Job Pingree (far right, no. 8), Brent Scowcroft’s great-grandfather, in the Utah Penitentiary with fellow Mormons swept up in a “polyg hunt” organized by US marshals (August 12, 1885).

Job Pingree (far right, no. 8), Brent Scowcroft’s great-grandfather, in the Utah Penitentiary with fellow Mormons swept up in a “polyg hunt” organized by US marshals (August 12, 1885).

By 1920, the huge Scowcroft & Sons warehouse was the centerpiece of the largest dry goods and clothing wholesaler between St. Louis and San Francisco. COURTESY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT, STEWART LIBRARY, WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY

By 1920, the huge Scowcroft & Sons warehouse was the centerpiece of the largest dry goods and clothing wholesaler between St. Louis and San Francisco. COURTESY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT, STEWART LIBRARY, WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY

Scowcroft & Sons delivery trucks like this one delivered household wares to retailers throughout booming Ogden, Utah. OGDEN UNION STATION COLLECTION

Scowcroft & Sons delivery trucks like this one delivered household wares to retailers throughout booming Ogden, Utah. OGDEN UNION STATION COLLECTION

Lucile Ballantyne Scowcroft, Brent’s mother COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

Lucile Ballantyne Scowcroft, Brent’s mother COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT



Undated photo of Brent Scowcroft as a boy COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

Undated photo of Brent Scowcroft as a boy COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

James Scowcroft, Brent’s father, as a young man COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

James Scowcroft, Brent’s father, as a young man COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

Baseball, track meets, and Boy Scout expeditions like the one shown here were all part of young Brent Scowcroft’s classic American boyhood. COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

Baseball, track meets, and Boy Scout expeditions like the one shown here were all part of young Brent Scowcroft’s classic American boyhood. COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

The aspiring pilot (seated second from left) with other members of the 82nd Squadron at Grenier Air Field (1948) COURTESY TOM HILDRETH, DAVE MCLAREN, AND LT. COL. O’DONNELL

The aspiring pilot (seated second from left) with other members of the 82nd Squadron at Grenier Air Field (1948) COURTESY TOM HILDRETH, DAVE MCLAREN, AND LT. COL. O’DONNELL

Marian “Jackie” Horner, the pretty young nurse Brent Scowcroft met at Valley Forge Army Hospital—and later married. COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

Marian “Jackie” Horner, the pretty young nurse Brent Scowcroft met at Valley Forge Army Hospital—and later married. COURTESY BRENT SCOWCROFT

This near-fatal crash in a training flight in New Hampshire abruptly ended Scowcroft’s career as a pilot. MANCHESTER UNION LEADER, JAN. 7, 1949, CITY EDITION, P. 2, OFFICIAL AIR FORCE PHOTO, COURTESY MANCHESTER UNION LEADER AND MANCHESTER CITY LIBRARY

This near-fatal crash in a training flight in New Hampshire abruptly ended Scowcroft’s career as a pilot. MANCHESTER UNION LEADER, JAN. 7, 1949, CITY EDITION, P. 2, OFFICIAL AIR FORCE PHOTO, COURTESY MANCHESTER UNION LEADER AND MANCHESTER CITY LIBRARY

Scowcroft’s accident came as he piloted a P-51H fighter plane like this one, the fastest of the North American Aviation Mustangs. COURTESY TOM HILDRETH, DAVE MCLAREN, AND LT. COL. O’DONNELL

Scowcroft’s accident came as he piloted a P-51H fighter plane like this one, the fastest of the North American Aviation Mustangs. COURTESY TOM HILDRETH, DAVE MCLAREN, AND LT. COL. O’DONNELL

National security advisor: Scowcroft with President Ford, Henry Kissinger, William Simon, and Ron Nessen en route to the International Economic Summit in Rambouilllet, France, November 17, 1975 COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

National security advisor: Scowcroft with President Ford, Henry Kissinger, William Simon, and Ron Nessen en route to the International Economic Summit in Rambouilllet, France, November 17, 1975 COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Major General/Deputy Assistant to President Nixon COURTESY RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY & MUSEUM

Major General/Deputy Assistant to President Nixon COURTESY RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY & MUSEUM

With CIA director William Colby and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller in the Cabinet Room at the White House (April 24, 1975) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

With CIA director William Colby and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller in the Cabinet Room at the White House (April 24, 1975) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

With Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, and Jerald terHorst in the Scheduling and Advance Office COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

With Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, and Jerald terHorst in the Scheduling and Advance Office COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Scowcroft confers with Kissinger during a meeting on the seizure of the SS Mayaguez (May 14, 1975). COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Scowcroft confers with Kissinger during a meeting on the seizure of the SS Mayaguez (May 14, 1975). COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Dealing with refugees like those crowded on this boat was one of the major challenges Scowcroft took on while managing the American departure from Vietnam (April 3, 1975). COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Dealing with refugees like those crowded on this boat was one of the major challenges Scowcroft took on while managing the American departure from Vietnam (April 3, 1975). COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

At an NSC meeting on the Beirut, Lebanon crisis (June 17, 1976) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

At an NSC meeting on the Beirut, Lebanon crisis (June 17, 1976) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

With Chairman Deng Xiaoping at the Peking Capital Airport (December 5, 1975)

With Chairman Deng Xiaoping at the Peking Capital Airport (December 5, 1975) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Listening to President Ford during a news conference at the White House East Room (November 3, 1975) ASSOCIATED PRESS WIREPHOTO

Listening to President Ford during a news conference at the White House East Room (November 3, 1975) ASSOCIATED PRESS WIREPHOTO

With William G. Hyland, deputy assistant for national security affairs, in Scowcroft’s White House office (June 19, 1976) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

With William G. Hyland, deputy assistant for national security affairs, in Scowcroft’s White House office (June 19, 1976) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Meeting of the National Security Council on the Beirut crisis—Ford, Kissinger, William Clements, George H. W. Bush, L. Dean Brown, John Marsh, Richard Cheney, George Brown, and Scowcroft (June 17, 1976) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Meeting of the National Security Council on the Beirut crisis—Ford, Kissinger, William Clements, George H. W. Bush, L. Dean Brown, John Marsh, Richard Cheney, George Brown, and Scowcroft (June 17, 1976) COURTESY GERALD R. FORD PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

Fishing with the first President Bush from the Fidelity off the coast of Kennebunkport, Maine (August 28, 1989) GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

Fishing with the first President Bush from the Fidelity off the coast of Kennebunkport, Maine (August 28, 1989) GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

With President Bush and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney in the Oval Office (April 19, 1989) GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

With President Bush and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney in the Oval Office (April 19, 1989) GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

The daily NSC briefing with President Bush at Walker’s Point, Kennebunkport, Maine (August 25, 1990) GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

The daily NSC briefing with President Bush at Walker’s Point, Kennebunkport, Maine (August 25, 1990) GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

President Bush and Scowcroft on the phone with Secretary of State James Baker from the Oval Office Study; Governor John Sununu looks on (January 16, 1991). GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

President Bush and Scowcroft on the phone with Secretary of State James Baker from the Oval Office Study; Governor John Sununu looks on (January 16, 1991). GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

President and Mrs. Bush share a laugh with Scowcroft, Robert Gates, and Marlin Fitzwater in the Diplomatic Reception Room (June 20, 1991). GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

President and Mrs. Bush share a laugh with Scowcroft, Robert Gates, and Marlin Fitzwater in the Diplomatic Reception Room (June 20, 1991). GEORGE BUSH PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM

Elder statesman: at the Munich Security Conference (February 2, 2013) COURTESY KÖRBER-STIFTUNG/MARC DARCHINGER

Elder statesman: at the Munich Security Conference (February 2, 2013) COURTESY KÖRBER-STIFTUNG/MARC DARCHINGER