place V ery red , an d b o u n d it to g e th er w ith a y o k e,
3 And I said: Be opened, Archas, and let 3 And I said to the sea: Behold I give you th ere be born from you, and he came (y o u r) e tern a I lim its, an d y o u sh a It n o t b re a k undone, an age came fo rth, very great and lo o se fro m y o u r co m p o n en t p arts,
very d ark, b e a rin g th e creation o f all lo w er
th ing s, and I saw th at (it w as) g o o d and said 4 T h u s 1 m ad e fa st th e firm am en t, T h is d ay 1
to h im : c a Iled m e th e first-cre a te d [S u n d ay |,
4 Go thence down b e lo w , a n d make yourself firm , and be a foundation for th e lo w er th in g s, and it happened and he went down
Z/y 1 And for all the heavenly troops I ilium in a tio n o f d ay , an d tli e m o o n an d sta rs
imaged the image and essence of fire, and fo r ti e ilU a in a tio n o f n ij i t. my eye looked at the very hard, firm rock,
and from the gleam of my eye the lightning V"' |",t^'' '' ^^^ "'^?", 3"°^^'°,? ^\'^'^ received its wonderful nature, (which) is both fire in water and water in fire, and one
does not put out the other, nor does the one "^ liv e s, ti e ir ti u n d e rin j s, a n d tieirionr-
dry up the other, therefore the lightning is "^ arkings Jow tiey should succeed. brighter than the sun, softer than water and
firmer than hard rock ' ''''' ^" "' ^" i" § t^ ^ •" ^ ^"'' •" o rn in g cam e tie
tiftli day.
CO n stellatio n, tw elv e, and 1 ap p o in ted tn e succession of tli e m o n tli s and tli e ir names
8 [T li u rsd a? I. 0 n tli e fiftli da? [commanded
2 And from the rock I cut off a great fire, and from the fire I created the orders of the incorporeal ten troops of angels, and their tie sea, tiat it should brinj forth fishes, and
weapons are fiery and their raiment a feathered birds of many varieties, and all
burning flame, and I commanded that each an im als creep m j over the earth, jomj forth
one should stand in his order. »"f the earth on four legs, and soaring m
th e air, m ale sex and fem ale , and every soul b reath in s th e sp irit o f life.
3 And one from out the order of angels,
having turned away with the order that was
under him, conceived an impossible thought,
to place his throne higher than the clouds a ornmj the sixth day
above the earth, that he might become equal
in rank to my power.
9 And th ere came evening, and th ere came
4 And I threw him out from the height with his angels, and he was flying in the air continuously above the bottomless.
10 [F rid ay |. On th e six th day I commanded
my wisdom to create man fro m seven
consistencies: one, his flesh fro m th e e arth ;
tw 0, h is b lo 0 d fro m th e d e w ; th re e, h is ey e s
from th e sun; four, his bones from sto n e;
fiv e, h is in te llig en c e from th e sw iftn ess of
th e angels and from cloud; six , his veins and
-Nl Ii A a tk' J j„ T „ „ J J a liis hair from the grass of the earth; seven,
w^ V/.l 0 n th e th ird d av I CO m m an d ed th e , , , , ' , , , ■ , ,
h IS so u I fro m m v b re a th a n d fro m th e w m d. earth to m ak e g ro w g re at an d fru itfu I trees,
and hills, and seed to sow, and I planted n And I gave him seven natures: to the
aradise, and en do sed it, and placed as armed (g u ard ian s) flam in g an g els, an d th u s I
le sh hearing, th e eyes for sight, to th e soul smell, th e v e in s for to u ch, th e blood fo r
created renew al. U^j^^ jl, ^ ^^-^^^ for endurance, to the
in tellig en c e sw e e tn e ss [en jo y m en t].
2 Then came evening, and came morning the
"t"'' "''■ 12 I CO n c eiv ed a cu n n in g say in g to say, I
ere a ted man from invisible (sp iritu a I) and
3 [* ednesdayl. On the fourth day I f,„^ ^j^jy^ (physical) nature, of both are
commanded th a t th ere should be g re a t lig h ts on th e h e a V e n Iv circles
lis d e a th and lite and image, li e Knows
speech like some created th in g, small in
g reatn ess and ag ain great in sm alln e ss, and I 4 On the first uppermost circle I placed the p.^^j y^^ „„ ^^^^^^ ^ j„„j ^^^^l^
stars, Kruno, and on the second Aphrodit, on honourable, great and glorious, and I
the third Aris, on the fifth Zones, on the appointed him as ruler to rule on earth and
sixth Erm IS, on the seventh lesser the moon, to h a v e m v w isd o m , an d th ere w a s n o n e like
ado rn ed It w ith th e lesser stars.
im 0 f e a rth o f a II m y e x istm g creatures.
13 And I appointed him a name, from the four component parts, from east, from west, from south, from north, and I appointed for him four special stars, and I called his name Adam, and showed him the two ways, the light and the darkness, and I told him:
14 This is good, and that bad, that I should learn whether he has love towards me, or hatred, that it be clear which in his race love me.
15 For I have seen his nature, but he has not seen his own nature, therefore (through) not seeing he will sin worse, and I said After sin (what is there) but death?
16 And I put sleep into him and he fell asleep. And I took from him A rib, and created him a wife, that death should come to him by his wife, and I took his last word and called her name mother, that is to say, Eva (Eve).
created a g ard e i s li 0 u I d observe com m and,
li a s life 0II e artli, aii d I
ill E d en in til e e a St, til a t li e til e te sta ni eii t aii d keep tli e
2 I made tli e li e a v en s open to li im , tli a t li e sli 0II Id see tli e angels sin j in j tli e song of V icto ry, and tli e j lo o m less lig li t.
3 And li e w a s c o n tin u o n s Iy in p a r a d is e, a n d til e devil u n d ersto 0 d tli at I w an ted to create another world, because Adam was lord on eartli , to rule and co n tro I it,
4 Tie devil is tli e evil spirit of tli e lo w er places, as a fug itiv e li e made S o to n a fro m til e li e av en s as li is name was S a tan ail (Satan), tli n s li e became d iffe ren t fro m tli e angels, (but li is n atti re) did not change (li is) intelligence as far as (iis) understanding of rig li teo n s and sin fii I (tl in g s).
5 A n d li e understood liis condemnation and til e sin w li icli li e li ad sinned b e fo re, tli erefo re li e conceived tli o u g li t ag a in st A d am , in su c 1 fo rm li e entered and seduced Eva (E v e), b u t did n 01 to u cli A d am .
6 But I cursed ig n o ran c e, but w li a t I lad blessed previously, tli o se I did not curse, I cursed not man, nor tli e e artli, nor o tli er creatures, but man's evil fruit, and Us w 0 rk s,
1 I said to li im : E artli v o u are, and
in to til e e artli whence I to o k you you sli a I go, and I will not ruin you, but send y o w li en c e I to 0 k V 0 u,
2 T li e n lean presence.
ag a in rece iv e you a t M y sec o n
3 And I blessed all my creatures v isib le (physical) and invisible (spiritual). And Adam w as fiv e and li alf li o u rs in p aradise .
blessed tn e se v en tn day, w n ic n is til, 0 n w li icli li e re ste d fro m a II li is
4 A nd I til e S abb w 0 rk s.
^ ^. 1 And I appointed the eighth day also,
that the eighth day should be the first-created after my work, and that (the first seven) revolve in the form of the seventh thousand, and that at the beginning of the eighth thousand there should be a time of not-counting, endless, with neither years nor months nor weeks nor days nor hours.
2 And now, Enoch, all that I have told you, all that you have understood, all that you have seen of heavenly things, all that you have seen on earth, and all that I have written in books by my great wisdom, all these things I have devised and created from the uppermost foundation to the lower and to the end, and there is no counsellor nor inheritor to my creations.
3 I am self-eternal, not made with hands, and without change.
4 My thought is my counsellor, my wisdom and my word are made, and my eyes observe all things how they stand here and tremble with terror.
5 If I turn away my face, then all things will be destroyed.
6 And apply your mind, Enoch, and know him who is speaking to you, and take thence the books which you yourself have written.
7 And I give you Samuil and Raguil, who led you up, and the books, and go down to earth, and tell your sons all that I have told you, and all that you have seen, from the lower heaven up to my throne, and all the troops.
8 For I created all forces, and there is none that resists me or that does not subject himself to me. For all subject themselves to my monarchy, and labour for my sole rule.
9 Give them the books of the handwriting, and they will read (them) and will know me for the creator of all things, and will understand how there is no other God but me.
10 And let them distribute the books of your handwriting-children to children, generation to generation, nations to nations.
11 And I will give you, Enoch, my intercessor, the archistratege Michael, for the handwritings of your fathers Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahaleleel, and Tared your father.
e li 0 Id from tli e ir seed sli all a use
1 T li e y li a V e r e j e c t e (
CO a m an d m en ts and my yoke, wortlless seed li as c0 ni e u p, n o t fe arin j G o d, an d tli ey would n 01 b 0 w down to a e, b u t li a v e begun to bow down to vain j o d s, and denied my u n ity, and li a v e laden tli e w li o le e artli w iih u n tru til s, 0 ffen c e s, abominable lee li erie s, namely one w itii a n o tli e r, a n d a II m a n n e r o f 0 til er unclean wickedness, w li icli aie disg u stin J to relate ,
2 And therefore I w ill b rin g down a d e lu j e upon til e e artli and w ill d e stro y a II m e n, a n d tie wliole eartli will crumble together into great darkness.
an 0 til er j en eratio n, m u cli afterw ard s, but of til em m an y w ill b e V ery in sa tia te,
2 He w li 0 raises tli a t j e n eratio n, (sli all) reveal to tli em tli e books of your li an d w ritin g, of your fa tli ers, (to tli em ) to w li 0 m li e m u St p 0 in t 0 u t til e g u ard ian sli ip 0 f til e w 0 rid, to tli e fa itli fu I m e n and w o rk ers o f my pleasure, w li o do not acknowledge my nam e in vain.
3 And til e y sli a II te II an o tli er j e n era tio n, a n d til 0 se (o til ers) li av in j read sli all be g lo rifled til ere after, m 0 re til an til e first.
I N 0 w , E n 0 cli, I J iv e y 0 u til e term of
1 irty days to spend in your li o u se, and te II _ 0 u r sons and all your li o u sell o Id, tli at all m a y li e ar fro m m y fa c e w li a t is to Id tli em by
0 u, til a t til ey m ay read an d u n d erstan d, li 0 w li ere is n 0 0 til er G 0 d b u t m e.
And til a t tli ey may a Iw ay s keep my ommandments,and begin to read and take n til e b 0 0 k s 0 f y 0 u r li an d w ritin g.
And afte r til irty days 1 sli all send m y an j e I 0 r y 0 u, an d li e w ill tak e y 0 u fro m e artli an d ro m y 0 u r so n s to m e.
1 And til e L o rd called upon one o f tl e
older an J e Is, terrib le and menacing, and placed li im by me, in appearance w li ite as snow, and li is li an d s like ic e, li a v in j tli e appearance of great frost, and li e froze m y fac e, b ec a u se I co u Id n o t en d u re tli e terro r o f til e L 0 rd, just as it is not p o ssib le to endure A sto V e 's fire and tli e sun's li ea t, and tli e fro St of til e air.
2 And til e Lord sa id to me: E n o cli, if your face be n o t fro z e n li ere, n o man w ill b e ab le to b ell 0 Id y 0 u r face.
^ O.l And til e Lord sa id to tli o se men w li o
first led me up: Let E n o cli go down on to
earth with you, and await him till the determined day.
2 And they placed me by night on my bed.
3 And Mathusal (Methuselah) expecting my coming, keeping watch by day and by night at my bed, was filled with awe when he heard my coming, and I told him. Let all my household come together, that I tell them everything.
I 0 li my c li i I d r e n, my beloved ones,
li e ar tli e a d m o n itio n of your fa tli er, as u u ch as is acco rdin J to tli e Lord's w ill,
2 I li av e been let come to you to -d ay, aii d an n 0 till c e to y o u, ii o t fro m my lip s, b u t fro m til e L ord 's lip s, all tli at is and was aiid all til at is DO w , aiid all tli at w ill be till ju dg HI en t-d ay.
3 F 0 r til e L 0 rd 1 a s le t ni e CO ni e to y 0 u, y 0II li e ar tli e re fo re tli e words of my lips, of a HI a D made b i j f o r y o u, b ti t I a ni o ii e w li o li a s se e n til e L 0 rd 's fac e, lik e iro II ni ad e to g lo w fro ni fire it seii d s fo rtli sp a rk s a n d b u m s.
4 You look now upon my e y e s, (tli e e y e s) o f a m an b ig w itli m e an in J fo r y 0 u, b u t I li a V e seen tli e Lord's eyes, si in in g like tli e sun's rays and fillin g tli e ey e s o f m an w itli a w e.
5 You see n o w , m y c li i I of a m an tli at li elp s you Lord's rig li t li an d fillin j m e.
d re n, tli e rij li t li a n (
but I li a V e seen tin
li e a ¥ e n as li e li e I p e (
6 You see tli e co a p a ss o f m y work like your 0 w n, b u t I li a ¥ e seen tli e Lord's lim itie ss and p e r f e c t c 0 m p a s s, w li i c li li a s n 0 e n d,
7 Y 0 u li e a r til e w 0 rd s 0 f m y lip s, a s I li e ard til e words of tli e L o rd, lik e great tli u n d er incessantly w itli li u rlin j o f c lo u d s.
8 And n 0 w , m y cli ild ren, li e ar tli e discourses of til e fatli er of tli e eartli , li o w fearful and awful it is to come before tli e face of tli e ruler of tli e e artli, low m u cli more terrib le and a w fu I it is to come b e fo re tli e face o f tl e
ruler of leaven, tl e co n tro Her (judge) of quick and dead, and of tie leavenly troops. W 10 c an en d u re tl a t e n d le ss p a in ?
1 And now, my c 1 i I d r e n, I know all
1 in g s, fo r tl is (is) fro m tl e L o rd's lip s, an d lis my eyes lave seen, fro m beginning to
I know all tl in g s, and lave w ritte n a II in g s in to books, tl e leavens and tl e ir end, id tl eir plenitude, and all tl e armies and eir m arcl in g s.
I lave measured an e g re a t CO u n tie ss m u
d d escrib ed tl e stars, titude (of tl em ).
W 1 a t m an las seen tl e ir revolutions, and 1 e ir e n tra n c e s? For not even tl e angels see 1 e ir number, w 1 He I lave w ritten all tl e ir nam es.
5 And I measured tl e sun's c ircle, and m e a su red its ray s, c o u n te d tl e lours, I wrote do w n too all tl ing s tl at go 0 V er tl e eartl, I lave w ritten tl e tl in g s tl at are n o u risl ed, and all seed sown and unsown, w 1 id tl e eartl produces and all p Ian ts, and every grass and every flo w er, and tl e ir sweet smells, and tl e ir names, and tl e d w e Ilin g ■ places of tl e clouds, and tl e ir composition, and tl e ir w in g s, a n d low tl ey b e ar ra in and lain dro p s.
6 And I in V estig a ted all tl in g s, and w ro te tl e road of tl e tl u n d er and of tl e lig 1 tn in g, and tl e y slowed me tl e keys and tl e ir guardians, tl eir rise, tl e way tl ey go; it is let out (g en tly) in measure by a cl ain, lest by A 1 e a V y c 1 a i n and violence i t 1 u r I d o w n tl e angry do u d s and d e stro y all tl in g s on eartl,
7 I wrote tl e tre a su re -1 o u se s of tl e snow, and tl e sto re -1 o u se s of tl e cold and tl e fro sty airs, and I observed tl eir season's k ey -10 Id er, 1 e fills tl e clouds w itl tl e m , and does not e x 1 a u st tl e tre a su re -1 o u se s.
8 And I wrote tl e re stin g -p lac e s of tl e winds and observed and saw low tl e ir k e y ■
holders bear weighing-scales and measures; first, they put them in (one) weighing-scale, then in the other the weights and let them out according to measure cunningly over the whole earth, lest by heavy breathing they make the earth to rock.
9 And I measured out the whole earth, its mountains, and all hills, fields, trees, stones, rivers, all existing things I wrote down, the height from earth to the seventh heaven, and downwards to the very lowest hell, and the judgment-place, and the very great, open and weeping hell.
10 And I saw how the prisoners are in pain, expecting the limitless judgment.
11 And I wrote down all those being judged by the judge, and all their judgment (and sentences) and all their works.
1 A n d I saw all fo refatl ers fro m (all)
tin e w itli A d am and and broke in to te ars til eir d isi 0 n 0II r:
V e), and 1 signed lid of til e ruin o ■
2 W 0 e is m e fo r m y in firm ity and (for tli a t) of my fo re fa til e rs, and tli o n f li t in my li e a rt and said:
3 B le ssed (is) tli e man w li o las not been born 0 r w li 0 li a s b e e n born and s li a 11 n o t s i n before tli e Lord's face, tli a t li e com e not in to til is p lac e, n 0 r b rin g til e y 0 k e 0 f til is p la c e.
1 I saw til e k ey -li 0 Id ers and guards o ■
tn e J ates of n ell stan d m g, lik e great serpents, and tli e ir faces like ex tin j n isli in g lamps, and tli e ir eyes of fire, tli eir sli arp teetl, and I saw all tli e Lord's works, how til ey are rig li t, w li lie tli e works of man are some (good), and o tiers bad, and in tli eir works are known tli o se w li o lie e v illy.
1 I, m y c 1 i I d r e n, m e a s n r e d and wrote
0 n t e ¥ e r y work and every measure and every rig li teo ti s jti dg m en t.
2 As (one) year is more honourable tli an a n 0 til er, so is (one) man more li o n o ti ra b le til an an 0 til er, some fo r great p o sse ssio n s, some fo r wisdom of heart, some for p artic n lar in te lie c t, some for cunning, one for silence of lip, a n o th er for cleanliness, one fo r stren g th, a n o th er fo r com e lin e ss, one for y 0 n th, an o th er for sharp wit, one for shape of body, an o th er fo r se n sib ility, le t it be heard e v e r y w h e r e, b n t th e r e is none better th an he who fears God, he shall be more Ho rio u s in tim e to CO m e.
■.1 The Lord with his hands having
created man, in the likeness of his own face, the Lord made him small and great.
2 Whoever reviles the ruler's face, and abhors the Lord's face, has despised the Lord's face, and he who vents anger on any man without injury, the Lord's great anger will cut him down, he who spits on the face of man reproachfully, will be cut down at the Lord's great judgment.
3 Blessed is the man who does not direct his heart with malice against any man, and helps the injured and condemned, and raises the broken down, and shall do charity to the needy, because on the day of the great judgment every weight, every measure and every makeweight (will be) as in the market, that is to say (they are) hung on scales and stand in the market, (and every one) shall learn his own measure, and according to his measure shall take his reward.
1 W h 0 e V e r hastens to make offerings
before th e Lord's face, th e Lord fo r his part w ill h a sten th a t o fferin g by g ran tin g of h is work,
2 B II t w h 0 e V e r increases his lamp b e fo re th e L 0 rd 's face and m ak e not trn e jn dg m en t, th e
realm of the highest. unknown, and lias spread fortli lieavens
V isib le (p li y sic al) and in v isil) le (sp iritn al); li e 3 When the Lord demands bread, or candles, fixed tie earti on tiie waters, and created
or (the )flesh (of beasts), or any other co ti n tie ss ere a tn re s, an d w li o lias counted tie
sacrifice, then that is nothing; but God water and tie foundation of tie unfixed, or
demands pure hearts, and with all that (only) tie dust of tie e a r ti, or tie sand of tie sea,
tests the heart of man. or tie drops of ti e rain, or ti e morning dew,
or ti e w in d 's b reati in j s? W i o i as filled e arti and sea, and ti e indissoluble w inter?
I cut ti e stars out of fire, and d ec o ra tei eav en, an d p u t it in ti eir m id st.
ear, my people, and tak e m ti e w 0 r d s 0 f m y I i p s.
2 If any one b ring any g ifts to an earti ly
ruler, and iave disloyal tioujits in iis /j Q
ieart, and tie ruler know tils, w ill ie not be ^^.1 Tiat tie sun go along tie seven
angry w iti i im , a n d n o t refu se i is g ifts, a n d i e a v en ly c ire le s, w i ici are ti e ap p o in tm e n t
n 01 g iv e i im o v er to ju d g m en t? o f o n e i u n d red and eig i ty -tw o ti ro n e s, ti a t
it go down on a s i o r t day, and again one
3 0 r (if) 0 n e m an m ak e i im self ap p e ar g o o d 1 u n dred and eig i ty -tw o, ti a t it g o down on to an 0 ti er by deceit of to n g u e, but (iave) a big d ay, a n d i e i a s two ti ro n e s on w i ic i evil in iis ieart, tien will not (tie otier) le rests, revolving iitier and tiitier above understand tie treaciery of iis ieart, and tie tirones of tie montis, from tie
1 im self b e co n d em n ed, sin c e iis u n tru ti was se v en te en ti day of ti e m o n ti T siv an it g o e s plain to all? down to tie monti Tievan, from tie
se V e n te e n ti 0 f T i e V an it g 0 e s u p.
4 And w i en ti e Lord si all send a great
lig i t, ti e n ti e re w ill b e ju d g m en t fo r ti e ju st 2 And ti u s it goes close to ti e e arti, ti e n
and ti e u n ju st, an d ti ere no one si all e sc ap e ti e e arti is glad and makes grow its fru its,
n 0 tice. an d w i en it g 0 e s aw ay, ti e n ti e earti is sad,
and trees and all fru its iave no flo rescence.
T" /,1 A nd no w , m y ciildren, lay tiougit 3 A II tils ie m easured, w iti good
on vour iearts,mark well tie word's of vour m easu rem en t o f i o u rs, an d fix ed A m easu re
fatier, wi ici are all (come) to vou from tie b y 1 is w isdo m , o f ti e visible (piysical) and
L ofj '5 ijj, 5 tie invisible (spiritu al).
2 Take tiese books of vour fatier's 4 F ro m ti e in v isib le (sp iritu al) i e m ad e all iandwriting and read tiem , ' '''"S^ "^'^'^ (piysical), iimself being
in V isib le (sp iritu al).
3 F 0 r ti e b 0 0 k s are m an V, an d in ti e m vou
will learn all tie L o rd's'w o rk s, all tiat hs ^ Tins I make known to you, my clildren.
been from ti e beginning of ere a tio n, and w ill b e till ti e en d 0 f tim e.
istrib u te ti e books to your ci ild rei in to all your g en eratio n s, and amongst ti e nations w i o si all iave ti e sense to fear 4 And if vou will observe mv iandwriting, G o d, le t ti em rec e iv e ti em , a n d m ay ti ey
you will not sin against tie Lord; because ^" ^ ^o love tiem more tian any food or
tiere is no otier except tie Lord, neitier in e nti ly ^ sw e e ts, an d read tie
i e a V en, nor in e arti, nor in ti e very lowest (p laces), n 0 r in ti e (o n e) fo u n d atio n.
ti em selves to ti em
6 And ti 0 se w i o u n d erstan d not ti e L o rd, w i 0 fear not God, w i o accept not, but
reject, who do not receive the (books), a 6 W li o e v e r o f y o u spends gold or silver for
terrible judgment awaits these. lis I) roller's sake, lie will receive ample
tre a su re ill til e w 0 rid to c 0 n e, 7 Blessed is the man who shall bear their
yoke and shall drag them along, for he shall 7 Injure not widows nor orphans nor
be released on the day of the great judgment. stran j ers, lest G o d 's w rati com e upon yon.
T"^/,l I swear to you, my children, but I «J J- ,1 S tre tcli out your li an d s to tli e poor
sw e ar n 01 b y any o a tli, n e itli e r b y li e a v e n nor according to y o u r stren g tli.
by eartli, nor by any o tli er creature w li ich
G 0 d c re a ted, 2 H id e n o t y o u r silv er in tli e e a rtli,
2 T li e L 0 rd sa id: T li e re is n 0 0 a til in m e, n 0 r 3 H e Ip tli e fa itli fu I m an in affile tio n, an d in ju Stic e, b u t tru til, affliction will not find you in the time of
your tro u b le.
3 If til ere is n 0 tru tl in m en, le t til em swear
b y til e w 0 r d s, Y e a, y e a, 0 r e I s e, N a y, n a y. 4 And every grievous and c r u e I y o k e that
come upon you bear all fo r th e sake of th e
4 And I swear to you, yea, yea, th a t th ere L o rd, a n d th u s you w ill fin d y o u r re w a rd in has been no m an in his m o th er's w o m b, (b u t th e day o f ju d g m en t.
th a t) already before, even to each one th ere
is a place prepared for the repose of that 5 It is good to go morning, midday, and
soul, and a measure fixed how much il is evening into the Lord's dwelling, for the
in ten d ed th a t a man be trie d in th is world, glory o f y o u r ere a to r,
5 Y e a, ch ild re n, d ec e iv e n o t y o u rse Iv e s, fo r 6 Because every b re a th in g (th in g) g lo rifle s there has been previously prepared a place him, and every creature visible (physical) fo r e V ery so u I 0 f m an, an d in v isib le (sp iritu a I) re tu rn s h im praise.
Jv7.1 I have put everv man's work in ^^
ave put every mans work in ^ L^.\ Blessed is the man who opens his
w ritin g and none born on earth can rem a in lip s in praise o f G o d o f S ab ao th and p raises
h id d e n n 0 r h is w 0 rk s rem ain c 0 n c e ale d. th e L o rd w ith h is h e art.
2 I se e a II th in g s.
2 Cursed every man who opens his lips for
3 Now therefore, my children, in patience the bringing into contempt and calumny of and meekness spend the number of your his neighbour, because he brings God into d ay s, th a t y 0 u in h e rit en d le ss life . contempt.
4 Endure for the sake of the Lord every 3 Blessed is he who opens his lips blessing wound, every injury, every evil word and a n d p r a i s i n g G o d.
attack .
4 Cursed is he b e fo re th e Lord all th e days
5 If ill-req u itals b efall y 0 u, retu rn (th em ) n o t of his life, who opens his lip s to curse and either to neighbour or enemy, because the abuse.
Lord w ill re tu rn (th em ) fo r y o u and be your
avenger on th e day of g re a t ju d g m e n t, th a t 5 Blessed is he who blesses all th e Lord's
th ere b e n 0 a V en g in g h e re am 0 n g m en. works.
6 Cursed is he who brings th e Lord's creation in to co n tem p t.
7 Blessed is he who looks down and raises the fallen.
8 Cursed is he who looks to and is eager for the destruction of what is not his.
9 Blessed is he who keeps the foundations of his fathers made firm from the beginning.
10 Cursed is he who perverts the decrees of his forefathers.
11 Blessed is he who imparts peace and love.
12 Cursed is he who disturbs those that love their neighbours.
13 Blessed is he who speaks with humble tongue and heart to all.
14 Cursed is he who speaks peace with his tongue, while in his heart there is no peace but a sword.
15 For all these things will be laid bare in the weighing-scales and in the books, on the day of the great judgment.
I A t til at tin e, no t understaDdiD J til is
And now, my c 1 i I d r e n, do not say
Our latn er is stan d m j before God, and is praying for our sins, for tli e re is tli ere no li e I p e r 0 f a n y HI a n w li 0 li a s s i n n e d.
2 You see li o w I wrote all works of every man, b efo re li is creatio n, (all) tli at is done amongst all men for all time, and none can tell or relate my li an d w ritin g, because tli e Lord see all imaginings of man, li o w tli ey are vain, w li ere tli ey lie in tli e tre a su re ■ houses of til e li eart,
3 And n 0 w , m y cli ild ren, m ark w ell all tli e w 0 rd s 0 f y 0 u r fatli er, til a t 1 tell y 0 u, le St y 0 u reg ret, say in g: W li y did our fa tli er not tell
le t til e se books w li icli 1 li a v e given you be for an inheritance of your peace.
2 Hand tli em to all w li o want tli em , and in stru c t til em , til a t til ey may see tli e Lord's very great and m a r v e11 o u s w o r k s.
00.1 My children, behold, the day of my term and time have approached.
2 For the angels who shall go with me are standing before me and urge me to my departure from you; they are standing here on earth, awaiting what has been told them.
3 For to-morrow I shall go up on to heaven, to the uppermost Jerusalem to my eternal inheritance.