Discussion Questions

1. Who was your favorite character and why?

2. Can you see God working in Heinrick’s life even as a devoted Nazi? Talk about the people and events God used to reach him.

3. Compare Billy to Walter. How are they different?

4. How does the war change Ellie Williams?

5. Do you agree with Darwin’s decision about pacificism? Why or why not?

6. Which people are most affected by the role the Bible plays in the story?

7. How does Walter show himself to be an honorable man? In what ways?

8. What was your favorite scene in Destiny?

9. What surprised you the most as you read the story?

10. What did you discover about World War II that you didn’t know before reading?

11. Of all the characters, who would you most like to sit down and have dinner with?

12. How does the title Destiny play out in the book?